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* D++, A Lightweight C++ library for Discord
* Copyright 2021 Craig Edwards and D++ contributors
* (https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP/graphs/contributors)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <dpp/export.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <dpp/json_fwd.h>
#include <dpp/wsclient.h>
#include <dpp/dispatcher.h>
#include <dpp/event.h>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <deque>
#include <mutex>
#include <shared_mutex>
using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace dpp {
// Forward declarations
class cluster;
* @brief This is an opaque class containing zlib library specific structures.
* We define it this way so that the public facing D++ library doesn't require
* the zlib headers be available to build against it.
class zlibcontext;
* @brief Represents a connection to a voice channel.
* A client can only connect to one voice channel per guild at a time, so these are stored in a map
* in the dpp::discord_client keyed by guild_id.
class DPP_EXPORT voiceconn {
* @brief Owning dpp::discord_client instance
class discord_client* creator;
* @brief Voice Channel ID
snowflake channel_id;
* @brief Websocket hostname for status
std::string websocket_hostname;
* @brief Voice Voice session ID
std::string session_id;
* @brief Voice websocket token
std::string token;
* @brief voice websocket client
class discord_voice_client* voiceclient;
* @brief Construct a new voiceconn object
voiceconn() = default;
* @brief Construct a new voiceconn object
* @param o owner
* @param _channel_id voice channel id
voiceconn(class discord_client* o, snowflake _channel_id);
* @brief Destroy the voiceconn object
* @brief return true if the connection is ready to connect
* (has hostname, token and session id)
* @return true if ready to connect
bool is_ready();
* @brief return true if the connection is active (websocket exists)
* @return true if has an active websocket
bool is_active();
* @brief Create websocket object and connect it.
* Needs hostname, token and session_id to be set or does nothing.
* @param guild_id Guild to connect to the voice channel on
* @return reference to self
* @note It can spawn a thread to establish the connection, so this is NOT a synchronous blocking call!
* You shouldn't call this directly. Use a wrapper function instead. e.g. dpp::guild::connect_member_voice
voiceconn& connect(snowflake guild_id);
* @brief Disconnect from the currently connected voice channel
* @return reference to self
voiceconn& disconnect();
/** @brief Implements a discord client. Each discord_client connects to one shard and derives from a websocket client. */
class DPP_EXPORT discord_client : public websocket_client
* @brief Needed so that voice_state_update can call dpp::discord_client::disconnect_voice_internal
friend class dpp::events::voice_state_update;
* @brief Needed so that guild_create can request member chunks if you have the correct intents
friend class dpp::events::guild_create;
* @brief Needed to allow cluster::set_presence to use the ETF functions
friend class dpp::cluster;
* @brief True if the shard is terminating
bool terminating;
* @brief Disconnect from the connected voice channel on a guild
* @param guild_id The guild who's voice channel you wish to disconnect from
* @param send_json True if we should send a json message confirming we are leaving the VC
* Should be set to false if we already receive this message in an event.
void disconnect_voice_internal(snowflake guild_id, bool send_json = true);
* @brief Mutex for message queue
std::shared_mutex queue_mutex;
* @brief Queue of outbound messages
std::deque<std::string> message_queue;
* @brief Thread this shard is executing on
std::thread* runner;
* @brief Run shard loop under a thread.
* Calls discord_client::run() from within a std::thread.
void thread_run();
* @brief If true, stream compression is enabled
bool compressed;
* @brief ZLib decompression buffer
unsigned char* decomp_buffer;
* @brief Decompressed string
std::string decompressed;
* @brief This object contains the various zlib structs which
* are not usable by the user of the library directly. They
* are wrapped within this opaque object so that this header
* file does not bring in a dependency on zlib.h.
zlibcontext* zlib;
* @brief Total decompressed received bytes
uint64_t decompressed_total;
* @brief Last connect time of cluster
time_t connect_time;
* @brief Time last ping sent to websocket, in fractional seconds
double ping_start;
* @brief ETF parser for when in ws_etf mode
class etf_parser* etf;
* @brief Convert a JSON object to string.
* In JSON protocol mode, call json.dump(), and in ETF mode,
* call etf::build().
