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#pragma once
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Core/Utility.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <pcre.h>
#include "pcre_config.h"
#include "pcre.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <utility>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct RxMatch
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger mOffset{0};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQInteger mLength{0};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
RxMatch() noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Offset constructor.
explicit RxMatch(SQInteger offset) noexcept
: mOffset{offset}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Explicit constructor.
RxMatch(SQInteger offset, SQInteger length) noexcept
: mOffset{offset}, mLength{length}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
RxMatch(const RxMatch & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
RxMatch(RxMatch && o) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator.
RxMatch & operator = (const RxMatch & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
RxMatch & operator = (RxMatch && o) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve offset.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetOffset() const noexcept
return mOffset;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify offset.
void SetOffset(SQInteger value) noexcept
mOffset = value;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve length.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetLength() const noexcept
return mLength;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify length.
void SetLength(SQInteger value) noexcept
mLength = value;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve match end.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetEnd() const noexcept
return mOffset + mLength;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Extract a sub-string.
[[nodiscard]] LightObj SubStr(StackStrF & str) const
2022-06-13 04:00:41 +03:00
if ((mOffset + mLength) > str.mLen)
STHROWF("Rx: Match is outside the range of the specified string.");
// Return the sub-string
return LightObj{str.mPtr + mOffset, mLength};
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct RxMatches
using List = std::vector< RxMatch >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal RegularExpression instance.
List mList;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
RxMatches() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy list constructor.
explicit RxMatches(const List & l) // NOLINT(modernize-pass-by-value)
: mList{l}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move list constructor.
explicit RxMatches(List && m) noexcept
: mList{std::move(m)}
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor.
RxMatches(const RxMatches & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
RxMatches(RxMatches && o) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator.
RxMatches & operator = (const RxMatches & o) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment operator.
RxMatches & operator = (RxMatches && o) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure an index is within range and return the container. Container must exist.
List & ValidIdx(SQInteger i)
if (static_cast< size_t >(i) >= mList.size())
STHROWF("Invalid Regular Expression match list index({})", i);
return mList;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure an index is within range and return the container. Container must exist.
SQMOD_NODISCARD const List & ValidIdx(SQInteger i) const
if (static_cast< size_t >(i) >= mList.size())
STHROWF("Invalid Regular Expression match list index({})", i);
return mList;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a container instance is populated, then return it.
if (mList.empty())
STHROWF("Regular Expression match list container is empty");
return mList;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve a value from the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD List::reference Get(SQInteger i)
return ValidIdx(i).at(ClampL< SQInteger, size_t >(i));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the first element in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD List::reference Front()
return ValidPop().front();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the last element in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD List::reference Back()
return mList.back();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if the container has no elements.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Empty() const
return mList.empty();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the number of elements in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Size() const
return static_cast< SQInteger >(mList.size());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the number of elements that the container has currently allocated space for.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Capacity() const
return static_cast< SQInteger >(mList.capacity());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Increase the capacity of the container to a value that's greater or equal to the one specified.
RxMatches & Reserve(SQInteger n)
mList.reserve(ClampL< SQInteger, size_t >(n));
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Request the removal of unused capacity.
void Compact()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase all elements from the container.
void Clear()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pop the last element in the container.
void Pop()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase the element at a certain position.
void EraseAt(SQInteger i)
mList.erase(ValidIdx(i).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i)); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase a certain amount of elements starting from a specific position.
void EraseFrom(SQInteger i, SQInteger n)
mList.erase(ValidIdx(i).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i), // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
ValidIdx(i + n).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i + n)); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate all values through a functor.
void Each(Function & fn) const
for (const auto & e : mList)
fn.Execute(static_cast< SQInteger >(e.mOffset), static_cast< SQInteger >(e.mLength));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate values in range through a functor.
void EachRange(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, Function & fn) const
std::for_each(ValidIdx(p).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p), // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
ValidIdx(p + n).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p + n), // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
[&](List::const_reference & e) {
fn.Execute(static_cast< SQInteger >(e.mOffset), static_cast< SQInteger >(e.mLength));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate all values through a functor until stopped (i.e. false is returned).
