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* D++, A Lightweight C++ library for Discord
* Copyright 2021 Craig Edwards and D++ contributors
* (https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP/graphs/contributors)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <dpp/export.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <variant>
#include <dpp/discord.h>
#include <dpp/dispatcher.h>
#include <dpp/json_fwd.hpp>
#include <dpp/discordclient.h>
#include <dpp/queues.h>
using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace dpp {
* @brief A list of shards
typedef std::map<uint32_t, class discord_client*> shard_list;
* @brief Represents the various information from the 'get gateway bot' api call
struct CoreExport gateway {
/// Gateway websocket url
std::string url;
/// Number of suggested shards to start
uint32_t shards;
/// Total number of sessions that can be started
uint32_t session_start_total;
/// How many sessions are left
uint32_t session_start_remaining;
/// How many seconds until the session start quota resets
uint32_t session_start_reset_after;
/// How many sessions can be started at the same time
uint32_t session_start_max_concurrency;
* @brief Construct a new gateway object
* @param j JSON data to construct from
gateway(nlohmann::json* j);
* @brief Confirmation object represents any true or false simple REST request
struct CoreExport confirmation {
bool success;
* @brief A container for types that can be returned for a REST API call
typedef std::variant<
> confirmable_t;
* @brief The details of a field in an error response
struct CoreExport error_detail {
* @brief Object name which is in error
std::string object;
* @brief Field name which is in error
std::string field;
* @brief Error code
std::string code;
* @brief Error reason (full message)
std::string reason;
* @brief The full details of an error from a REST response
struct CoreExport error_info {
* @brief Error code
uint32_t code = 0;
* @brief Error message
std::string message;
* @brief Field specific error descriptions
std::vector<error_detail> errors;
* @brief The results of a REST call wrapped in a convenient struct
struct CoreExport confirmation_callback_t {
/** Returned data type in confirmable_t, used to double check to avoid an exception if you wish */
std::string type;
/** Information about the HTTP call used to make the request */
http_request_completion_t http_info;
/** Value returned, wrapped in variant */
confirmable_t value;
* @brief Construct a new confirmation callback t object
confirmation_callback_t() = default;
* @brief Construct a new confirmation callback object
* @param _type The type of callback that is encapsulated in the confirmable_t
* @param _value The value to encapsulate in the confirmable_t
* @param _http The HTTP metadata from the REST call
confirmation_callback_t(const std::string &_type, const confirmable_t& _value, const http_request_completion_t& _http);
* @brief Returns true if the call resulted in an error rather than a legitimate value in the
* confirmation_callback_t::value member.
* @return true There was an error who's details can be obtained by get_error()
* @return false There was no error
bool is_error() const;
* @brief Get the error_info object.
* The error_info object contains the details of any REST error, if there is an error
* (to find out if there is an error check confirmation_callback_t::is_error())
* @return error_info The details of the error message
error_info get_error() const;
* @brief A callback upon command completion
typedef std::function<void(const confirmation_callback_t&)> command_completion_event_t;
* @brief Automatically JSON encoded HTTP result
typedef std::function<void(json&, const http_request_completion_t&)> json_encode_t;
/** @brief The cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and
* receiving commands from discord via HTTP. You should usually instantiate a cluster object
* at the very least to make use of the library.
class CoreExport cluster {
/** queue system for commands sent to Discord, and any replies */
request_queue* rest;
/** True if to use compression on shards */
bool compressed;
* @brief Lock to prevent concurrent access to dm_channels
std::mutex dm_list_lock;
* @brief Start time of cluster
time_t start_time;
* @brief Active DM channels for the bot
std::unordered_map<snowflake, snowflake> dm_channels;
* @brief Active shards on this cluster. Shard IDs may have gaps between if there
* are multiple clusters.
shard_list shards;
* @brief Accepts result from /gateway/bot REST API call and populates numshards with it
* @param shardinfo Received HTTP data from API call
void auto_shard(const confirmation_callback_t &shardinfo);
/** Current bot token for all shards on this cluster and all commands sent via HTTP */
std::string token;
/* Last time the bot sent an IDENTIFY */
time_t last_identify;
/** Current bitmask of gateway intents */
uint32_t intents;
/** Total number of shards across all clusters */
uint32_t numshards;
/** ID of this cluster, between 0 and MAXCLUSTERS-1 inclusive */
uint32_t cluster_id;
/** Total number of clusters that are active */
uint32_t maxclusters;
/** Routes events from Discord back to user program code via std::functions */
dpp::dispatcher dispatch;
* @brief The details of the bot user. This is assumed to be identical across all shards
* in the cluster. Each connecting shard updates this information.
dpp::user me;
cache_policy_t cache_policy;
* @brief Constructor for creating a cluster. All but the token are optional.
* @param token The bot token to use for all HTTP commands and websocket connections
* @param intents A bitmask of dpd::intents values for all shards on this cluster. This is required to be sent for all bots with over 100 servers.
* @param shards The total number of shards on this bot. If there are multiple clusters, then (shards / clusters) actual shards will run on this cluster.
* If you omit this value, the library will attempt to query the Discord API for the correct number of shards to start.
