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2021-01-31 00:16:10 +02:00
#pragma once
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Core/Utility.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Utility used to transform optimal argument type to stored type.
template < class T > struct SqVectorOpt
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Optimal argument type.
using Type = T;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Convert the optimal type to the stored type. Does nothing special in this case.
inline static Type & Get(Type & v) { return v; }
inline static const Type & Get(const Type & v) { return v; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline static void Put(std::vector< T > & c, SQInteger i, Type & v)
{ c[ConvTo< size_t >::From(i)] = v; }
inline static void Put(std::vector< T > & c, SQInteger i, const Type & v)
{ c[ConvTo< size_t >::From(i)] = v; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Specialization of SqVectorOpt for String type.
template < > struct SqVectorOpt< String >
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Optimal argument type.
using Type = StackStrF;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Convert the optimal type to the stored type.
inline static String Get(Type & v) { return v.ToStr(); }
inline static String Get(const Type & v) { return v.ToStr(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline static void Put(std::vector< String > & c, SQInteger i, Type & v)
{ c[ConvTo< size_t >::From(i)].assign(v.mPtr, v.GetSize()); }
inline static void Put(std::vector< String > & c, SQInteger i, const Type & v)
{ c[ConvTo< size_t >::From(i)].assign(v.mPtr, v.GetSize()); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Wrapper around a vector of values. Space efficient array.
template < class T > struct SqVector
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Type given via the template parameter.
using Type = T;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The typeof vector that will be used.
using Vector = std::vector< T >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reference to the vector.
using Reference = std::shared_ptr< Vector >;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Optimal type to receive a value of this type as function argument. Mainly for strings.
using OptimalType = typename SqVectorOpt< T >::Type;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Same as OptimalType but preferably with a reference qualifier to avoid copies.
using OptimalArg = typename std::conditional< std::is_same< T, OptimalType >::value, T, OptimalType & >::type;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A vector of bool needs special treatment from the other types.
using ReturnType = typename std::conditional< std::is_same< T, bool >::value, T, T & >::type;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reference to the container instance.
Reference mC;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor.
: mC(std::make_shared< Vector >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Construct with initial capacity. No element is created.
explicit SqVector(SQInteger n)
: SqVector()
mC->reserve(static_cast< size_t >(n));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Construct with initial size. Filled with copies of specified element.
SqVector(SQInteger n, OptimalArg v)
: SqVector()
ResizeEx(n, v);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move constructor.
SqVector(SqVector &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys the Statement.
~SqVector() = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Assignment operator.
SqVector & operator = (const SqVector &) = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Move assignment.
SqVector & operator = (SqVector &&) noexcept = default;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a container instance is referenced.
void Validate() const
if (!mC)
STHROWF("Invalid container instance");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a container instance is referenced and return it.
Vector & Valid() const { Validate(); return *mC; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure an index is within rance and return the container it. Container must exist.
Vector & ValidIdx(SQInteger i) const
if (static_cast< size_t >(i) >= mC->size())
STHROWF("Invalid container index");
return *mC;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make sure a container instance is referenced and is populated, then return it.
Vector & ValidPop() const
if (mC->empty())
STHROWF("Container is empty");
return *mC;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if a container instance is referenced.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsNull() const
return static_cast< bool >(mC);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve a value from the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD typename std::add_const< ReturnType >::type Get(SQInteger i) const { return ValidIdx(i).at(ConvTo< size_t >::From(i)); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Modify a value from the container.
void Set(SQInteger i, OptimalArg v)
SqVectorOpt< T >::Put(ValidIdx(i), i, v);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the first element in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD typename std::add_const< ReturnType >::type Front() const { return ValidPop().front(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the last element in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD typename std::add_const< ReturnType >::type Back() const { return ValidPop().back(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if the container has no elements.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Empty() const { return Valid().empty(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the number of elements in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Size() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(Valid().size()); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the number of elements that the container has currently allocated space for.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Capacity() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(Valid().capacity()); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resize the container to contain a specific amount of elements.
void Resize(SQInteger n)
return Valid().resize(ConvTo< size_t >::From(n), T());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resize the container to contain a specific amount of elements.
void ResizeEx(SQInteger n, OptimalArg v)
return Valid().resize(ConvTo< size_t >::From(n), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Increase the capacity of the vector to a value that's greater or equal to the one specified.
void Reserve(SQInteger n) { return Valid().reserve(ConvTo< size_t >::From(n)); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Request the removal of unused capacity.