void While(Function & fn) const
for (const auto & e : mList)
auto ret = fn.Eval(static_cast< SQInteger >(e.mOffset), static_cast< SQInteger >(e.mLength));
// (null || true) == continue & false == break
if (!ret.IsNull() || !ret.template Cast< bool >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate values in range through a functor until stopped (i.e. false is returned).
void WhileRange(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, Function & fn) const
auto itr = ValidIdx(p).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
auto end = ValidIdx(p + n).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p + n); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions)
for (; itr != end; ++itr)
auto ret = fn.Eval(static_cast< SQInteger >(itr->mOffset), static_cast< SQInteger >(itr->mLength));
// (null || true) == continue & false == break
if (!ret.IsNull() || !ret.template Cast< bool >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Extract a sub-string.
[[nodiscard]] LightObj SubStr(SQInteger i, StackStrF & str) const
const RxMatch & m = ValidIdx(i)[i];
2022-06-13 04:00:41 +03:00
// Check if match is within range
if ((m.mOffset + m.mLength) > str.mLen)
STHROWF("Rx: Match is outside the range of the specified string.");
// Return the sub-string
return LightObj{str.mPtr + m.mOffset, m.mLength};
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct RxInstance
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Whether to analyze and optimize the pattern by default for evey new instance (true).
static bool STUDY;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default options for every new instance (0).
static int OPTIONS;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default study options for every new instance (0).
static int STUDY_OPTIONS;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default offset vector size (must be multiple of 3).
static constexpr int OVEC_SIZE = 63;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal vector type used for offsets buffer.
using OVEC_t = std::vector< int >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal RegularExpression instance.
pcre * mPCRE{nullptr};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal RegularExpression instance.
pcre_extra * mExtra{nullptr};
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal buffer used for offsets.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
RxInstance() noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy constructor (disabled).
RxInstance(const RxInstance &) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
RxInstance(RxInstance && o) noexcept
: mPCRE(o.mPCRE), mExtra(o.mExtra), mOVEC(std::move(o.mOVEC)) // Replicate it
o.mPCRE = nullptr; // Take ownership
o.mExtra = nullptr; // Take ownership
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Basic constructor.
explicit RxInstance(StackStrF & pattern)
: RxInstance(OPTIONS, STUDY, pattern)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Basic constructor. With specific options.
explicit RxInstance(int options, StackStrF & pattern)
: RxInstance(options, STUDY, pattern)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Basic constructor. With specific options.
explicit RxInstance(int options, bool study, StackStrF & pattern)
: mPCRE(Compile_(pattern.mPtr, options)), mExtra(nullptr)
if (study)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal constructor.
RxInstance(const char * pattern, int options, bool study)
: mPCRE(Compile_(pattern, options)), mExtra(nullptr)
if (study)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destructor.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copy assignment operator (disabled).
RxInstance & operator = (const RxInstance &) = delete;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-06-23 21:07:52 +03:00
* Move assignment operator.
RxInstance & operator = (RxInstance && o) noexcept
// Prevent self assignment
if (this != &o)
// Release current instance, if any
// Replicate it
mPCRE = o.mPCRE;
mExtra = o.mExtra;
mOVEC = std::move(o.mOVEC);
// Take ownership
o.mPCRE = nullptr;
o.mExtra = nullptr;
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Estimate the size necessary for the offsets vector buffer.
void EstimateOVEC(bool force = false)
if (mOVEC.empty() || force)
int size = 0;
// Attempt to estimate the size of the offsets vector buffer
const int r = pcre_fullinfo(ValidPCRE(), mExtra, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &size);
// Check for errors
if (r != 0)
STHROWF("Rx: Offsets vector buffer estimation failed ({})", r);
// Attempt to scale the vector (must be multiple of 3)
mOVEC.resize((size + 1) * 3);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return a valid `pcre` instance pointer or throw an exception.
SQMOD_NODISCARD pcre * ValidPCRE() const
// Do we manage a valid instance?
if (mPCRE == nullptr)
STHROWF("Uninitialized Regular Expression instance.");
// Return it
return mPCRE;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return a valid `pcre_extra` instance pointer or throw an exception.