* @param cluster_id The ID of this cluster, should be between 0 and MAXCLUSTERS-1
* @param maxclusters The total number of clusters that are active, which may be on seperate processes or even separate machines.
* @param compressed Wether or not to use compression for shards on this cluster. Saves a ton of bandwidth at the cost of some CPU
* @param policy Set the user caching policy for the cluster, either lazy (only cache users/members when they message the bot) or aggressive (request whole member lists on seeing new guilds too)
cluster(const std::string &token, uint32_t intents = i_default_intents, uint32_t shards = 0, uint32_t cluster_id = 0, uint32_t maxclusters = 1, bool compressed = true, cache_policy_t policy = {cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive, cp_aggressive});
* @brief dpp::cluster is non-copyable
cluster(const cluster&) = delete;
* @brief dpp::cluster is non-moveable
cluster(const cluster&&) = delete;
/** Destructor */
* @brief Log a message to whatever log the user is using.
* The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever
* it wants to do with it.
* @param severity The log level from dpp::loglevel
* @param msg The log message to output
void log(dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const;
* @brief Get the dm channel for a user id
* @param user_id the user id to get the dm channel for
* @return Returns 0 on failure
snowflake get_dm_channel(snowflake user_id);
* @brief Set the dm channel id for a user id
* @param user_id user id to set the dm channel for
* @param channel_id dm channel to set
void set_dm_channel(snowflake user_id, snowflake channel_id);
* @brief Returns the uptime of the cluster
* @return dpp::utility::uptime The uptime of the cluster
dpp::utility::uptime uptime();
* @brief Start the cluster, connecting all its shards.
* Returns once all shards are connected.
* @param return_after If true the bot will return to your program after starting shards, if false this function will never return.
void start(bool return_after = true);
* @brief Set the presence for all shards on the cluster
* @param p The presence to set. Only the online status and the first activity are sent.
void set_presence(const class dpp::presence &p);
* @brief Get a shard by id, returning the discord_client
* @param id Shard ID
* @return discord_client* shard, or null
discord_client* get_shard(uint32_t id);
* @brief Get the list of shards
* @return shard_list& Reference to map of shards for this cluster
const shard_list& get_shards();
/* Functions for attaching to event handlers */
* @brief on voice state update event
* @param _voice_state_update User function to attach to event
void on_voice_state_update (std::function<void(const voice_state_update_t& _event)> _voice_state_update);
* @brief Called when a log message is to be written to the log.
* You can attach any logging system here you wish, e.g. spdlog, or even just a simple
* use of std::cout or printf. If nothing attaches this log event, then the
* library will be silent.
* @param _log User function to attach to event
void on_log (std::function<void(const log_t& _event)> _log);
* @brief on guild join request delete.
* Triggered when a user declines the membership screening questionnaire for a guild.
* @param _guild_join_request_delete User function to attach to event
void on_guild_join_request_delete(std::function<void(const guild_join_request_delete_t& _event)> _guild_join_request_delete);
* @brief Called when a new interaction is created.
* Interactions are created by discord when commands you have registered are issued
* by a user. For an example of this in action please see \ref slashcommands
* @param _interaction_create User function to attach to event
void on_interaction_create (std::function<void(const interaction_create_t& _event)> _interaction_create);
* @brief Called when a button is clicked attached to a message.
* Button clicks are triggered by discord when buttons are clicked which you have
* associated with a message using dpp::component.
* @param _button_click User function to attach to event
void on_button_click (std::function<void(const button_click_t& _event)> _button_click);
* @brief Called when a select menu is clicked attached to a message.
* Select menu clicks are triggered by discord when select menus are clicked which you have
* associated with a message using dpp::component.
* @param _select_click User function to attach to event
void on_select_click (std::function<void(const select_click_t& _event)> _select_click);
* @brief Called when a guild is deleted.
* A guild can be deleted via the bot being kicked, the bot leaving the guild
* explicitly with dpp::guild_delete, or via the guild being unavaialble due to
* an outage.
* @param _guild_delete User function to attach to event
void on_guild_delete (std::function<void(const guild_delete_t& _event)> _guild_delete);
* @brief Called when a channel is deleted from a guild.
* The channel will still be temporarily avaialble in the cache. Pointers to the
* channel should not be retained long-term as they will be deleted by the garbage
* collector.
* @param _channel_delete User function to attach to event
void on_channel_delete (std::function<void(const channel_delete_t& _event)> _channel_delete);
* @brief Called when a channel is edited on a guild.
* The new channel details have already been applied to the guild when you
* receive this event.
* @param _channel_update User function to attach to event
void on_channel_update (std::function<void(const channel_update_t& _event)> _channel_update);
* @brief Called when a shard is connected and ready.
* A set of on_guild_create events will follow this event.
* @param _ready User function to attach to event
void on_ready (std::function<void(const ready_t& _event)> _ready);
* @brief Called when a message is deleted.
* The message has already been deleted from Discord when you
* receive this event.
* @param _message_delete User function to attach to event
void on_message_delete (std::function<void(const message_delete_t& _event)> _message_delete);
* @brief Called when an application command (slash command) is deleted.
