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Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The MySQL Connector/C is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>, like most
MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and
conditions of the GPLv2 as it is applied to this software, see the
FLOSS License Exception
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "my_test.h"
/* Utility function to verify the field members */
static int test_conc97(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
diag("Please run this test manually");
return SKIP;
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_reset(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected while resetting stmt");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
return OK;
static int test_conc83(MYSQL *unused __attribute__((unused)))
int rc;
MYSQL *mysql= mysql_init(NULL);
my_bool reconnect= 1;
const char *query= "SELECT 1,2,3 FROM DUAL";
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
FAIL_IF(!(my_test_connect(mysql, hostname, username, password,
schema, port, socketname, 0)), "my_test_connect failed");
/* 1. Status is inited, so prepare should work */
rc= mysql_kill(mysql, mysql_thread_id(mysql));
rc= mysql_ping(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* 2. Status is prepared, execute should fail */
rc= mysql_kill(mysql, mysql_thread_id(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
return OK;
static int test_conc60(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *query= "SELECT * FROM agendas";
my_bool x= 1;
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, (void *)&x);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
if (rc && mysql_stmt_errno(stmt) == 1146) {
diag("Internal test - customer data not available");
return SKIP;
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
return OK;
static int test_prepare_insert_update(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
int i;
const char *testcase[]= {
"INSERT t1 VALUES (1,2,10), (3,4,20)",
"INSERT t1 VALUES (5,6,30), (7,4,40), (8,9,60) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=c+100",
"INSERT t1 VALUES (2,1,11), (7,4,40) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=c+VALUES(a)",
const char **cur_query;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
for (cur_query= testcase; *cur_query; cur_query++)
strcpy(query, *cur_query);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 0, "Paramcount is not 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* try the last query several times */
if (!cur_query[1])
for (i=0; i < 3;i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
Generalized conversion routine to handle DATE, TIME and DATETIME
conversion using MYSQL_TIME structure
static int test_bind_date_conv(MYSQL *mysql, uint row_count)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt= 0;
uint rc, i, count= row_count;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[4];
my_bool is_null[4]= {0,0,0,0};
ulong second_part;
uint year, month, day, hour, minute, sec;
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("INSERT INTO test_date VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 4, "param_count != 4");
We need to bzero bind structure because mysql_stmt_bind_param checks all
its members.
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TIME;
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME;
my_bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME;
for (i= 0; i < (int) array_elements(my_bind); i++)
my_bind[i].buffer= (void *) &tm[i];
my_bind[i].is_null= &is_null[i];
my_bind[i].buffer_length= sizeof(MYSQL_TIME);
second_part= 0;
year= 2000;
month= 01;
day= 10;
hour= 11;
minute= 16;
sec= 20;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (count= 0; count < row_count; count++)
for (i= 0; i < (int) array_elements(my_bind); i++)
memset(&tm[i], 0, sizeof(MYSQL_TIME));
tm[i].neg= 0;
tm[i].second_part= second_part+count;
if (my_bind[i].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_TIME)
tm[i].year= year+count;
tm[i].month= month+count;
tm[i].day= day+count;
tm[i].year= tm[i].month= tm[i].day= 0;
if (my_bind[i].buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_DATE)
tm[i].hour= hour+count;
tm[i].minute= minute+count;
tm[i].second= sec+count;
tm[i].hour= tm[i].minute= tm[i].second= 0;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= my_stmt_result(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_date");
FAIL_UNLESS(row_count == rc, "rowcount != rc");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT * FROM test_date"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (count= 0; count < row_count; count++)
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
for (i= 0; i < array_elements(my_bind); i++)
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].year == 0 || tm[i].year == year+count, "wrong value for year");
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].month == 0 || tm[i].month == month+count, "wrong value for month");
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].day == 0 || tm[i].day == day+count, "wrong value for day");
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].hour == 0 || tm[i].hour % 24 == 0 || tm[i].hour % 24 == hour+count, "wrong value for hour");
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].minute == 0 || tm[i].minute == minute+count, "wrong value for minute");
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].second == 0 || tm[i].second == sec+count, "wrong value for second");
FAIL_UNLESS(tm[i].second_part == 0 ||
tm[i].second_part == second_part+count, "wrong value for second_part");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
return OK;
/* Test simple prepares of all DML statements */
static int test_prepare_simple(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_simple");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prepare_simple("
"id int, name varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert */
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_prepare_simple VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount is not 2");
/* update */
strcpy(query, "UPDATE test_prepare_simple SET id=? "
"WHERE id=? AND CONVERT(name USING utf8)= ?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 3, "Paramcount is not 3");
/* delete */
strcpy(query, "DELETE FROM test_prepare_simple WHERE id=10");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 0, "Paramcount is not 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* delete */
strcpy(query, "DELETE FROM test_prepare_simple WHERE id=?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 1, "Paramcount != 1");
/* select */
strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM test_prepare_simple WHERE id=? "
"AND CONVERT(name USING utf8)= ?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_simple");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_prepare_field_result(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_RES *result;
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_field_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prepare_field_result(int_c int, "
"var_c varchar(50), ts_c timestamp, "
"char_c char(4), date_c date, extra tinyint)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert */
strcpy(query, "SELECT int_c, var_c, date_c as date, ts_c, char_c FROM "
" test_prepare_field_result as t1 WHERE int_c=?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 1, "Paramcount != 1");
result= mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!result, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
if (verify_prepare_field(result, 0, "int_c", "int_c", MYSQL_TYPE_LONG,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", schema, 11, 0))
goto error;
if (verify_prepare_field(result, 1, "var_c", "var_c", MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", schema, 50, 0))
goto error;
if (verify_prepare_field(result, 2, "date", "date_c", MYSQL_TYPE_DATE,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", schema, 10, 0))
goto error;
if (verify_prepare_field(result, 3, "ts_c", "ts_c", MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", schema, 19, 0))
goto error;
if (verify_prepare_field(result, 4, "char_c", "char_c",
(mysql_get_server_version(mysql) <= 50000 ?
