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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Base/Shared.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Signal;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Helper class used to reference and keep track of signal instances.
struct SignalReference
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signal * mPtr; // A raw pointer to the signal instance.
Object mObj; // A managed reference to the signal instance.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit constructor.
SignalReference(Signal * ptr, const Object & ref)
: mPtr(ptr), mObj(ref)
/* ... */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
SignalReference(const SignalReference & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
SignalReference(SignalReference && o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
~SignalReference() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator.
SignalReference & operator = (const SignalReference & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
SignalReference & operator = (SignalReference && o) = default;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Utility class for for delivering events to one or more listeners.
class Signal
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used to store a script callback and the unique hash associated with it for quick searching.
struct Slot
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQHash mEnvHash; // The hash of the specified environment.
SQHash mFuncHash; // The hash of the specified callback.
HSQOBJECT mEnvRef; // The specified script environment.
HSQOBJECT mFuncRef; // The specified script callback.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slot * mPrev; // Previous slot in the chain.
Slot * mNext; // Next slot in the chain.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forwarding constructor.
Slot(Object & env, Function & func)
: Slot(env.GetObject(), func.GetFunc(), nullptr)
/* ... */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Forwarding constructor.
Slot(Object & env, Function & func, Slot * head)
: Slot(env.GetObject(), func.GetFunc(), head)
/* ... */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Slot(HSQOBJECT & env, HSQOBJECT & func, Slot * head)
: mEnvHash(0)
, mFuncHash(0)
, mEnvRef(env)
, mFuncRef(func)
, mPrev(nullptr)
, mNext(head)
HSQUIRRELVM vm = DefaultVM::Get();
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Is there an explicit environment?
if (!sq_isnull(mEnvRef))
// Keep a reference to this environment
sq_addref(vm, &mEnvRef);
// Push the environment on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mEnvRef);
// Grab the hash of the environment object
mEnvHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1);
// Is there an explicit function?
if (!sq_isnull(mFuncRef))
// Keep a reference to this function
sq_addref(vm, &mFuncRef);
// Push the callback on the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, mFuncRef);
// Grab the hash of the callback object
mFuncHash = sq_gethash(vm, -1);
// Was there a previous head?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Steal the slot before the head
mPrev = mNext->mPrev;
// Did that head slot had a slot behind it?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Tell it we're the next slot now
mPrev->mNext = this;
// Tell the previous head that we're behind it now
mNext->mPrev = this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor. (disabled)
Slot(const Slot & o) = delete;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
Slot(Slot && o)
: mEnvHash(o.mEnvHash)
, mFuncHash(o.mFuncHash)
, mEnvRef(o.mEnvRef)
, mFuncRef(o.mFuncRef)
, mPrev(o.mPrev)
, mNext(o.mNext)
// Take ownership
o.mPrev = nullptr;
o.mNext = nullptr;
// Attach to the chain
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
// Detach from the chain
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
Slot & operator = (const Slot & o) = delete;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
Slot & operator = (Slot && o)
if (this != &o)
// Release current resources, if any
// Replicate data
mEnvHash = o.mEnvHash;
mFuncHash = o.mFuncHash;
mEnvRef = o.mEnvRef;
mFuncRef = o.mFuncRef;
mPrev = o.mPrev;
mNext = o.mNext;
// Take ownership
o.mPrev = nullptr;
o.mNext = nullptr;
// Attach to the chain
return *this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Equality comparison operator.
bool operator == (const Slot & o) const
return (mEnvHash == o.mEnvHash) && (mFuncHash == o.mFuncHash);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Inequality comparison operator.
bool operator != (const Slot & o) const
return (mEnvHash != o.mEnvHash) || (mFuncHash != o.mFuncHash);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Release managed script resources.
void Release()
// Should we release any environment object?
if (!sq_isnull(mEnvRef))
sq_release(DefaultVM::Get(), &mEnvRef);
// Should we release any callback object?
if (!sq_isnull(mFuncRef))
sq_release(DefaultVM::Get(), &mFuncRef);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attach the slot to the chain.