* @param _application_command_delete User function to attach to event
void on_application_command_delete (std::function<void(const application_command_delete_t& _event)> _application_command_delete);
* @brief Called when a user leaves a guild (either through being kicked, or choosing to leave)
* @param _guild_member_remove User function to attach to event
void on_guild_member_remove (std::function<void(const guild_member_remove_t& _event)> _guild_member_remove);
* @brief Called when a new application command (slash command) is registered.
* @param _application_command_create User function to attach to event
void on_application_command_create (std::function<void(const application_command_create_t& _event)> _application_command_create);
* @brief Called when a connection to a shard successfully resumes.
* A resumed session does not need to re-synchronise guilds, members, etc.
* This is generally non-fatal and informational only.
* @param _resumed User function to attach to event
void on_resumed (std::function<void(const resumed_t& _event)> _resumed);
* @brief Called when a new role is created on a guild.
* @param _guild_role_create User function to attach to event
void on_guild_role_create (std::function<void(const guild_role_create_t& _event)> _guild_role_create);
* @brief Called when a user is typing on a channel.
* @param _typing_start User function to attach to event
void on_typing_start (std::function<void(const typing_start_t& _event)> _typing_start);
* @brief Called when a new reaction is added to a message.
* @param _message_reaction_add User function to attach to event
void on_message_reaction_add (std::function<void(const message_reaction_add_t& _event)> _message_reaction_add);
* @brief Called when a set of members is received for a guild.
* D++ will request these for all new guilds if needed, after the on_guild_create
* events.
* @param _guild_members_chunk User function to attach to event
void on_guild_members_chunk (std::function<void(const guild_members_chunk_t& _event)> _guild_members_chunk);
* @brief Called when a single reaction is removed from a message.
* @param _message_reaction_remove User function to attach to event
void on_message_reaction_remove (std::function<void(const message_reaction_remove_t& _event)> _message_reaction_remove);
* @brief Called when a new guild is created.
* D++ will request members for the guild for its cache using guild_members_chunk.
* @param _guild_create User function to attach to event
void on_guild_create (std::function<void(const guild_create_t& _event)> _guild_create);
* @brief Called when a new channel is created on a guild.
* @param _channel_create User function to attach to event
void on_channel_create (std::function<void(const channel_create_t& _event)> _channel_create);
* @brief Called when all reactions for a particular emoji are removed from a message.
* @param _message_reaction_remove_emoji User function to attach to event
void on_message_reaction_remove_emoji (std::function<void(const message_reaction_remove_emoji_t& _event)> _message_reaction_remove_emoji);
* @brief Called when multiple messages are deleted from a channel or DM.
* @param _message_delete_bulk User function to attach to event
void on_message_delete_bulk (std::function<void(const message_delete_bulk_t& _event)> _message_delete_bulk);
* @brief Called when an existing role is updated on a guild.
* @param _guild_role_update User function to attach to event
void on_guild_role_update (std::function<void(const guild_role_update_t& _event)> _guild_role_update);
* @brief Called when a role is deleted in a guild.
* @param _guild_role_delete User function to attach to event
void on_guild_role_delete (std::function<void(const guild_role_delete_t& _event)> _guild_role_delete);
* @brief Called when a message is pinned.
* Note that the pinned message is not returned to this event, just the timestamp
* of the last pinned message.
* @param _channel_pins_update User function to attach to event
void on_channel_pins_update (std::function<void(const channel_pins_update_t& _event)> _channel_pins_update);
* @brief Called when all reactions are removed from a message.
* @param _message_reaction_remove_all User function to attach to event
void on_message_reaction_remove_all (std::function<void(const message_reaction_remove_all_t& _event)> _message_reaction_remove_all);
* @brief Called when we are told which voice server we can use.
* This will be sent either when we establish a new voice channel connection,
* or as discord rearrange their infrastructure.
* @param _voice_server_update User function to attach to event
void on_voice_server_update (std::function<void(const voice_server_update_t& _event)> _voice_server_update);
* @brief Called when new emojis are added to a guild.
* The complete set of emojis is sent every time.
* @param _guild_emojis_update User function to attach to event
void on_guild_emojis_update (std::function<void(const guild_emojis_update_t& _event)> _guild_emojis_update);
* @brief Called when new stickers are added to a guild.
* The complete set of stickers is sent every time.
* @param _guild_stickers_update User function to attach to event
void on_guild_stickers_update (std::function<void(const guild_stickers_update_t& _event)> _guild_stickers_update);
* @brief Called when a user's presence is updated.
* To receive these you will need the GUILD_PRESENCES privileged intent.
* You will receive many of these, very often, and receiving them will significaintly
* increase your bot's CPU usage. If you don't need them it is recommended to not ask
* for them.
* @param _presence_update User function to attach to event
void on_presence_update (std::function<void(const presence_update_t& _event)> _presence_update);
* @brief Called when the webhooks for a guild are updated.
* @param _webhooks_update User function to attach to event
void on_webhooks_update (std::function<void(const webhooks_update_t& _event)> _webhooks_update);
* @brief Called when a new member joins a guild.
* @param _guild_member_add User function to attach to event
void on_guild_member_add (std::function<void(const guild_member_add_t& _event)> _guild_member_add);
* @brief Called when an invite is deleted from a guild.
* @param _invite_delete User function to attach to event
void on_invite_delete (std::function<void(const invite_delete_t& _event)> _invite_delete);
* @brief Called when details of a guild are updated.