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", schema, 4, 0))
goto error;
FAIL_IF(mysql_num_fields(result) != 5, "Paramcount != 5");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_field_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
return FAIL;
/* Test simple prepare field results */
static int test_prepare_syntax(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_syntax");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prepare_syntax("
"id int, name varchar(50), extra int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "FLUSH TABLES");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "START TRANSACTION");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_prepare_syntax VALUES(?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "error expected");
strcpy(query, "SELECT id, name FROM test_prepare_syntax WHERE id=? AND WHERE");
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "error expected");
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_syntax");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_prepare(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
int int_data, o_int_data;
char str_data[50], data[50];
char tiny_data, o_tiny_data;
short small_data, o_small_data;
longlong big_data, o_big_data;
float real_data, o_real_data;
double double_data, o_double_data;
ulong length[7], len;
my_bool is_null[7];
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[7];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_prepare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE my_prepare(col1 tinyint, "
"col2 varchar(15), col3 int, "
"col4 smallint, col5 bigint, "
"col6 float, col7 double )");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare */
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO my_prepare VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 7, "Paramcount != 7");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
/* tinyint */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&tiny_data;
/* string */
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)str_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= 1000; /* Max string length */
/* integer */
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[2].buffer= (void *)&int_data;
/* short */
my_bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
my_bind[3].buffer= (void *)&small_data;
/* bigint */
my_bind[4].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
my_bind[4].buffer= (void *)&big_data;
/* float */
my_bind[5].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT;
my_bind[5].buffer= (void *)&real_data;
/* double */
my_bind[6].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
my_bind[6].buffer= (void *)&double_data;
for (i= 0; i < (int) array_elements(my_bind); i++)
my_bind[i].length= &length[i];
my_bind[i].is_null= &is_null[i];
is_null[i]= 0;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
int_data= 320;
small_data= 1867;
big_data= 1000;
real_data= 2;
double_data= 6578.001;
/* now, execute the prepared statement to insert 10 records.. */
for (tiny_data= 0; tiny_data < 100; tiny_data++)
length[1]= sprintf(str_data, "MySQL%d", int_data);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
int_data += 25;
small_data += 10;
big_data += 100;
real_data += 1;
double_data += 10.09;
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= my_stmt_result(mysql, "SELECT * FROM my_prepare");
FAIL_UNLESS(rc != 1, "rowcount != 1");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, "SELECT * FROM my_prepare", 25);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* get the result */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
o_int_data= 320;
o_small_data= 1867;
o_big_data= 1000;
o_real_data= 2;
o_double_data= 6578.001;
/* now, execute the prepared statement to insert 10 records.. */
for (o_tiny_data= 0; o_tiny_data < 100; o_tiny_data++)
len= sprintf(data, "MySQL%d", o_int_data);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(tiny_data == o_tiny_data, "Wrong value for tiny_data");
FAIL_UNLESS(is_null[0] == 0, "Wrong value for is_null");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[0] == 1, "length != 0");
FAIL_UNLESS(int_data == o_int_data, "Wrong value for int_data");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[2] == 4, "length != 4");
FAIL_UNLESS(small_data == o_small_data, "Wrong value for small_data");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[3] == 2, "length != 2");
FAIL_UNLESS(big_data == o_big_data, "Wrong value for big_data");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[4] == 8, "length != 8");
FAIL_UNLESS(real_data == o_real_data, "Wrong value for real_data");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[5] == 4, "length != 4");
FAIL_UNLESS(double_data == o_double_data, "Wrong value for double_data");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[6] == 8, "length != 8");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(data, str_data) == 0, "Wrong value for data");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[1] == len, "length != len");
o_int_data += 25;
o_small_data += 10;
o_big_data += 100;
o_real_data += 1;
o_double_data += 10.09;
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_prepare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_prepare_multi_statements(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
strcpy(query, "select 1; select 'another value'");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
return OK;
static int test_prepare_ext(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char *sql;
int nData= 1;
char tData= 1;
short sData= 10;
longlong bData= 20;
int rowcount= 0;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[6];
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_ext");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
sql= (char *)"CREATE TABLE test_prepare_ext"
" c1 tinyint,"
" c2 smallint,"
" c3 mediumint,"
" c4 int,"
" c5 integer,"
" c6 bigint,"
" c7 float,"
" c8 double,"
" c9 double precision,"
" c10 real,"
" c11 decimal(7, 4),"
" c12 numeric(8, 4),"
" c13 date,"
" c14 datetime,"
" c15 timestamp,"
" c16 time,"
" c17 year,"
" c18 bit,"
" c19 bool,"
" c20 char,"
" c21 char(10),"
" c22 varchar(30),"
" c23 tinyblob,"
" c24 tinytext,"
" c25 blob,"
" c26 text,"
" c27 mediumblob,"
" c28 mediumtext,"
" c29 longblob,"
" c30 longtext,"
" c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),"
" c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'))";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, sql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare - all integers */
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_prepare_ext(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 6, "Paramcount != 6");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&tData;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&sData;
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[2].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[3].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[4].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[4].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[5].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
my_bind[5].buffer= (void *)&bData;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
* integer to integer
for (nData= 0; nData<10; nData++, tData++, sData++, bData++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
strcpy(query, "SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 FROM test_prepare_ext");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* get the result */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(nData == rowcount, "Invalid rowcount");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_ext");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_prepare_alter(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL *mysql_new;
int rc, id;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
my_bool is_null;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prep_alter");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prep_alter(id int, name char(20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_prep_alter values(10, 'venu'), (20, 'mysql')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_prep_alter VALUES(?, 'monty')");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 1, "Paramcount != 1");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
is_null= 0;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&id;
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
id= 30;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
mysql_new= mysql_init(NULL);
FAIL_IF(!mysql_new, "mysql_init failed");
FAIL_IF(!(my_test_connect(mysql_new, hostname, username, password,
schema, port, socketname, 0)), "my_test_connect failed");
rc= mysql_query(mysql_new, "ALTER TABLE test_prep_alter change id id_new varchar(20)");
diag("Error: %d %s", mysql_errno(mysql_new), mysql_error(mysql_new));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql_new);
is_null= 1;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= my_stmt_result(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_prep_alter");
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 4, "rowcount != 4");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prep_alter");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_prepare_resultset(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
MYSQL_RES *result;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_resultset");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prepare_resultset(id int, \
name varchar(50), extra double)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM test_prepare_resultset");
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt), "Paramcount != 0");
result= mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid resultset");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prepare_resultset");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test the direct query execution in the middle of open stmts */