void Attach()
// Is there a slot after us?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Tell it that we're behind it
mNext->mPrev = this;
// Is there a node behind us?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Tell it that we're ahead of it
mPrev->mNext = this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Detach the slot from the chain.
void Detach()
// Is there a slot after us?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Tell it we're no longer behind it
mNext->mPrev = mPrev;
// Is there a node behind us?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Tell it we're no longer ahead of it
mPrev->mNext = mNext;
mPrev = mNext = nullptr;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attach the slot after another slot.
void AttachNext(Slot * node)
// Assign the slot ahead of us
mNext = node;
// Is there a node to attach to?
if (mNext != nullptr)
// Steal the previous slot
mPrev = mNext->mPrev;
// Was there a previous slot?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
mPrev->mNext = this; // Tell it we're the next slot now
// Place ourself behind
mNext->mPrev = this;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attach the slot before another slot.
void AttachPrev(Slot * node)
// Assign the slot behind us
mPrev = node;
// Is there a node to attach to?
if (mPrev != nullptr)
// Steal the next slot
mNext = mPrev->mNext;
// Was there a next slot?
if (mNext != nullptr)
mNext->mPrev = this; // Tell it we're the previous slot now
// Place ourself ahead
mPrev->mNext = this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slot * m_Head; // The chain of slots bound to this signal.
String m_Name; // The name that identifies this signal.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: m_Head(nullptr), m_Name()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Signal(const CSStr name)
: Signal(String(name ? name : _SC("")))
/* ... */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Signal(const String & name)
: Signal(String(name))
/* ... */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Base constructor.
Signal(String && name)
: m_Head(nullptr), m_Name(std::move(name))
if (m_Name.empty())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor. (disabled)
Signal(const Signal & o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor. (disabled)
Signal(Signal && o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
if (m_Name.empty())
s_FreeSignals.erase(std::remove(s_FreeSignals.begin(), s_FreeSignals.end(), this),
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
Signal & operator = (const Signal & o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator. (disabled)
Signal & operator = (Signal && o) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used by the script engine to compare two instances of this type.
Int32 Cmp(const Signal & o) const
if (m_Name == o.m_Name)
return 0;
else if (m_Name > o.m_Name)
return 1;
return -1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used by the script engine to convert an instance of this type to a string.
const String & ToString() const
return m_Name;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Used by the script engine to retrieve the name from instances of this type.
static SQInteger Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The number of slots connected to the signal.
SQInteger Count() const
// Don't attempt to count anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
return 0;
// Final count
Uint32 count = 0;
// Walk down the chain and count all nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head; node != nullptr; node = node->mNext)
// Return the count
return count;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clear all slots connected to the signal.
void Clear()
// Don't attempt to clear anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
// Walk down the chain and delete all nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Delete the node instance
delete node;
// Reset the head
m_Head = nullptr;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Connect a function with a specific environment to the signal.
void Connect(Object & env, Function & func)
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, nullptr);
// We're done here
const Slot slot{env, func};
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's only one element
if (m_Head->mNext == nullptr)
// Is it already inserted?
if (*m_Head != slot)
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, m_Head);
// We're done here
// Walk down the chain and find an already matching node
for (Slot * node = m_Head; node != nullptr; node = node->mNext)
if (*node == slot)
return; // Already connected
// Connect now
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, m_Head);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See whether a function with a specific environment is connected to the signal.
bool Connected(Object & env, Function & func) const
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
return false;
const Slot slot{env, func};
// Walk down the chain and find a matching node
for (Slot * node = m_Head; node != nullptr; node = node->mNext)
if (*node == slot)
return true; // Found it
// No such slot exists
return false;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disconnect a function with a specific environment from the signal.
void Disconnect(Object & env, Function & func)
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
const Slot slot{env, func};
// Walk down the chain and remove the matching nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Is this our node?
if (*node == slot)
// Is this the head?
