p_create_instant_invite=0x00000000001,//!< allows creation of instant invites
p_kick_members=0x00000000002,//!< allows kicking members
p_ban_members=0x00000000004,//!< allows banning members
p_administrator=0x00000000008,//!< allows all permissions and bypasses channel permission overwrites
p_manage_channels=0x00000000010,//!< allows management and editing of channels
p_manage_guild=0x00000000020,//!< allows management and editing of the guild
p_add_reactions=0x00000000040,//!< allows for the addition of reactions to messages
p_view_audit_log=0x00000000080,//!< allows for viewing of audit logs
p_priority_speaker=0x00000000100,//!< allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel
p_stream=0x00000000200,//!< allows the user to go live
p_view_channel=0x00000000400,//!< allows guild members to view a channel, which includes reading messages in text channels and joining voice channels
p_send_messages=0x00000000800,//!< allows for sending messages in a channel
p_send_tts_messages=0x00000001000,//!< allows for sending of /tts messages
p_manage_messages=0x00000002000,//!< allows for deletion of other users messages
p_embed_links=0x00000004000,//!< links sent by users with this permission will be auto-embedded
p_attach_files=0x00000008000,//!< allows for uploading images and files
p_read_message_history=0x00000010000,//!< allows for reading of message history
p_mention_everyone=0x00000020000,//!< allows for using the everyone and the here tag to notify users in a channel
p_use_external_emojis=0x00000040000,//!< allows the usage of custom emojis from other servers
p_view_guild_insights=0x00000080000,//!< allows for viewing guild insights
p_connect=0x00000100000,//!< allows for joining of a voice channel
p_speak=0x00000200000,//!< allows for speaking in a voice channel
p_mute_members=0x00000400000,//!< allows for muting members in a voice channel
p_deafen_members=0x00000800000,//!< allows for deafening of members in a voice channel
p_move_members=0x00001000000,//!< allows for moving of members between voice channels
p_use_vad=0x00002000000,//!< allows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channel
p_change_nickname=0x00004000000,//!< allows for modification of own nickname
p_manage_nicknames=0x00008000000,//!< allows for modification of other users nicknames
p_manage_roles=0x00010000000,//!< allows management and editing of roles
p_manage_webhooks=0x00020000000,//!< allows management and editing of webhooks
p_manage_emojis_and_stickers=0x00040000000,//!< allows management and editing of emojis and stickers
p_use_application_commands=0x00080000000,//!< allows members to use application commands, including slash commands and context menus
p_request_to_speak=0x00100000000,//!< allows for requesting to speak in stage channels. (Discord: This permission is under active development and may be changed or removed.)
p_manage_events=0x00200000000,//!< allows for management (creation, updating, deleting, starting) of scheduled events
p_manage_threads=0x00400000000,//!< allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads
p_create_public_threads=0x00800000000,//!< allows for creating public and announcement threads
p_create_private_threads=0x01000000000,//!< allows for creating private threads
p_use_external_stickers=0x02000000000,//!< allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers
p_send_messages_in_threads=0x04000000000,//!< allows for sending messages in threads
p_use_embedded_activities=0x08000000000,//!< allows for using activities (applications with the EMBEDDED flag) in a voice channel
p_moderate_members=0x10000000000,//!< allows for timing out users to prevent them from sending or reacting to messages in chat and threads, and from speaking in voice and stage channels