static int test_open_direct(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_RES *result;
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_open_direct");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_open_direct(id int, name char(6))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_open_direct values(10, 'mysql')");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_open_direct");
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "invalid resultset");
FAIL_IF(mysql_num_rows(result), "rowcount != 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) != 1, "affected rows != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_open_direct");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "invalid resultset");
FAIL_IF(mysql_num_rows(result) != 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) != 1, "affected rows != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_open_direct");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid resultset");
FAIL_IF(mysql_num_rows(result) != 2, "rowcount != 2");
/* run a direct query in the middle of a fetch */
strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM test_open_direct");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_open_direct(id) VALUES(20)");
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_open_direct(id) VALUES(20)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* run a direct query with store result */
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table test_open_direct");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
return OK;
static int test_select_show(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
int rowcount;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_show");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_show(id int(4) NOT NULL primary "
" key, name char(2))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "show columns from test_show");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 0, "Paramcount != 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rowcount= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 2, "rowcount != 2");
strcpy(query, "show tables from mysql like ?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
strcpy(query, "show tables like \'test_show\'");
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rowcount= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
strcpy(query, "describe test_show");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rowcount= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 2, "rowcount != 2");
strcpy(query, "show keys from test_show");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rowcount= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_show");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_simple_update(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char szData[25];
int nData= 1;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
ulong length[2];
int rowcount= 0;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_update");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_update(col1 int, "
" col2 varchar(50), col3 int )");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_update VALUES(1, 'MySQL', 100)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
FAIL_IF(mysql_affected_rows(mysql) != 1, "Affected rows != 1");
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare */
strcpy(query, "UPDATE test_update SET col2= ? WHERE col1= ?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
nData= 1;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= szData; /* string data */
my_bind[0].buffer_length= sizeof(szData);
my_bind[0].length= &length[0];
length[0]= sprintf(szData, "updated-data");
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *) &nData;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) != 1, "Affected_rows != 1");
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_update");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid resultset");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_update");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple long data handling */
static int test_long_data(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, int_data;
char *data= NullS;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[3];
int rowcount;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_long_data");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_long_data(col1 int, "
" col2 long varchar, col3 long varbinary)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_long_data(col1, col2) VALUES(?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_long_data(col1, col2, col3) VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 3, "Paramcount != 3");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&int_data;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[2]= my_bind[1];
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
int_data= 999;
data= (char *)"Michael";
/* supply data in pieces */
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 1, SL(data));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
data= (char *)" 'Monty' Widenius";
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 1, SL(data));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 2, "Venu (venu@mysql.com)", 4);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* execute */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_long_data");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rowcount= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data", "col1", "999"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data", "col2", "Michael 'Monty' Widenius"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data", "col3", "Venu"))
goto error;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_long_data");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
return FAIL;
/* Test long data (string) handling */
static int test_long_data_str(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i, rowcount= 0;
char data[255];
long length;
ulong length1;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
my_bool is_null[2];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_long_data_str(id int, longstr long varchar)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_long_data_str VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&length;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
is_null[0]= 0;
length= 0;
my_bind[1].buffer= data; /* string data */
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].length= &length1;
my_bind[1].is_null= &is_null[1];
is_null[1]= 0;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
length= 40;
strcpy(data, "MySQL AB");
/* supply data in pieces */
for(i= 0; i < 4; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 1, (char *)data, 5);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* execute */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT LENGTH(longstr), longstr FROM test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
sprintf(data, "%d", i*5);
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data_str", "LENGTH(longstr)", data))
goto error;
strcpy(data, "MySQLMySQLMySQLMySQL");
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data_str", "longstr", data))
goto error;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return FAIL;
/* Test long data (string) handling */
static int test_long_data_str1(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i, rowcount= 0;
char data[255];
long length;
unsigned long max_blob_length, blob_length, length1;
my_bool true_value;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_long_data_str(longstr long varchar, blb long varbinary)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_long_data_str VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer= data; /* string data */
my_bind[0].buffer_length= sizeof(data);
my_bind[0].length= (unsigned long *)&length1;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
length1= 0;
my_bind[1]= my_bind[0];
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
length= sprintf(data, "MySQL AB");
/* supply data in pieces */
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 0, data, length);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 1, data, 2);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* execute */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT LENGTH(longstr), longstr, LENGTH(blb), blb FROM test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
mysql_field_seek(result, 1);
field= mysql_fetch_field(result);
max_blob_length= field->max_length;
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
sprintf(data, "%ld", (long)i*length);
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data_str", "length(longstr)", data))
return FAIL;
sprintf(data, "%d", i*2);
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_long_data_str", "length(blb)", data))
return FAIL;
/* Test length of field->max_length */
strcpy(query, "SELECT * from test_long_data_str");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 0, "Paramcount != 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
result= mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
field= mysql_fetch_fields(result);
/* First test what happens if STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH is not used */
FAIL_IF(field->max_length != 0, "field->max_length != 0");
/* Enable updating of field->max_length */
true_value= 1;
mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, (void*) &true_value);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
result= mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
field= mysql_fetch_fields(result);
diag("max_length: %lu max_blob_length: %lu", (unsigned long)field->max_length, (unsigned long)max_blob_length);
FAIL_UNLESS(field->max_length == max_blob_length, "field->max_length != max_blob_length");
/* Fetch results into a data buffer that is smaller than data */
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(*my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *) &data; /* this buffer won't be altered */