if (node == m_Head)
m_Head = next; // Move the head to the next one
// Detach it from the chain
// Delete the node instance
delete node;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disconnect all functions with a specific environment from the signal.
void DisconnectThis(Object & env)
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
const SQHash hash = Slot{env, NullFunction()}.mEnvHash;
// Walk down the chain and remove the matching nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Is this our node?
if (node->mEnvHash == hash)
// Is this the head?
if (node == m_Head)
m_Head = next; // Move the head to the next one
// Detach it from the chain
// Delete the node instance
delete node;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Disconnect all matching functions regardless of the environment from the signal.
void DisconnectFunc(Function & func)
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
const SQHash hash = Slot{NullObject(), func}.mFuncHash;
// Walk down the chain and remove the matching nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Is this our node?
if (node->mFuncHash == hash)
// Is this the head?
if (node == m_Head)
m_Head = next; // Move the head to the next one
// Detach it from the chain
// Delete the node instance
delete node;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Count all functions with a specific environment from the signal.
Uint32 CountThis(Object & env) const
// Don't attempt to count anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
return 0;
const SQHash hash = Slot{env, NullFunction()}.mEnvHash;
// Final count
Uint32 count = 0;
// Walk down the chain and count the matching nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head; node != nullptr; node = node->mNext)
// Is this our node?
if (node->mEnvHash == hash)
// Return the count
return count;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Count all matching functions regardless of the environment from the signal.
Uint32 CountFunc(Function & func) const
// Don't attempt to count anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
return 0;
const SQHash hash = Slot{NullObject(), func}.mFuncHash;
// Final count
Uint32 count = 0;
// Walk down the chain and count the matching nodes
for (Slot * node = m_Head; node != nullptr; node = node->mNext)
// Is this our node?
if (node->mFuncHash == hash)
// Return the count
return count;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure that specified slot is positioned ahead of all other slots.
void Head(Object & env, Function & func)
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, nullptr);
// We're done here
const Slot slot{env, func};
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's only one element
if (m_Head->mNext == nullptr)
// Is it already inserted?
if (*m_Head != slot)
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, m_Head);
// We're done here
// Grab the head node
Slot * node = m_Head;
// Walk down the chain and find a matching node
for (; node != nullptr; node = node->mNext)
if (*node == slot)
break; // Found it
// Have we found anything?
if (node == nullptr)
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, m_Head); // Lead everyone
// Is it the head already?
else if (m_Head != node)
// We're the head now
m_Head = node;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure that specified slot is positioned behind of all other slots.
void Tail(Object & env, Function & func)
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's no head
if (m_Head == nullptr)
m_Head = new Slot(env, func, nullptr);
// We're done here
const Slot slot{env, func};
// Don't attempt to search anything if there's only one element
if (m_Head->mNext == nullptr)
// Is it already inserted?
if (*m_Head != slot)
m_Head->mNext = new Slot(env, func, nullptr);
// Link with the head
m_Head->mNext->mPrev = m_Head;
// We're done here
// Grab the head node
Slot * node = m_Head, * prev = nullptr;
// Walk down the chain and find a matching node
for (; node != nullptr; prev = node, node = node->mNext)
if (*node == slot)
break; // Found it
// Have we found anything?
if (node == nullptr)
// Create the slot now
node = new Slot(env, func, nullptr);
// Walk down the chain until the end
while (prev->mNext != nullptr)
prev = prev->mNext;
// Finally, detach the node from it's current position
// Knowing 'prev' points to last element
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots.
static SQInteger SqEmit(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// The signal instance
Signal * signal = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the signal instance
signal = Var< Signal * >(vm, 1).value;
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Do we have a valid signal instance?
if (!signal)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid signal instance");
// Walk down the chain and trigger slots
for (Slot * node = signal->m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Push the callback object
sq_pushobject(vm, node->mFuncRef);
// Is there an explicit environment?
if (sq_isnull(node->mEnvRef))
sq_pushobject(vm, node->mEnvRef);
// Are there any parameters to forward?
