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// HashTableTest.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "HashTableTest.h"
#include "CppUnit/TestCaller.h"
#include "CppUnit/TestSuite.h"
#include "Poco/HashTable.h"
#include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h"
using namespace Poco;
HashTableTest::HashTableTest(const std::string& name): CppUnit::TestCase(name)
void HashTableTest::testInsert()
std::string s1("str1");
std::string s2("str2");
HashTable<std::string, int> hashTable;
assertTrue (!hashTable.exists(s1));
hashTable.insert(s1, 13);
assertTrue (hashTable.exists(s1));
assertTrue (hashTable.get(s1) == 13);
int retVal = 0;
assertTrue (hashTable.get(s1, retVal));
assertTrue (retVal == 13);
hashTable.insert(s1, 22);
failmsg ("duplicate insert must fail");
catch (Exception&){}
failmsg ("getting a non inserted item must fail");
catch (Exception&){}
assertTrue (!hashTable.exists(s2));
hashTable.insert(s2, 13);
assertTrue (hashTable.exists(s2));
void HashTableTest::testUpdate()
// add code for second test here
std::string s1("str1");
std::string s2("str2");
HashTable<std::string, int> hashTable;
hashTable.insert(s1, 13);
hashTable.update(s1, 14);
assertTrue (hashTable.exists(s1));
assertTrue (hashTable.get(s1) == 14);
int retVal = 0;
assertTrue (hashTable.get(s1, retVal));
assertTrue (retVal == 14);
// updating a non existing item must work too
hashTable.update(s2, 15);
assertTrue (hashTable.get(s2) == 15);
void HashTableTest::testOverflow()
HashTable<std::string, int> hashTable(13);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
hashTable.insert(Poco::NumberFormatter::format(i), i*i);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
std::string tmp = Poco::NumberFormatter::format(i);
assertTrue (hashTable.exists(tmp));
assertTrue (hashTable.get(tmp) == i*i);
void HashTableTest::testSize()
HashTable<std::string, int> hashTable(13);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 0);
Poco::UInt32 POCO_UNUSED h1 = hashTable.insert("1", 1);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 1);
Poco::UInt32 POCO_UNUSED h2 = hashTable.update("2", 2);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 2);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 1);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 1);
hashTable.removeRaw("2", h2);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 0);
hashTable.insert("1", 1);
hashTable.insert("2", 2);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 2);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 0);
void HashTableTest::testResize()
HashTable<std::string, int> hashTable(13);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
hashTable.insert(Poco::NumberFormatter::format(i), i*i);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
std::string tmp = Poco::NumberFormatter::format(i);
assertTrue (hashTable.exists(tmp));
assertTrue (hashTable.get(tmp) == i*i);
void HashTableTest::testStatistic()
double relax = 0.001;
HashTable<std::string, int> hashTable(13);
assertTrue (hashTable.size() == 0);
HashStatistic stat1(hashTable.currentState());
assertTrue (stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() < relax && stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() > -relax);
assertTrue (stat1.maxPositionsOfTable() == 13);
assertTrue (stat1.maxEntriesPerHash() == 0);
stat1 = hashTable.currentState(true);
assertTrue (stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() < relax && stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() > -relax);
assertTrue (stat1.maxPositionsOfTable() == 19);
assertTrue (stat1.maxEntriesPerHash() == 0);
assertTrue (stat1.detailedEntriesPerHash().size() == 19);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
hashTable.insert(Poco::NumberFormatter::format(i), i*i);
stat1 = hashTable.currentState(true);
double expAvg = 1024.0/ 19;
assertTrue (stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() < (expAvg + relax) && stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() > (expAvg - relax));
assertTrue (stat1.maxPositionsOfTable() == 19);
assertTrue (stat1.maxEntriesPerHash() > expAvg);
stat1 = hashTable.currentState(true);
expAvg = 1024.0/ 1009;
assertTrue (stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() < (expAvg + relax) && stat1.avgEntriesPerHash() > (expAvg - relax));
assertTrue (stat1.maxPositionsOfTable() == 1009);
assertTrue (stat1.maxEntriesPerHash() > expAvg);
void HashTableTest::setUp()
void HashTableTest::tearDown()
CppUnit::Test* HashTableTest::suite()
CppUnit::TestSuite* pSuite = new CppUnit::TestSuite("HashTableTest");
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, HashTableTest, testInsert);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, HashTableTest, testUpdate);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, HashTableTest, testOverflow);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, HashTableTest, testSize);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, HashTableTest, testResize);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, HashTableTest, testStatistic);
return pSuite;