* @param _guild_update User function to attach to event
void on_guild_update (std::function<void(const guild_update_t& _event)> _guild_update);
* @brief Called when an integration is updated for a guild.
* This returns the complete list.
* An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts,
* e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.
* @param _guild_integrations_update User function to attach to event
void on_guild_integrations_update (std::function<void(const guild_integrations_update_t& _event)> _guild_integrations_update);
* @brief Called when details of a guild member (e.g. their roles or nickname) are updated.
* @param _guild_member_update User function to attach to event
void on_guild_member_update (std::function<void(const guild_member_update_t& _event)> _guild_member_update);
* @brief Called when an application command (slash command) is updated.
* You will only receive this event for application commands that belong to your bot/application.
* @param _application_command_update User function to attach to event
void on_application_command_update (std::function<void(const application_command_update_t& _event)> _application_command_update);
* @brief Called when a new invite is created for a guild.
* @param _invite_create User function to attach to event
void on_invite_create (std::function<void(const invite_create_t& _event)> _invite_create);
* @brief Called when a message is updated (edited).
* @param _message_update User function to attach to event
void on_message_update (std::function<void(const message_update_t& _event)> _message_update);
* @brief Called when a user is updated.
* This is separate to guild_member_update and includes things such as an avatar change,
* username change, discriminator change or change in subscription status for nitro.
* @param _user_update User function to attach to event
void on_user_update (std::function<void(const user_update_t& _event)> _user_update);
* @brief Called when a new message arrives from discord.
* Note that D++ does not cache messages. If you want to cache these objects you
* should create something yourself within your bot. Caching of messages is not on
* the roadmap to be supported as it consumes excessive amounts of RAM.
* @param _message_create User function to attach to event
void on_message_create (std::function<void(const message_create_t& _event)> _message_create);
* @brief Called when a ban is added to a guild.
* @param _guild_ban_add User function to attach to event
void on_guild_ban_add (std::function<void(const guild_ban_add_t& _event)> _guild_ban_add);
* @brief Called when a ban is removed from a guild.
* @param _guild_ban_remove User function to attach to event
void on_guild_ban_remove (std::function<void(const guild_ban_remove_t& _event)> _guild_ban_remove);
* @brief Called when a new intgration is attached to a guild by a user.
* An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts,
* e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.
* @param _integration_create User function to attach to event
void on_integration_create (std::function<void(const integration_create_t& _event)> _integration_create);
* @brief Called when an integration is updated by a user.
* This returns details of just the single integration that has changed.
* An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts,
* e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.
* @param _integration_update User function to attach to event
void on_integration_update (std::function<void(const integration_update_t& _event)> _integration_update);
* @brief Called when an integration is removed by a user.
* An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts,
* e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.
* @param _integration_delete User function to attach to event
void on_integration_delete (std::function<void(const integration_delete_t& _event)> _integration_delete);
* @brief Called when a thread is created
* Note: Threads are not cached by D++, but a list of thread IDs is accessible in a guild object
* @param _thread_create User function to attach to event
void on_thread_create (std::function<void(const thread_create_t& _event)> _thread_create);
* @brief Called when a thread is updated
* @param _thread_update User function to attach to event
void on_thread_update (std::function<void(const thread_update_t& _event)> _thread_update);
* @brief Called when a thread is deleted
* @param _thread_delete User function to attach to event
void on_thread_delete (std::function<void(const thread_delete_t& _event)> _thread_delete);
* @brief Called when thread list is synced (upon gaining access to a channel)
* Note: Threads are not cached by D++, but a list of thread IDs is accessible in a guild object
* @param _thread_list_sync User function to attach to event
void on_thread_list_sync (std::function<void(const thread_list_sync_t& _event)> _thread_list_sync);
* @brief Called when current user's thread member object is updated
* @param _thread_member_update User function to attach to event
void on_thread_member_update (std::function<void(const thread_member_update_t& _event)> _thread_member_update);
* @brief Called when a thread's member list is updated (without GUILD_MEMBERS intent, is only called for current user)
* @param _thread_members_update User function to attach to event
void on_thread_members_update (std::function<void(const thread_members_update_t& _event)> _thread_members_update);
* @brief Called when packets are sent from the voice buffer.
* The voice buffer contains packets that are already encoded with Opus and encrypted
* with Sodium, and merged into packets by the repacketizer, which is done in the
* dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio method. You should use the buffer size properties
* of dpp::voice_buffer_send_t to determine if you should fill the buffer with more
* content.
* @param _voice_buffer_send User function to attach to event
void on_voice_buffer_send (std::function<void(const voice_buffer_send_t& _event)> _voice_buffer_send);
* @brief Called when a user is talking on a voice channel.
* @param _voice_user_talking User function to attach to event
void on_voice_user_talking (std::function<void(const voice_user_talking_t& _event)> _voice_user_talking);
* @brief Called when a voice channel is connected and ready to send audio.
* Note that this is not directly attached to the READY event of the websocket,
* as there is further connection that needs to be done before audio is ready to send.
* @param _voice_ready User function to attach to event
void on_voice_ready (std::function<void(const voice_ready_t& _event)> _voice_ready);
* @brief Called when new audio data is received.