void Compact() { return Valid().shrink_to_fit(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase all elements from the container.
void Clear() { return Valid().clear(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Push a value at the back of the container.
void Push(OptimalArg v) { return Valid().push_back(SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v)); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pop the last element in the container.
void Pop() { ValidPop().pop_back(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase the element at a certain position.
void EraseAt(SQInteger i)
mC->erase(ValidIdx(i).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase a certain amount of elements starting from a specific position.
void EraseFrom(SQInteger i, SQInteger n)
mC->erase(ValidIdx(i).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i),
ValidIdx(i + n).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i + n));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Erase all occurrences of value from the container.
void EraseValue(OptimalArg v)
mC->erase(std::remove(mC->begin(), mC->end(), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v)), mC->end());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Insert a specific value starting from a certain position.
void InsertAt(SQInteger i, OptimalArg v)
mC->insert(ValidIdx(i).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Insert a certain amount of copies of a value starting from a specific position.
void Insert(SQInteger i, SQInteger n, OptimalArg v)
mC->insert(ValidIdx(i).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(i), ConvTo< size_t >::From(n), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Locate the position of a value.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Locate(OptimalArg v) const
auto itr = std::find(Valid().begin(), Valid().end(), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v));
return itr == mC->end() ? -1 : static_cast< SQInteger >(std::distance(mC->begin(), itr));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Locate the position of a value starting from an offset.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger LocateFrom(SQInteger p, OptimalArg v) const
auto itr = std::find(ValidIdx(p).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p),
Valid().end(), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v));
return itr == mC->end() ? -1 : static_cast< SQInteger >(std::distance(mC->begin(), itr));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Count the occurrences of a value in the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger Count(OptimalArg v) const
return static_cast< SQInteger >(std::count(Valid().begin(), Valid().end(), SqVectorOpt< T >::Get(v)));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See if values are the same as another container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD bool Equal(SqVector & o) const { return Valid() == o.Valid(); }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate all values.
void Each(Function & fn) const
for (const auto & e : *mC)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate values in range.
void EachRange(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, Function & fn) const
std::for_each(ValidIdx(p).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p),
ValidIdx(p + n).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p + n),
[&](const T & e) {
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate all values until stopped.
void While(Function & fn) const
for (const auto & e : *mC)
auto ret = fn.Eval(e);
// (null || true) == continue & false == break
if (!ret.IsNull() || !ret.template Cast< bool >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Iterate values in range until stopped.
void WhileRange(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, Function & fn) const
auto itr = ValidIdx(p).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p);
auto end = ValidIdx(p + n).begin() + static_cast< size_t >(p + n);
for (; itr != end; ++itr)
auto ret = fn.Eval(*itr);
// (null || true) == continue & false == break
if (!ret.IsNull() || !ret.template Cast< bool >())
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a script array with the elements from the container.
SQMOD_NODISCARD Array AsArray() const
// Create a script array
Array arr(SqVM());
// Reserve space in advance
arr.Reserve(static_cast< SQInteger >(mC->size()));
// Make sure to preserve the stack
StackGuard sg(SqVM());
// Populate the array with vector elements
arr.AppendFromCounted([](HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger i, const Vector & v) -> bool {
if (static_cast< size_t >(i) < v.size())
Var< T >::push(vm, v[static_cast< size_t >(i)]);
// There's a value on the stack
return true;
// No more elements
return false;
}, *mC);
// Return the array
return arr;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reverse the order of elements in the container.
void Reverse()
std::reverse(Valid().begin(), Valid().end());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate new elements at the back of the container.
void Generate(LightObj & ctx, Function & fn)
for (;;)
auto ret = fn.Eval(ctx);
// null == break
if (ret.IsNull())
// Extract the value from object
mC->push_back(ret.Cast< T >());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate new elements at the back of the container.
void GenerateSome(SQInteger n, LightObj & ctx, Function & fn)
while (n--)
auto ret = fn.Eval(ctx);
// Extract the value from object
mC->push_back(ret.Cast< T >());
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate new elements at specified position.
void GenerateFrom(SQInteger p, SQInteger n, LightObj & ctx, Function & fn)
if (static_cast< size_t >(p) >= mC->size())
STHROWF("Invalid container index");
for (auto i = static_cast< size_t >(p); n--; ++i)
auto ret = fn.Eval(ctx);
// Extract the value from object and insert it
mC->insert(mC->begin() + i, ret.Cast< T >());
} // Namespace:: SqMod