* @param json nlohmann::json object to convert
* @return std::string string output in the correct format
std::string jsonobj_to_string(const nlohmann::json& json);
* @brief Initialise ZLib (websocket compression)
* @throw dpp::exception if ZLib cannot be initialised
void setup_zlib();
* @brief Shut down ZLib (websocket compression)
void end_zlib();
* @brief Update the websocket hostname with the resume url
* from the last READY event
void set_resume_hostname();
* @brief Clean up resources
void cleanup();
* @brief Owning cluster
class dpp::cluster* creator;
* @brief Heartbeat interval for sending heartbeat keepalive
* @note value in milliseconds
uint32_t heartbeat_interval;
* @brief Last heartbeat
time_t last_heartbeat;
* @brief Shard ID of this client
uint32_t shard_id;
* @brief Total number of shards
uint32_t max_shards;
* @brief Thread ID
std::thread::native_handle_type thread_id;
* @brief Last sequence number received, for resumes and pings
uint64_t last_seq;
* @brief Discord bot token
std::string token;
* @brief Privileged gateway intents
* @see dpp::intents
uint32_t intents;
* @brief Discord session id
std::string sessionid;
* @brief Mutex for voice connections map
std::shared_mutex voice_mutex;
* @brief Resume count
uint32_t resumes;
* @brief Reconnection count
uint32_t reconnects;
* @brief Websocket latency in fractional seconds
double websocket_ping;
* @brief True if READY or RESUMED has been received
bool ready;
* @brief Last heartbeat ACK (opcode 11)
time_t last_heartbeat_ack;
* @brief Current websocket protocol, currently either ETF or JSON
websocket_protocol_t protocol;
* @brief List of voice channels we are connecting to keyed by guild id
std::unordered_map<snowflake, voiceconn*> connecting_voice_channels;
* @brief The gateway address we reconnect to when we resume a session
std::string resume_gateway_url;
* @brief Log a message to whatever log the user is using.
* The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever
* it wants to do with it.
* @param severity The log level from dpp::loglevel
* @param msg The log message to output
virtual void log(dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const;
* @brief Handle an event (opcode 0)
* @param event Event name, e.g. MESSAGE_CREATE
* @param j JSON object for the event content
* @param raw Raw JSON event string
virtual void handle_event(const std::string &event, json &j, const std::string &raw);
* @brief Get the Guild Count for this shard
* @return uint64_t guild count
uint64_t get_guild_count();
* @brief Get the Member Count for this shard
* @return uint64_t member count
uint64_t get_member_count();
* @brief Get the Channel Count for this shard
* @return uint64_t channel count
uint64_t get_channel_count();
/** Fires every second from the underlying socket I/O loop, used for sending heartbeats */
virtual void one_second_timer();
* @brief Queue a message to be sent via the websocket
* @param j The JSON data of the message to be sent
* @param to_front If set to true, will place the message at the front of the queue not the back
* (this is for urgent messages such as heartbeat, presence, so they can take precedence over
* chunk requests etc)
void queue_message(const std::string &j, bool to_front = false);
* @brief Clear the outbound message queue
* @return reference to self
discord_client& clear_queue();
* @brief Get the size of the outbound message queue
* @return The size of the queue
size_t get_queue_size();
* @brief Returns true if the shard is connected
* @return True if connected
bool is_connected();
* @brief Returns the connection time of the shard
* @return dpp::utility::uptime Detail of how long the shard has been connected for
dpp::utility::uptime get_uptime();
* @brief Construct a new discord_client object
* @param _cluster The owning cluster for this shard
* @param _shard_id The ID of the shard to start
* @param _max_shards The total number of shards across all clusters
* @param _token The bot token to use for identifying to the websocket
* @param intents Privileged intents to use, a bitmask of values from dpp::intents
* @param compressed True if the received data will be gzip compressed
* @param ws_protocol Websocket protocol to use for the connection, JSON or ETF
* @throws std::bad_alloc Passed up to the caller if any internal objects fail to allocate, after cleanup has completed
discord_client(dpp::cluster* _cluster, uint32_t _shard_id, uint32_t _max_shards, const std::string &_token, uint32_t intents = 0, bool compressed = true, websocket_protocol_t ws_protocol = ws_json);
* @brief Destroy the discord client object
virtual ~discord_client();
* @brief Get the decompressed bytes in objectGet decompressed total bytes received
* @return uint64_t bytes received
uint64_t get_decompressed_bytes_in();
* @brief Handle JSON from the websocket.
* @param buffer The entire buffer content from the websocket client
* @returns True if a frame has been handled
virtual bool handle_frame(const std::string &buffer);
* @brief Handle a websocket error.
* @param errorcode The error returned from the websocket
virtual void error(uint32_t errorcode);
* @brief Start and monitor I/O loop.
* @note this is a blocking call and is usually executed within a
* thread by whatever creates the object.
void run();
* @brief Connect to a voice channel
* @param guild_id Guild where the voice channel is
* @param channel_id Channel ID of the voice channel
* @param self_mute True if the bot should mute itself
* @param self_deaf True if the bot should deafen itself
* @return reference to self
* @note This is NOT a synchronous blocking call! The bot isn't instantly ready to send or listen for audio,
* as we have to wait for the connection to the voice server to be established!
* e.g. wait for dpp::cluster::on_voice_ready event, and then send the audio within that event.
discord_client& connect_voice(snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool self_mute = false, bool self_deaf = false);
* @brief Disconnect from the connected voice channel on a guild
* @param guild_id The guild who's voice channel you wish to disconnect from
* @return reference to self
* @note This is NOT a synchronous blocking call! The bot isn't instantly disconnected.
discord_client& disconnect_voice(snowflake guild_id);
* @brief Get the dpp::voiceconn object for a specific guild on this shard.
* @param guild_id The guild ID to retrieve the voice connection for
* @return voiceconn* The voice connection for the guild, or nullptr if there is no
* voice connection to this guild.
voiceconn* get_voice(snowflake guild_id);