* @note Receiveing audio for bots is not supported or documented, so this
* endpoint will be triggered at the correct times but the audio buffer will
* always be null and size zero.
* @param _voice_receive User function to attach to event
void on_voice_receive (std::function<void(const voice_receive_t& _event)> _voice_receive);
* @brief Called when sending of audio passes over a track marker.
* Track markers are arbitrarily placed "bookmarks" in the audio buffer, placed
* by the bot developer. Each track marker can have a string value associated with it
* which is specified in dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker and returned to this
* event.
* @param _voice_receive User function to attach to event
void on_voice_track_marker (std::function<void(const voice_track_marker_t& _event)> _voice_track_marker);
* @brief Called when a new stage instance is created on a stage channel.
* @param _stage_instance_create User function to attach to event
void on_stage_instance_create (std::function<void(const stage_instance_create_t& _event)> _stage_instance_create);
* @brief Called when an existing stage instance is deleted from a stage channel.
* @param _stage_instance_delete User function to attach to event
void on_stage_instance_delete (std::function<void(const stage_instance_delete_t& _event)> _stage_instance_delete);
* @brief Post a REST request. Where possible use a helper method instead like message_create
* @param endpoint Endpoint to post to, e.g. /api/guilds
* @param major_parameters Major parameters for the endpoint e.g. a guild id
* @param parameters Minor parameters for the API request
* @param method Method, e.g. GET, POST
* @param postdata Post data (usually JSON encoded)
* @param callback Function to call when the HTTP call completes. The callback parameter will contain amongst other things, the decoded json.
* @param filename Filename to post for POST requests (for uploading files)
* @param filecontent File content to post for POST requests (for uploading files)
void post_rest(const std::string &endpoint, const std::string &major_parameters, const std::string &parameters, http_method method, const std::string &postdata, json_encode_t callback, const std::string &filename = "", const std::string &filecontent = "");
* @brief Respond to a slash command
* @param interaction_id Interaction id to respond to
* @param r Response to send
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void interaction_response_create(snowflake interaction_id, const std::string &token, const interaction_response &r, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Respond to a slash command
* @param m Message to send
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void interaction_response_edit(const std::string &token, const message &r, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these)
* @param s Slash command to create, s.id will be filled if the creation succeeds
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::slashcommmand object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void global_command_create(slashcommand &s, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get the audit log for a guild
* @param guild_id Guild to get the audit log of
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::auditlog object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_auditlog_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a slash command local to a guild
* @param s Slash command to create, s.id will be filled if the creation succeeds
* @param guild_id Guild ID to create the slash command in
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::slashcommmand object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_command_create(slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create/overwrite guild slash commands
* @param s Vector of slash commands to create/update.
* New guild commands will be available in the guild immediately. If the command did not already exist, it will count toward daily application command create limits.
* @param guild_id Guild ID to create/update the slash commands in
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a list of dpp::slashcommmand object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_bulk_command_create(const std::vector<slashcommand> &commands, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create/overwrite global slash commands
* @param s Vector of slash commands to create/update.
* overwriting existing commands that are registered globally for this application. Updates will be available in all guilds after 1 hour.
* Commands that do not already exist will count toward daily application command create limits.
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a list of dpp::slashcommmand object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void global_bulk_command_create(const std::vector<slashcommand> &commands, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these)
* @param s Slash command to change
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void global_command_edit(const slashcommand &s, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a slash command local to a guild
* @param s Slash command to edit
* @param guild_id Guild ID to edit the slash command in
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_command_edit(const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit slash command permissions local to a guild,
* permissions are read from s.permissions
* @param s Slash command to edit
* @param guild_id Guild ID to edit the slash command in
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_command_edit_permissions(const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these)
* @param id Slash command to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void global_command_delete(snowflake id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a slash command local to a guild
* @param id Slash command to delete
* @param guild_id Guild ID to delete the slash command in
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_command_delete(snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get the application's slash commands for a guild
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get the slash commands for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::slashcommand_map object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_commands_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get the application's global slash commands
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::slashcommand_map object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void global_commands_get(command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a direct message, also create the channel for the direct message if needed
* @param user_id User ID of user to send message to
* @param m Message object
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::message object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void direct_message_create(snowflake user_id, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a message
* @param message_id Message ID
* @param channel_id Channel ID
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::message object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void message_get(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get multiple messages
* @param channel_id Channel ID to retrieve messages for
* @param around Messages should be retrieved around this ID if this is set to non-zero
* @param before Messages before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
* @param after Messages before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
* @param limit This number of messages maximum should be returned
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::message_map object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void messages_get(snowflake channel_id, snowflake around, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Send a message to a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been sent
* @param m Message to send
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::message object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void message_create(const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Crosspost a message. The callback function is called when the message has been sent
* @param message_id Message to crosspost
* @param channel_id Channel ID to crosspost from
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::message object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void message_crosspost(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited
* @param m Message to edit
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::message object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void message_edit(const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character.
* @param m Message to add a reaction to
* @param reaction Reaction to add. Emojis should be in the form emojiname:id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void message_add_reaction(const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete own reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character.