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 16;
my_bind[0].length= (unsigned long *)&blob_length;
my_bind[0].error= &my_bind[0].error_value;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
data[16]= 0;
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED, "truncation expected");
FAIL_UNLESS(my_bind[0].error_value, "No error value");
FAIL_UNLESS(strlen(data) == 16, "Invalid string length");
FAIL_UNLESS(blob_length == max_blob_length, "blob_length != max_blob_length");
/* Fetch all data */
memset((my_bind+1), '\0', sizeof(*my_bind));
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *) &data; /* this buffer won't be altered */
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(data);
my_bind[1].length= (unsigned long *)&blob_length;
memset(data, '\0', sizeof(data));
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, my_bind+1, 0, 0);
FAIL_UNLESS(strlen(data) == max_blob_length, "strlen(data) != max_blob_length");
/* Drop created table */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_long_data_str");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test long data (binary) handling */
static int test_long_data_bin(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, rowcount= 0;
char data[255];
long length;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_long_data_bin");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_long_data_bin(id int, longbin long varbinary)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_long_data_bin VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&length;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
length= 0;
my_bind[1].buffer= data; /* string data */
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
length= 10;
strcpy(data, "MySQL AB");
/* supply data in pieces */
int i;
for (i= 0; i < 100; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 1, (char *)data, 4);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* execute */
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT LENGTH(longbin), longbin FROM test_long_data_bin");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_long_data_bin");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple delete */
static int test_simple_delete(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, rowcount= 0;
char szData[30]= {0};
int nData= 1;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
ulong length[2];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_simple_delete");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_simple_delete(col1 int, \
col2 varchar(50), col3 int )");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_simple_delete VALUES(1, 'MySQL', 100)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
FAIL_IF(mysql_affected_rows(mysql) != 1, "Affected rows != 1");
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare */
strcpy(query, "DELETE FROM test_simple_delete WHERE col1= ? AND "
"CONVERT(col2 USING utf8)= ? AND col3= 100");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
nData= 1;
strcpy(szData, "MySQL");
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= szData; /* string data */
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(szData);
my_bind[1].length= &length[1];
length[1]= 5;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) != 1, "Affected rows != 1");
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_simple_delete");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount, "rowcount > 0");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_simple_delete");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_update(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char szData[25];
int nData= 1, rowcount= 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
ulong length[2];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_update");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_update("
"col1 int primary key auto_increment, "
"col2 varchar(50), col3 int )");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_update(col2, col3) VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
/* string data */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= szData;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= sizeof(szData);
my_bind[0].length= &length[0];
length[0]= sprintf(szData, "inserted-data");
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
nData= 100;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) != 1, "Affected rows != 1");
strcpy(query, "UPDATE test_update SET col2= ? WHERE col3= ?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Paramcount != 2");
nData= 100;
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= szData;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= sizeof(szData);
my_bind[0].length= &length[0];
length[0]= sprintf(szData, "updated-data");
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) != 1, "Affected rows != 1");
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_update");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_update");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test prepare without parameters */
static int test_prepare_noparam(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, rowcount= 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_prepare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE my_prepare(col1 int, col2 varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare */
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO my_prepare VALUES(10, 'venu')");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 0, "Paramcount != 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM my_prepare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_IF(rowcount != 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_prepare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple bind result */
static int test_bind_result(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
int nData;
ulong length1;
char szData[100];
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
my_bool is_null[2];
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(col1 int , col2 varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES(10, 'venu')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES(20, 'MySQL')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_bind_result(col2) VALUES('monty')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* fetch */
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *) &nData; /* integer data */
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= szData; /* string data */
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(szData);
my_bind[1].length= &length1;
my_bind[1].is_null= &is_null[1];
strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM test_bind_result");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(nData == 10, "nData != 10");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(szData, "venu") == 0, "szData != 'Venu'");
FAIL_UNLESS(length1 == 4, "length1 != 4");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(nData == 20, "nData != 20");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(szData, "MySQL") == 0, "szData != 'MySQL'");
FAIL_UNLESS(length1 == 5, "length1 != 5");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(is_null[0], "null flag not set");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(szData, "monty") == 0, "szData != 'Monty'");
FAIL_UNLESS(length1 == 5, "length1 != 5");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_bind_result_ext(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
uchar t_data;
short s_data;
int i_data;
longlong b_data;
float f_data;
double d_data;
char szData[20], bData[20];
ulong szLength, bLength;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[8];
ulong length[8];
my_bool is_null[8];
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 tinyint, "
" c2 smallint, "
" c3 int, c4 bigint, "
" c5 float, c6 double, "
" c7 varbinary(10), "
" c8 varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_bind_result "
"VALUES (19, 2999, 3999, 4999999, "
" 2345.6, 5678.89563, 'venu', 'mysql')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
for (i= 0; i < (int) array_elements(my_bind); i++)
my_bind[i].length= &length[i];
my_bind[i].is_null= &is_null[i];
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&t_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&s_data;
my_bind[2].buffer= (void *)&i_data;
my_bind[3].buffer= (void *)&b_data;
my_bind[4].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT;
my_bind[4].buffer= (void *)&f_data;
my_bind[5].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
my_bind[5].buffer= (void *)&d_data;
my_bind[6].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[6].buffer= (void *)szData;
my_bind[6].buffer_length= sizeof(szData);
my_bind[6].length= &szLength;
my_bind[7].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB;
my_bind[7].buffer= (void *)&bData;
my_bind[7].length= &bLength;
my_bind[7].buffer_length= sizeof(bData);
strcpy(query, "select * from test_bind_result");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(t_data == 19, "tdata != 19");
FAIL_UNLESS(s_data == 2999, "s_data != 2999");
FAIL_UNLESS(i_data == 3999, "i_data != 3999");
FAIL_UNLESS(b_data == 4999999, "b_data != 4999999");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(szData, "venu") == 0, "szData != 'Venu'");
FAIL_UNLESS(strncmp(bData, "mysql", 5) == 0, "nData != 'mysql'");
FAIL_UNLESS(szLength == 4, "szLength != 4");
FAIL_UNLESS(bLength == 5, "bLength != 5");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test ext bind result */
static int test_bind_result_ext1(MYSQL *mysql)
uint i;
int rc;
char t_data[20];
float s_data;
short i_data;
uchar b_data;
int f_data;
long bData;
char d_data[20];
double szData;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[8];
ulong length[8];
my_bool is_null[8];
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_bind_result(c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, \
c3 int, c4 bigint, \
c5 float, c6 double, \
c7 varbinary(10), \
c8 varchar(10))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_bind_result VALUES(120, 2999, 3999, 54, \