SQMOD_NODISCARD pcre_extra * ValidExtra() const
// Do we manage a valid instance?
if (mExtra == nullptr)
STHROWF("Regular Expression was not studied and optimized.");
// Return it
return mExtra;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile the specified pattern.
SQMOD_NODISCARD static pcre * Compile_(const char * pattern, int options = OPTIONS)
const char * error_msg = nullptr;
int error_code, error_offset = 0;
// Attempt to compile the specified pattern
pcre * ptr = pcre_compile2(pattern, options, &error_code, &error_msg, &error_offset, nullptr);
// Did the compilation failed?
if (ptr == nullptr)
STHROWF("Rx: {s} (code {}) (at offset {})", error_msg, error_code, error_offset);
// Return the `pcre` instance
return ptr;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attempt to compile the specified pattern. Error information is returned instead of thrown.
SQMOD_NODISCARD static std::pair< pcre *, Table > TryCompile_(const char * pattern, int options = OPTIONS)
const char * error_msg = nullptr;
int error_code, error_offset = 0;
// Attempt to compile the specified pattern
pcre * ptr = pcre_compile2(pattern, options, &error_code, &error_msg, &error_offset, nullptr);
// Did the compilation failed?
if (ptr == nullptr)
Table t;
t.SetValue("message", error_msg);
t.SetValue("code", error_code);
t.SetValue("offset", error_offset);
// Return the table with error information
return std::make_pair(ptr, std::move(t));
// Return the `pcre` instance with no error information
return std::make_pair(ptr, Table{});
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile the specified pattern.
RxInstance & Compile1(StackStrF & pattern)
return Compile2(OPTIONS, pattern);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile the specified pattern. With specific options.
RxInstance & Compile2(int options, StackStrF & pattern)
// Release current instance, if any
// Attempt to compile
mPCRE = Compile_(pattern.mPtr, options);
// Allocate offsets vector buffer
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile the specified pattern.
Table TryCompile1(StackStrF & pattern)
return TryCompile2(OPTIONS, pattern);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile the specified pattern. With specific options.
Table TryCompile2(int options, StackStrF & pattern)
// Release current instance, if any
// Attempt to compile
auto p = TryCompile_(pattern.mPtr, options);
// Were there any compilation errors?
if (p.first != nullptr)
mPCRE = p.first;
// Return compilation info
return p.second;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Analyze the managed pattern and optimized it.
RxInstance & Study0()
return Study1(STUDY_OPTIONS);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Analyze the managed pattern and optimized it. With specific options.
RxInstance & Study1(int options)
if (mExtra != nullptr)
STHROWF("Regular Expression was already analyzed and optimized");
const char * error = nullptr;
// Study and optimize the expression
mExtra = pcre_study(ValidPCRE(), options, &error);
// If there was an error studying the expression then throw it
if (mExtra == nullptr && error != nullptr)
STHROWF("Rx: {s}", error);
// Allow chaining
return *this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Release managed resources and revert to uninitialized instance.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsValid() const
return (mPCRE != nullptr);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Release managed resources and revert to uninitialized instance.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsStudied() const
return (mExtra != nullptr);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Release managed resources and revert to uninitialized instance.
void Destroy()
// Do we manage any instance?
if (mPCRE != nullptr)
mPCRE = nullptr;
// Is the expression optimized?
if (mExtra != nullptr)
mExtra = nullptr;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Matches the given subject string against the pattern.
* Returns the position of the first captured sub-string in m.
* If no part of the subject matches the pattern, m.mOffset is -1 and m.mLength is 0.
* Returns the number of matches. Throws a exception in case of an error.