* @param m Message to delete own reaction from
* @param reaction Reaction to delete. The reaction should be in the form emojiname:id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_own_reaction(const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a user's reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character
* @param m Message to delete a user's reaction from
* @param user_id User ID who's reaction you want to remove
* @param reaction Reaction to remove. Reactions should be in the form emojiname:id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_reaction(const struct message &m, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character
* @param m Message to get reactions for
* @param reaction Reaction should be in the form emojiname:id or a unicode character
* @param before Reactions before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
* @param after Reactions before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
* @param limit This number of reactions maximum should be returned
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_get_reactions(const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Delete all reactions on a message
* @param m Message to delete reactions from
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_all_reactions(const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character
* @param m Message to delete reactions from
* @param reaction Reaction to delete, in the form emojiname:id or a unicode character
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_reaction_emoji(const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Add a reaction to a message by id. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character.
* @param message_id Message to add reactions to
* @param channel_id Channel to add reactions to
* @param reaction Reaction to add. Emojis should be in the form emojiname:id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::confirmation object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void message_add_reaction(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete own reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character.
* @param message_id Message to delete reactions from
* @param channel_id Channel to delete reactions from
* @param reaction Reaction to delete. The reaction should be in the form emojiname:id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_own_reaction(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a user's reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character
* @param message_id Message to delete reactions from
* @param channel_id Channel to delete reactions from
* @param user_id User ID who's reaction you want to remove
* @param reaction Reaction to remove. Reactions should be in the form emojiname:id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_reaction(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character
* @param message_id Message to get reactions for
* @param channel_id Channel to get reactions for
* @param reaction Reaction should be in the form emojiname:id or a unicode character
* @param before Reactions before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
* @param after Reactions before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
* @param limit This number of reactions maximum should be returned
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_get_reactions(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Delete all reactions on a message by id
* @param message_id Message to delete reactions from
* @param channel_id Channel to delete reactions from
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_all_reactions(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an `emojiname:id` or a unicode character
* @param message_id Message to delete reactions from
* @param channel_id Channel to delete reactions from
* @param reaction Reaction to delete, in the form emojiname:id or a unicode character
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_reaction_emoji(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a message from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited
* @param message_id Message ID to delete
* @param channel_id Channel to delete from
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete(snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Bulk delete messages from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited
* @param message_ids List of message IDs to delete (maximum of 100 message IDs)
* @param channel_id Channel to delete from
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_delete_bulk(const std::vector<snowflake> &message_ids, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a channel
* @param c Channel ID to retrieve
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_get(snowflake c, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get all channels for a guild
* @param guild_id Guild ID to retrieve channels for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channels_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a channel
* @param c Channel to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_create(const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a channel
* @param c Channel to edit/update
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_edit(const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a channel's position
* @param c Channel to change the position for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_edit_position(const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a channel's permissions
* @param c Channel to set permissions for
* @param overwrite_id Overwrite to change (a user or channel ID)
* @param allow allow permissions
* @param deny deny permissions
* @param member true if the overwrite_id is a user id, false if it is a channel id
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_edit_permissions(const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id, uint32_t allow, uint32_t deny, bool member, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a channel
* @param channel_id Channel id to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_delete(snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get details about an invite
* @param invite Invite code to get information on
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void invite_get(const std::string &invite, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Delete an invite
* @param invite Invite code to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void invite_delete(const std::string &invite, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get invites for a channel
* @param c Channel to get invites for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_invites_get(const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create invite for a channel
* @param c Channel to create an invite on
* @param i Invite to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_invite_create(const class channel &c, const class invite &i, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a channel's pins
* @param channel_id Channel ID to get pins for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void pins_get(snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token
* @param channel_id Channel id to add group DM recipients to
* @param user_id User ID to add
* @param access_token Access token from OAuth2
* @param nick Nickname of user to apply to the chat
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void gdm_add(snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &access_token, const std::string &nick, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Removes a recipient from a Group DM
* @param channel_id Channel ID of group DM
* @param user_id User ID to remove from group DM
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void gdm_remove(snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Remove a permission from a channel
* @param c Channel to remove permission from
* @param overwrite_id Overwrite to remove, user or channel ID
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_delete_permission(const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Follow a news channel
* @param c Channel id to follow
* @param target_channel_id Channel to subscribe the channel to
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_follow_news(const class channel &c, snowflake target_channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Trigger channel typing indicator
* @param c Channel to set as typing on
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void channel_typing(const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Pin a message
* @param channel_id Channel id to pin message on
* @param message_id Message id to pin message on
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_pin(snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Unpin a message
* @param channel_id Channel id to unpin message on
* @param message_id Message id to unpin message on
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void message_unpin(snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a guild
* @param g Guild ID to retrieve
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get(snowflake g, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get a guild preview. Returns a guild object but only a subset of the fields will be populated.
* @param g Guild ID to retrieve
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_preview(snowflake g, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get a guild member
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get member for
* @param user_id User ID of member to get
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_member(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get all guild members
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get all members for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_members(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Add guild member. Needs a specific oauth2 scope, from which you get the access_token.