2.6, 58.89, \
'206', '6.7')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *) t_data;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= sizeof(t_data);
my_bind[0].error= &my_bind[0].error_value;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&s_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[1].error= &my_bind[1].error_value;
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
my_bind[2].buffer= (void *)&i_data;
my_bind[2].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[2].error= &my_bind[2].error_value;
my_bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
my_bind[3].buffer= (void *)&b_data;
my_bind[3].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[3].error= &my_bind[3].error_value;
my_bind[4].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[4].buffer= (void *)&f_data;
my_bind[4].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[4].error= &my_bind[4].error_value;
my_bind[5].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[5].buffer= (void *)d_data;
my_bind[5].buffer_length= sizeof(d_data);
my_bind[5].error= &my_bind[5].error_value;
my_bind[6].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[6].buffer= (void *)&bData;
my_bind[6].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[6].error= &my_bind[6].error_value;
my_bind[7].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
my_bind[7].buffer= (void *)&szData;
my_bind[7].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[7].error= &my_bind[7].error_value;
for (i= 0; i < array_elements(my_bind); i++)
my_bind[i].is_null= &is_null[i];
my_bind[i].length= &length[i];
strcpy(query, "select * from test_bind_result");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(t_data, "120") == 0, "t_data != 120");
FAIL_UNLESS(i_data == 3999, "i_data != 3999");
FAIL_UNLESS(f_data == 2, "f_data != 2");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(d_data, "58.89") == 0, "d_data != 58.89");
FAIL_UNLESS(b_data == 54, "b_data != 54");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[0] == 3, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[1] == 4, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[2] == 2, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[3] == 1, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[4] == 4, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[5] == 5, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[6] == 4, "Wrong length");
FAIL_UNLESS(length[7] == 8, "Wrong length");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_bind_result");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_bind_negative(MYSQL *mysql)
char *query;
int rc;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
int32 my_val= 0;
ulong my_length= 0L;
my_bool my_null= FALSE;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create temporary table t1 (c1 int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (-1)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
query= (char*)"INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (?)";
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* bind parameters */
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&my_val;
my_bind[0].length= &my_length;
my_bind[0].is_null= &my_null;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
my_val= -1;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_buffers(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
int rc;
ulong length;
my_bool is_null;
char buffer[20];
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_buffer");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_buffer(str varchar(20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into test_buffer values('MySQL')\
, ('Database'), ('Open-Source'), ('Popular')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "select str from test_buffer");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer)); /* Avoid overruns in printf() */
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].length= &length;
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 1;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)buffer;
my_bind[0].error= &my_bind[0].error_value;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
buffer[1]= 'X';
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(my_bind[0].error_value, "Errorflag not set");
FAIL_UNLESS(buffer[0] == 'M', "buffer[0] != M");
FAIL_UNLESS(buffer[1] == 'X', "buffer[1] != X");
FAIL_UNLESS(length == 5, "length != 5");
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 8;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);/* re-bind */
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(strncmp(buffer, "Database", 8) == 0, "buffer != 'Database'");
FAIL_UNLESS(length == 8, "length != 8");
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 12;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);/* re-bind */
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(buffer, "Open-Source") == 0, "buffer != 'Open-Source'");
FAIL_UNLESS(length == 11, "Length != 11");
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 6;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);/* re-bind */
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(my_bind[0].error_value, "Errorflag not set");
FAIL_UNLESS(strncmp(buffer, "Popula", 6) == 0, "buffer != 'Popula'");
FAIL_UNLESS(length == 7, "length != 7");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_buffer");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_xjoin(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
const char *query=
"select t.id, p1.value, n1.value, p2.value, n2.value from t3 t LEFT JOIN t1 p1 ON (p1.id=t.param1_id) LEFT JOIN t2 p2 ON (p2.id=t.param2_id) LEFT JOIN t4 n1 ON (n1.id=p1.name_id) LEFT JOIN t4 n2 ON (n2.id=p2.name_id) where t.id=1";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t3, t4");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t3 (id int(8), param1_id int(8), param2_id int(8)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 ( id int(8), name_id int(8), value varchar(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t2 (id int(8), name_id int(8), value varchar(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t4(id int(8), value varchar(10)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t3 values (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, null)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (1, 1, 'aaa'), (2, null, 'bbb')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t2 values (1, 2, 'ccc')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t4 values (1, 'Name1'), (2, null)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3, t4");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_union_param(MYSQL *mysql)
char *query;
int rc, i;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
char my_val[4];
ulong my_length= 3L;
my_bool my_null= FALSE;
strcpy(my_val, "abc");
query= (char*)"select ? as my_col union distinct select ?";
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
We need to bzero bind structure because mysql_stmt_bind_param checks all
its members.
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
/* bind parameters */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= (char*) &my_val;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 4;
my_bind[0].length= &my_length;
my_bind[0].is_null= &my_null;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (char*) &my_val;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= 4;
my_bind[1].length= &my_length;
my_bind[1].is_null= &my_null;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rowcount != 1");
return OK;
static int test_union(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *query= "SELECT t1.name FROM t1 UNION "
"SELECT t2.name FROM t2";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
" name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"INSERT INTO t1 (id, name) VALUES "
"(2, 'Ja'), (3, 'Ede'), "
"(4, 'Haag'), (5, 'Kabul'), "
"(6, 'Almere'), (7, 'Utrecht'), "
"(8, 'Qandahar'), (9, 'Amsterdam'), "
"(10, 'Amersfoort'), (11, 'Constantine')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
" name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"INSERT INTO t2 (id, name) VALUES "
"(4, 'Guam'), (5, 'Aruba'), "
"(6, 'Angola'), (7, 'Albania'), "
"(8, 'Anguilla'), (9, 'Argentina'), "
"(10, 'Azerbaijan'), (11, 'Afghanistan'), "
"(12, 'Burkina Faso'), (13, 'Faroe Islands')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 20, "rc != 20");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_union2(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
const char *query= "select col1 FROM t1 where col1=1 union distinct "
"select col1 FROM t1 where col1=2";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1(col1 INT, \
col2 VARCHAR(40), \
col3 SMALLINT, \
col4 TIMESTAMP)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 0, "rowcount != 0");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Misc tests to keep pure coverage happy */
static int test_pure_coverage(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
int rc;
ulong length;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_pure");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_pure(c1 int, c2 varchar(20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "FLUSH TABLES");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "START TRANSACTION");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("insert into test_pure(c67788) values(10)"));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
/* Query without params and result should allow one to bind 0 arrays */
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("insert into test_pure(c2) values(10)"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, (MYSQL_BIND*)0);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, (MYSQL_BIND*)0);
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("insert into test_pure(c2) values(?)"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
We need to bzero bind structure because mysql_stmt_bind_param checks all
its members.