if (top > 1)
for (SQInteger i = 2; i <= top; ++i)
sq_push(vm, i);
// Make the function call and store the result
const SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, top, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Specify that we don't return anything
return 0;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots and collect returned values.
static SQInteger SqQuery(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// Do we have the collector environment?
if (top <= 1)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing collector environment");
// Do we have the collector function?
else if (top <= 2)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing collector callback");
// The signal instance
Signal * signal = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the signal instance and collector
signal = Var< Signal * >(vm, 1).value;
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Do we have a valid signal instance?
if (!signal)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid signal instance");
// The collector
HSQOBJECT cenv, cfunc;
// Grab the collector environment
SQRESULT res = sq_getstackobj(vm, 2, &cenv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Was there a valid environment?
else if (sq_isnull(cenv))
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Default to the root table
// Try to grab the collector environment again
SQRESULT res = sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &cenv);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Grab the collector function
res = sq_getstackobj(vm, 3, &cfunc);
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Some dummy checks to make sure the collector is a callable object
else if (!sq_isfunction(cfunc) && !sq_isclosure(cfunc) && !sq_isnativeclosure(cfunc))
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid collector");
// Walk down the chain and trigger slots
for (Slot * node = signal->m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Push the callback object
sq_pushobject(vm, node->mFuncRef);
// Is there an explicit environment?
if (sq_isnull(node->mEnvRef))
sq_pushobject(vm, node->mEnvRef);
// Are there any parameters to forward?
if (top > 3)
for (SQInteger i = 4; i <= top; ++i)
sq_push(vm, i);
// Make the function call and store the result
res = sq_call(vm, top - 2, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Push the collector onto the stack
sq_pushobject(vm, cfunc);
sq_pushobject(vm, cenv);
// Push the returned value
sq_push(vm, -3);
// Make the function call and store the result
res = sq_call(vm, 2, false, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Specify that we don't return anything
return 0;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Emit the event to the connected slots and see if they consume it.
static SQInteger SqConsume(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm);
// The signal instance
Signal * signal = nullptr;
// Attempt to extract the signal instance
signal = Var< Signal * >(vm, 1).value;
catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e)
return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what());
// Do we have a valid signal instance?
if (!signal)
return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid signal instance");
// Whether this signal was consumed
SQBool consumed = SQFalse;
// Walk down the chain and trigger slots
for (Slot * node = signal->m_Head, * next = nullptr; node != nullptr; node = next)
// Grab the next node upfront
next = node->mNext;
// Remember the current stack size
const StackGuard sg(vm);
// Push the callback object
sq_pushobject(vm, node->mFuncRef);
// Is there an explicit environment?
if (sq_isnull(node->mEnvRef))
sq_pushobject(vm, node->mEnvRef);
// Are there any parameters to forward?
if (top > 1)
for (SQInteger i = 2; i <= top; ++i)
sq_push(vm, i);
// Make the function call and store the result
const SQRESULT res = sq_call(vm, top, true, ErrorHandling::IsEnabled());
// Validate the result
if (SQ_FAILED(res))
return res; // Propagate the error
// Obtain the returned value
sq_tobool(vm, -1, &consumed);
// Should we proceed to the next slot or stop here?
if (consumed == SQTrue)
break; // This signal was consumed
// Specify that this signal was consumed
sq_pushbool(vm, consumed);
// Specify that we returned something
return 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::pair< std::size_t, SignalReference > SignalElement;
typedef std::vector< SignalElement > SignalContainer;
typedef std::vector< Signal * > FreeSignals;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SignalContainer s_Signals; // List of all created signals.
static FreeSignals s_FreeSignals; // List of signals without a name.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Terminate all signal instances and release any script resources.
static void Terminate();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a free signal without a specific name.
static Object Create();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a new signal with the specified name.
static Object Create(String name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Remove the signal with the specified name.
static void Remove(String name);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the signal with the specified name.
static Object Fetch(String name);
} // Namespace:: SqMod
#endif // _MISC_SIGNAL_HPP_