* @param gm Guild member to add
* @param access_token Access token from Oauth2 scope
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_add_member(const guild_member& gm, const std::string &access_token, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit the properties of an existing guild member
* @param gm Guild member to edit
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_edit_member(const guild_member& gm, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Moves the guild member to a other voice channel, if member is connected to one
* @param channel_id Id of the channel to which the user is used
* @param guild_id Guild id to which the user is connected
* @param user_id User id, who should be moved
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_member_move(const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake guild_id, const snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Change current user nickname
* @param guild_id Guild ID to change nickanem on
* @param nickname New nickname, or empty string to clear nickname
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_set_nickname(snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Add role to guild member
* @param guild_id Guild ID to add a role to
* @param user_id User ID to add role to
* @param role_id Role ID to add to the user
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_member_add_role(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Remove role from guild member
* @param guild_id Guild ID to remove role from user on
* @param user_id User ID to remove role from
* @param role_id Role to remove
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_member_delete_role(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Remove (kick) a guild member
* @param guild_id Guild ID to kick member from
* @param user_id User ID to kick
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_member_delete(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Add guild ban
* @param guild_id Guild ID to add ban to
* @param user_id User ID to ban
* @param delete_message_days How many days of ther user's messages to also delete
* @param reason Reason for ban
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_ban_add(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t delete_message_days, const std::string &reason, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete guild ban
* @param guild_id Guild to delete ban from
* @param user_id User ID to delete ban for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_ban_delete(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get guild ban list
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get bans for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_bans(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get single guild ban
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get ban for
* @param user_id User ID of ban to retrieve
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_ban(snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get a template
* @param code Template code
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void template_get(const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a new guild based on a template.
* @param code Template code to create guild from
* @param name Guild name to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_create_from_template(const std::string &code, const std::string &name, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get guild templates
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get templates for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_templates_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Creates a template for the guild
* @param guild_id Guild to create template from
* @param name Template name to create
* @param description Description of template to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_template_create(snowflake guild_id, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Syncs the template to the guild's current state.
* @param guild_id Guild to synchronise template for
* @param code Code of template to synchronise
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_template_sync(snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Modifies the template's metadata.
* @param guild_id Guild ID of template to modify
* @param code Template code to modify
* @param name New name of template
* @param description New description of template
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_template_modify(snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Deletes the template
* @param guild_id Guild ID of template to delete
* @param code Template code to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_template_delete(snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create a guild
* @param g Guild to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_create(const class guild &g, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a guild
* @param g Guild to edit
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_edit(const class guild &g, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a guild
* @param guild_id Guild ID to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_delete(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get all emojis for a guild
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get emojis for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_emojis_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get a single emoji
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get emoji for
* @param emoji_id Emoji ID to get
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_emoji_get(snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create single emoji.
* You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method.
* @param guild_id Guild ID to create emoji om
* @param newemoji Emoji to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_emoji_create(snowflake guild_id, const class emoji& newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a single emoji.
* You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method.
* @param guild_id Guild ID to edit emoji on
* @param newemoji Emoji to edit
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_emoji_edit(snowflake guild_id, const class emoji& newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a guild emoji
* @param guild_id Guild ID to delete emoji on
* @param emoji_id Emoji ID to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_emoji_delete(snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get prune counts
* @param guild_id Guild ID to count for pruning
* @param pruneinfo Pruning info
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_prune_counts(snowflake guild_id, const struct prune& pruneinfo, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Begin guild prune
* @param guild_id Guild ID to prune
* @param pruneinfo Pruning info
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_begin_prune(snowflake guild_id, const struct prune& pruneinfo, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get guild voice regions.
* Voice regions per guild are somewhat deprecated in preference of per-channel voice regions.
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get voice regions for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_voice_regions(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get guild invites
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get invites for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_guild_invites(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get guild itegrations
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get integrations for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_integrations(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Modify guild integration
* @param guild_id Guild ID to modify integration for
* @param i Integration to modify
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_modify_integration(snowflake guild_id, const class integration &i, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete guild integration
* @param guild_id Guild ID to delete integration for
* @param integration_id Integration ID to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_delete_integration(snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Sync guild integration
* @param guild_id Guild ID to sync integration on
* @param integration_id Integration ID to synchronise
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_sync_integration(snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get guild widget
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get widget for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_widget(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Edit guild widget
* @param guild_id Guild ID to edit widget for
* @param gw New guild widget information
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_edit_widget(snowflake guild_id, const class guild_widget &gw, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get guild vanity url, if enabled
* @param guild_id Guild to get vanity URL for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void guild_get_vanity(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a webhook
* @param w Webhook to create
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void create_webhook(const class webhook &w, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get guild webhooks
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get webhooks for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_guild_webhooks(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get channel webhooks
* @param channel_id Channel ID to get webhooks for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_channel_webhooks(snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get webhook
* @param webhook_id Webhook ID to get
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_webhook(snowflake webhook_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get webhook using token
* @param webhook_id Webhook ID to retrieve
* @param token Token of webhook
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_webhook_with_token(snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Edit webhook
* @param wh Webhook to edit
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void edit_webhook(const class webhook& wh, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit webhook with token (token is encapsulated in the webhook object)
* @param wh Wehook to edit (should include token)
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void edit_webhook_with_token(const class webhook& wh, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a webhook
* @param webhook_id Webhook ID to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void delete_webhook(snowflake webhook_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete webhook with token
* @param webhook_id Webhook ID to delete
* @param token Token of webhook to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void delete_webhook_with_token(snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Execute webhook
* @param wh Webhook to execute
* @param m Message to send
* @param wait waits for server confirmation of message send before response, and returns the created message body
* @param thread_id Send a message to the specified thread within a webhook's channel. The thread will automatically be unarchived
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void execute_webhook(const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, bool wait = false, snowflake thread_id = 0, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get webhook message
* @param Webhook to get the original message for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_webhook_message(const class webhook &wh, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit webhook message
* @param wh Webhook to edit message for
* @param m New message
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void edit_webhook_message(const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete webhook message
* @param wh Webhook to delete message for
* @param message_id Message ID to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void delete_webhook_message(const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a role for a guild
* @param guild_id Guild ID to get role for
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void roles_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a role on a guild
* @param r Role to create (guild ID is encapsulated in the role object)
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void role_create(const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a role on a guild
* @param r Role to edit
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void role_edit(const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Edit a role's position in a guild
* @param r Role to change position of
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void role_edit_position(const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a role
* @param guild_id Guild ID to delete the role on
* @param role_id Role ID to delete
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void role_delete(snowflake guild_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a user by id
* @param user_id User ID to retrieve
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void user_get(snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get current (bot) user
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_get(command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get current (bot) user guilds
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_get_guilds(command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Edit current (bot) user
* @param nickname Nickname to set
* @param image_blob Avatar data to upload (NOTE: Very heavily rate limited!)