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].length= &length;
my_bind[0].is_null= 0;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 0;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("select * from test_pure"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_pure");
return OK;
static int test_insert_select(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt_insert, *stmt_select;
char *query;
int rc;
uint i;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (a int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t2 (a int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t2 values (1)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
query= (char*)"insert into t1 select a from t2";
stmt_insert= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_insert, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_insert, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_insert);
query= (char*)"select * from t1";
stmt_select= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_select, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_select, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select);
for(i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_insert);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_insert);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_select);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt_select) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == (int)(i+1), "rc != i+1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple prepare-insert */
static int test_insert(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char str_data[50];
char tiny_data;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
ulong length;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prep_insert");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prep_insert(col1 tinyint, \
col2 varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare */
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("INSERT INTO test_prep_insert VALUES(?, ?)"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "Param_count != 2");
We need to bzero bind structure because mysql_stmt_bind_param checks all
its members.
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
/* tinyint */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&tiny_data;
/* string */
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= str_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(str_data);;
my_bind[1].length= &length;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* now, execute the prepared statement to insert 10 records.. */
for (tiny_data= 0; tiny_data < 3; tiny_data++)
length= sprintf(str_data, "MySQL%d", tiny_data);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_prep_insert");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_UNLESS((int) tiny_data == rc, "rowcount != tinydata");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_prep_insert");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_join(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i, j;
const char *query[]= {"SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a)",
"SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1",
"SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a)",
"SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a)",
"SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1",
"SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a)",
"SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a)",
"SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1",
"SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a)"};
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a int , b int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"insert into t1 values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t2 (a int , c int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"insert into t2 values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
for (j= 0; j < 9; j++)
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query[j]));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 5, "rowcount != 5");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_left_join_view(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
const char *query=
"select t1.a, v1.x from t1 left join v1 on (t1.a= v1.x);";
rc = mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,v1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc = mysql_query(mysql, "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v1,t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,"CREATE TABLE t1 (a int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,"insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,"create view v1 (x) as select a from t1 where a > 1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 3, "rowcount != 3");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP VIEW v1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple sample - manual */
static int test_manual_sample(MYSQL *mysql)
unsigned int param_count;
short small_data;
int int_data;
int rc;
char str_data[50];
ulonglong affected_rows;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[3];
my_bool is_null;
Sample which is incorporated directly in the manual under Prepared
statements section (Example from mysql_stmt_execute()
memset(str_data, 0, sizeof(str_data));
mysql_autocommit(mysql, 1);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_table(col1 int, col2 varchar(50), \
col3 smallint, \
col4 timestamp)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* Prepare a insert query with 3 parameters */
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_table(col1, col2, col3) values(?, ?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* Get the parameter count from the statement */
param_count= mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt);
FAIL_IF(param_count != 3, "param_count != 3");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&int_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)str_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(str_data);
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
my_bind[2].buffer= (void *)&small_data;
my_bind[2].is_null= &is_null;
is_null= 0;
/* Bind the buffers */
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* Specify the data */
int_data= 10; /* integer */
strcpy(str_data, "MySQL"); /* string */
is_null= 1;
/* Execute the insert statement - 1*/
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* Get the total rows affected */
affected_rows= mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt);
FAIL_IF(affected_rows != 1, "affected-rows != 1");
/* Re-execute the insert, by changing the values */
int_data= 1000;
strcpy(str_data, "The most popular open source database");
small_data= 1000; /* smallint */
is_null= 0; /* reset */
/* Execute the insert statement - 2*/
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* Get the total rows affected */
affected_rows= mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt);
FAIL_IF(affected_rows != 1, "affected_rows != 1");
/* Close the statement */
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_table");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_create_drop(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt_create, *stmt_drop, *stmt_select, *stmt_create_select;
char *query;
int rc, i;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t2 (a int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (a int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t2 values (3), (2), (1);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
query= (char*)"create table t1 (a int)";
stmt_create= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_create, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_create, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_create);
query= (char*)"drop table t1";
stmt_drop= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_drop, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_drop, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_drop);
query= (char*)"select a in (select a from t2) from t1";
stmt_select= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_select, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_select, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
query= (char*)"create table t1 select a from t2";
stmt_create_select= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_create_select, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_create_select, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_create_select);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_create);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_create);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_select);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt_select) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 0, "rowcount != 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_drop);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_drop);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_create_select);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_create);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_select);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select);
rc= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt_select) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 3, "rowcount != 3");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_drop);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_drop);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test DATE, TIME, DATETIME and TS with MYSQL_TIME conversion */
static int test_date(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_date(c1 TIMESTAMP, \
c2 TIME, \
c4 DATE)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= test_bind_date_conv(mysql, 5);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
return rc;
/* Test all time types to DATE and DATE to all types */
static int test_date_date(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_date(c1 DATE, \
c2 DATE, \
c3 DATE, \
c4 DATE)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= test_bind_date_conv(mysql, 3);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
return rc;
/* Test all time types to TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP to all types */
static int test_date_ts(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_date(c1 TIMESTAMP, \
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= test_bind_date_conv(mysql, 2);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
return rc;
/* Test all time types to DATETIME and DATETIME to all types */
static int test_date_dt(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_date(c1 datetime, "
" c2 datetime, c3 datetime, c4 date)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= test_bind_date_conv(mysql, 2);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
return rc;
/* Test all time types to TIME and TIME to all types */
static int test_date_time(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_date(c1 TIME, \
c2 TIME, \
c3 TIME, \
c4 TIME)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= test_bind_date_conv(mysql, 3);
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_date");
return rc;
Test of basic checks that are performed in server for components
of MYSQL_TIME parameters.