SQMOD_NODISCARD int MatchFirstFrom(SQInteger o, RxMatch & m, StackStrF & s)
return MatchFirstFrom_(OPTIONS, o, m, s);
SQMOD_NODISCARD int MatchFirstFrom_(int f, SQInteger o, RxMatch & m, StackStrF & s)
if (o > s.mLen)
STHROWF("Rx: Offset is out of range");
// Attempt to execute the expression on the specified subject
const int rc = pcre_exec(ValidPCRE(), mExtra, s.mPtr, static_cast< int >(s.mLen), static_cast< int >(o), f & 0xFFFF, mOVEC.data(), static_cast< int >(mOVEC.size()));
// Was there a match?
m.mOffset = -1;
m.mLength = 0;
// No match found
return 0;
// Bad options/flags?
else if (rc == PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION)
STHROWF("Rx: Bad option");
// Overflow?
else if (rc == 0)
STHROWF("Rx: too many captured sub-strings");
// Some other error?
else if (rc < 0)
STHROWF("Rx: error {}", rc);
// Store match
m.mOffset = mOVEC[0];
m.mLength = mOVEC[1] - mOVEC[0];
// Yield result back to script
return rc;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Matches the given subject string against the pattern.
* Returns the position of the first captured sub-string in m.
* If no part of the subject matches the pattern, m.mOffset is -1 and m.mLength is 0.
* Returns the number of matches. Throws a exception in case of an error.
SQMOD_NODISCARD int MatchFirst(RxMatch & m, StackStrF & s)
return MatchFirstFrom_(OPTIONS, 0, m, s);
SQMOD_NODISCARD int MatchFirst_(int f, RxMatch & m, StackStrF & s)
return MatchFirstFrom_(f, 0, m, s);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Matches the given subject string against the pattern.
* The first entry in m contains the position of the captured sub-string.
* The following entries identify matching sub-patterns. See the PCRE documentation for a more detailed explanation.
* If no part of the subject matches the pattern, m is empty.
* Returns the number of matches. Throws an exception in case of an error.
SQMOD_NODISCARD int MatchFrom(SQInteger o, RxMatches & m, StackStrF & s)
return MatchFrom_(OPTIONS, o, m, s);
SQMOD_NODISCARD int MatchFrom_(int f, SQInteger o, RxMatches & m, StackStrF & s)
if (o > s.mLen)
STHROWF("Rx: Offset is out of range");
// Clear previous matches, if any
// Attempt to execute the expression on the specified subject
const int rc = pcre_exec(ValidPCRE(), mExtra, s.mPtr, static_cast< int >(s.mLen), static_cast< int >(o), f & 0xFFFF, mOVEC.data(), static_cast< int >(mOVEC.size()));
// Was there a match?
return 0; // No match found
// Bad options/flags?
else if (rc == PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION)
STHROWF("Rx: Bad option");
// Overflow?
else if (rc == 0)
STHROWF("Rx: too many captured sub-strings");
// Some other error?
else if (rc < 0)
STHROWF("Rx: error {}", rc);
// Reserve space in advance
m.mList.reserve(static_cast< size_t >(rc));
// Transfer matches to match-list
for (int i = 0; i < rc; ++i)
m.mList.emplace_back(mOVEC[i*2], mOVEC[i*2+1] - mOVEC[i*2]);
// Yield result back to script
return rc;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Matches the given subject string against the pattern.
* The first entry in m contains the position of the captured sub-string.
* The following entries identify matching sub-patterns. See the PCRE documentation for a more detailed explanation.
* If no part of the subject matches the pattern, m is empty.
* Returns the number of matches. Throws an exception in case of an error.
SQMOD_NODISCARD int Match(RxMatches & m, StackStrF & s)
return MatchFrom_(OPTIONS, 0, m, s);
SQMOD_NODISCARD int Match_(int f, RxMatches & m, StackStrF & s)
return MatchFrom_(f, 0, m, s);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns true if and only if the subject matches the regular expression.
* Internally, this method sets the RE_ANCHORED and RE_NOTEMPTY options for matching,
* which means that the empty string will never match and the pattern is treated as if it starts with a ^.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Matches(StackStrF & s)
return Matches_(PCRE_ANCHORED | PCRE_NOTEMPTY, s);
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Matches_(SQInteger o, StackStrF & s)
return MatchesEx(PCRE_ANCHORED | PCRE_NOTEMPTY, 0, s);
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool MatchesEx(int f, SQInteger o, StackStrF & s)
RxMatch m;
const int rc = MatchFirstFrom_(f, o, m, s);
return (rc > 0) && (m.mOffset == o) && (m.mLength == (s.mLen - o));
} // Namespace:: SqMod