* @param type Type of image for avatar
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_edit(const std::string &nickname, const std::string& image_blob, image_type type, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get current user DM channels
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_get_dms(command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Create a dm channel
* @param user_id User ID to create DM channel with
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void create_dm_channel(snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Leave a guild
* @param guild_id Guild ID to leave
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_leave_guild(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create a thread
* @param thread_name Name of the thread
* @param channel_id Channel in which thread to create
* @param auto_archive_duration Duration after which thread auto-archives. Can be set to - 60, 1440 (for boosted guilds can also be: 4320, 10080)
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void thread_create(const std::string& thread_name, snowflake channel_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, channel_type thread_type, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create a thread with a message (Discord: ID of a thread is same as mesage ID)
* @param thread_name Name of the thread
* @param channel_id Channel in which thread to create
* @param message_id message to start thread with
* @param auto_archive_duration Duration after which thread auto-archives. Can be set to - 60, 1440 (for boosted guilds can also be: 4320, 10080)
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void thread_create_with_message(const std::string& thread_name, snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Join a thread
* @param thread_id Thread ID to join
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_join_thread(snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Leave a thread
* @param thread_id Thread ID to leave
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void current_user_leave_thread(snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Add a member to a thread
* @param thread_id Thread ID to add to
* @param user_id Member ID to add
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void thread_member_add(snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Remove a member from a thread
* @param thread_id Thread ID to remove from
* @param user_id Member ID to remove
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void thread_member_remove(snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get members of a thread
* @param thread_id Thread to get members for
void get_thread_members(snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get active threads in a channel (Sorted by ID in descending order)
* @param channel_id Channel to get active threads for
void get_active_threads(snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get public archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order)
* @param channel_id Channel to get public archived threads for
* @param before_timestamp Get threads before this timestamp
* @param limit Number of threads to get
void get_public_archived_threads(snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp = 0, uint16_t limit = 0, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get private archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order)
* @param channel_id Channel to get public archived threads for
* @param before_timestamp Get threads before this timestamp
* @param limit Number of threads to get
void get_private_archived_threads(snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp = 0, uint16_t limit = 0, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get private archived threads in a channel which current user has joined (Sorted by ID in descending order)
* @param channel_id Channel to get public archived threads for
* @param before_id Get threads before this id
* @param limit Number of threads to get
void get_joined_private_archived_threads(snowflake channel_id, snowflake before_id = 0, uint16_t limit = 0, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Create a sticker in a guild
* @param s Sticker to create. Must have its guild ID set.
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_sticker_create(sticker &s, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Modify a sticker in a guild
* @param s Sticker to modify. Must have its guild ID and sticker ID set.
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_sticker_modify(sticker &s, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Delete a sticker from a guild
* @param sticker_id sticker ID to delete
* @param guild_id guild ID to delete from
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_sticker_delete(snowflake sticker_id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback = {});
* @brief Get a nitro sticker
* @param id Id of sticker to get.
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void nitro_sticker_get(snowflake id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get a guild sticker
* @param id Id of sticker to get.
* @param guild_id Guild ID of the guild where the sticker is
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_sticker_get(snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get all guild stickers
* @param guild_id Guild ID of the guild where the sticker is
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void guild_stickers_get(snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get sticker packs
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
* On success the callback will contain a dpp::sticker object in confirmation_callback_t::value. On failure, the value is undefined and confirmation_callback_t::is_error() method will return true. You can obtain full error details with confirmation_callback_t::get_error().
void sticker_packs_get(command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get all voice regions
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_voice_regions(command_completion_event_t callback);
* @brief Get the gateway information for the bot using the token
* @param callback Function to call when the API call completes.
void get_gateway_bot(command_completion_event_t callback);