static int test_datetime_ranges(MYSQL *mysql)
const char *stmt_text;
int rc, i;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[6];
if (!is_mariadb)
return SKIP;
stmt_text= "drop table if exists t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt_text= "create table t1 (year datetime, month datetime, day datetime, "
"hour datetime, min datetime, sec datetime)";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
stmt_text= "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(stmt_text));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 6, "param_count != 6");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
for (i= 0; i < 6; i++)
my_bind[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME;
my_bind[i].buffer= &tm[i];
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
tm[0].year= 2004; tm[0].month= 11; tm[0].day= 10;
tm[0].hour= 12; tm[0].minute= 30; tm[0].second= 30;
tm[0].second_part= 0; tm[0].neg= 0;
tm[5]= tm[4]= tm[3]= tm[2]= tm[1]= tm[0];
tm[0].year= 10000; tm[1].month= 13; tm[2].day= 32;
tm[3].hour= 24; tm[4].minute= 60; tm[5].second= 60;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(!mysql_warning_count(mysql), "warnings expected");
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "year", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "month", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "day", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "hour", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "min", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "sec", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
stmt_text= "delete from t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt_text= "INSERT INTO t1 (year, month, day) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(stmt_text));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
We reuse contents of bind and tm arrays left from previous part of test.
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
my_bind[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DATE;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(!mysql_warning_count(mysql), "warnings expected");
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "year", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "month", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "day", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"))
goto error;
stmt_text= "drop table t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt_text= "create table t1 (day_ovfl time, day time, hour time, min time, sec time)";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
stmt_text= "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(stmt_text));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 5, "param_count != 5");
Again we reuse what we can from previous part of test.
for (i= 0; i < 5; i++)
my_bind[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TIME;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
tm[0].year= 0; tm[0].month= 0; tm[0].day= 10;
tm[0].hour= 12; tm[0].minute= 30; tm[0].second= 30;
tm[0].second_part= 0; tm[0].neg= 0;
tm[4]= tm[3]= tm[2]= tm[1]= tm[0];
tm[0].day= 35; tm[1].day= 34; tm[2].hour= 30; tm[3].minute= 60; tm[4].second= 60;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_warning_count(mysql) != 2, "warning_count != 2");
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "day_ovfl", "838:59:59"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "day", "828:30:30"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "hour", "270:30:30"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "min", "00:00:00"))
goto error;
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "t1", "sec", "00:00:00"))
goto error;
stmt_text= "drop table t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
stmt_text= "drop table t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_derived(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
int32 my_val= 0;
ulong my_length= 0L;
my_bool my_null= FALSE;
const char *query=
"select count(1) from (select f.id from t1 f where f.id=?) as x";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (id int(8), primary key (id)) \
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (1)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&my_val;
my_bind[0].length= &my_length;
my_bind[0].is_null= &my_null;
my_val= 1;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_distinct(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
const char *query=
"SELECT 2+count(distinct b), group_concat(a) FROM t1 group by a";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a int , b int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"insert into t1 values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), \
(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30), (4, 40), (5, 50);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 5, "rowcount != 5");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_do_set(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt_do, *stmt_set;
char *query;
int rc, i;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (a int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
query= (char*)"do @var:=(1 in (select * from t1))";
stmt_do= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_do, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_do, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_do);
query= (char*)"set @var=(1 in (select * from t1))";
stmt_set= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_set, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_set, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_set);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_do);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_do);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_set);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_set);
return OK;
static int test_double_compare(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char real_data[10], tiny_data;
double double_data;
MYSQL_RES *result;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[3];
ulong length[3];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_double_compare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_double_compare(col1 tinyint, "
" col2 float, col3 double )");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_double_compare "
"VALUES (1, 10.2, 34.5)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "UPDATE test_double_compare SET col1=100 "
"WHERE col1 = ? AND col2 = ? AND COL3 = ?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 3, "param_count != 3");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
/* tinyint */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&tiny_data;
/* string->float */
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&real_data;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(real_data);
my_bind[1].length= &length[1];
/* double */
my_bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
my_bind[2].buffer= (void *)&double_data;
tiny_data= 1;
strcpy(real_data, "10.2");
length[1]= (ulong)strlen(real_data);
double_data= 34.5;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt), "affected_rows != 0");
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* test the results now, only one row should exist */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_double_compare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* get the result */
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_UNLESS((int)tiny_data == rc, "rowcount != tinydata");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_double_compare");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_multi(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt_delete, *stmt_update, *stmt_select1, *stmt_select2;
char *query;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
int rc, i;
int32 param= 1;
ulong length= 1;
We need to bzero bind structure because mysql_stmt_bind_param checks all
its members.
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)¶m;
my_bind[0].length= &length;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (a int, b int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t2 (a int, b int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t1 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "insert into t2 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
query= (char*)"delete t1, t2 from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=10";
stmt_delete= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_delete, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_delete, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_delete);
query= (char*)"update t1, t2 set t1.b=10, t2.b=10 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b=?";
stmt_update= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_update, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_update, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_update);
query= (char*)"select * from t1";
stmt_select1= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_select1, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_select1, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select1);
query= (char*)"select * from t2";
stmt_select2= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_select2, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_select2, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select2);
for(i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt_update, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_update);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_update);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_update);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_delete);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_delete);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_select1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select1);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt_select1))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 3-param, "rc != 3 - param");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_select2);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_select2);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt_select2))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 3-param, "rc != 3 - param");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "drop table t1, t2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Multiple stmts .. */
static int test_multi_stmt(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt, *stmt1, *stmt2;
int rc;
uint32 id;
char name[50];
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
ulong length[2];
my_bool is_null[2];
const char *query;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_multi_table");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_multi_table(id int, name char(20))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_multi_table values(10, 'mysql')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
query= "SELECT * FROM test_multi_table WHERE id=?";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
stmt2= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt2, mysql_error(mysql));
query= "UPDATE test_multi_table SET name='updated' WHERE id=10";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt2, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt2);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 1, "param_count != 1");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&id;
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
my_bind[0].length= &length[0];
is_null[0]= 0;
length[0]= 0;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)name;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= sizeof(name);
my_bind[1].length= &length[1];
my_bind[1].is_null= &is_null[1];
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
id= 10;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
id= 999;
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(id == 10, "id != 10");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(name, "mysql") == 0, "name != 'mysql'");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
/* alter the table schema now */
stmt1= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt1, mysql_error(mysql));
query= "DELETE FROM test_multi_table WHERE id=? AND CONVERT(name USING utf8)=?";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt1, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt1) != 2, "param_count != 2");
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt1, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt2);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt2);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt2) != 1, "affected_rows != 1");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS(id == 10, "id != 10");
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(name, "updated") == 0, "name != 'updated'");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt1) != 1, "affected_rows != 1");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= my_stmt_result(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_multi_table");
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 0, "rc != 0");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_multi_table");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test 'n' statements create and close */
static int test_nstmts(MYSQL *mysql)
char query[255];
int rc;
static uint i, total_stmts= 2000;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_nstmts");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_nstmts(id int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&i;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
for (i= 0; i < total_stmts; i++)
strcpy(query, "insert into test_nstmts values(?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(" select count(*) from test_nstmts"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
i= 0;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_UNLESS( i == total_stmts, "total_stmts != i");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_nstmts");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple null */
static int test_null(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
uint nData;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
my_bool is_null[2];
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_null");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_null(col1 int, col2 varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "FLUSH TABLES");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "START TRANSACTION");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert by prepare, wrong column name */
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_null(col3, col2) VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_null(col1, col2) VALUES(?, ?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "param_count != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
is_null[0]= 1;
my_bind[1]= my_bind[0];
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* now, execute the prepared statement to insert 10 records.. */
for (nData= 0; nData<10; nData++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* Re-bind with MYSQL_TYPE_NULL */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
is_null[0]= 0; /* reset */
my_bind[1]= my_bind[0];
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (nData= 0; nData<10; nData++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* now fetch the results ..*/
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
nData*= 2;
rc= my_stmt_result(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_null");;
FAIL_UNLESS((int) nData == rc, "rc != ndata");
/* Fetch results */
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&nData; /* this buffer won't be altered */
my_bind[0].length= 0;
my_bind[1]= my_bind[0];
my_bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
my_bind[1].is_null= &is_null[1];
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT * FROM test_null"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
is_null[0]= is_null[1]= 0;
while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
FAIL_UNLESS(is_null[0], "!is_null");
FAIL_UNLESS(is_null[1], "!is_null");
is_null[0]= is_null[1]= 0;
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == (int) nData, "rc != nData");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_null");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_order_param(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *query;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b char(10))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
query= "select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1 "
" union distinct "
"select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1 group by b ";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
query= "select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1 group by b "
" union distinct "
"select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1 group by b ";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
query= "select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1 "
" union distinct "
"select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1 group by b ";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_rename(MYSQL *mysql)
const char *query= "rename table t1 to t2, t3 to t4";
int rc;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t3, t4");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t1 (a int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Error expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t3 (a int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Errr expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "rename table t2 to t1, t4 to t3");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t2, t4");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_rewind(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND my_bind;
int rc = 0;
const char *stmt_text;
long unsigned int length=4, Data=0;
my_bool isnull=0;
stmt_text= "CREATE TABLE t1 (a int)";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt_text= "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2),(3),(4)";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
stmt_text= "SELECT * FROM t1";
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(stmt_text));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(&my_bind, '\0', sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
my_bind.buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
my_bind.buffer= (void *)&Data; /* this buffer won't be altered */
my_bind.length= &length;
my_bind.is_null= &isnull;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, &my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* retrieve all result sets till we are at the end */
/* seek to the first row */
mysql_stmt_data_seek(stmt, 0);
/* now we should be able to fetch the results again */
/* but mysql_stmt_fetch returns MYSQL_NO_DATA */
while(!(rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt)));
stmt_text= "DROP TABLE t1";
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, SL(stmt_text));
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
return OK;
/* Test simple select */
static int test_select(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
char szData[25];
int nData= 1;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
ulong length[2];
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_select(id int, name varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert a row and commit the transaction */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_select VALUES(10, 'venu')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* now insert the second row, and roll back the transaction */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_select VALUES(20, 'mysql')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM test_select WHERE id= ? "
"AND CONVERT(name USING utf8) =?");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt) != 2, "param_count != 2");
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
/* string data */
nData= 10;
strcpy(szData, (char *)"venu");
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)szData;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= 4;
my_bind[1].length= &length[1];
length[1]= 4;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&nData;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rc != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple select with prepare */
static int test_select_prepare(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_select(id int, name varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert a row and commit the transaction */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_select VALUES(10, 'venu')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT * FROM test_select"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_select(id tinyint, id1 int, "
" id2 float, id3 float, "
" name varchar(50))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* insert a row and commit the transaction */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_select(id, id1, id2, name) VALUES(10, 5, 2.3, 'venu')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT * FROM test_select"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rowcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_select");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple show */
static int test_select_show_table(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SHOW TABLES FROM mysql"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt), "param_count != 0");
for (i= 1; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt));
return OK;
/* Test simple select */
static int test_select_version(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT @@version"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt), "param_count != 0");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt));
return OK;
static int test_selecttmp(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc, i;
const char *query= "select a, (select count(distinct t1.b) as sum from t1, t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b > 0 and t1.a <= t3.b group by t1.a order by sum limit 1) from t3";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t3");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a int , b int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t2 (a int, b int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "create table t3 (a int, b int);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"insert into t1 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7), \
(2, -1), (3, 10);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"insert into t2 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql,
"insert into t3 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1);");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
for (i= 0; i < 3; i++)
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 3, "rowcount != 3");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_set_option(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_RES *result;
int rc;
mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
/* LIMIT the rows count to 2 */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SET SQL_SELECT_LIMIT= 2");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_limit");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_limit(a tinyint)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO test_limit VALUES(10), (20), (30), (40)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT * FROM test_limit");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 2, "rowcunt != 2");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT * FROM test_limit"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 2, "");
/* RESET the LIMIT the rows count to 0 */
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SET SQL_SELECT_LIMIT=DEFAULT");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT * FROM test_limit"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= 0;
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 4, "rowcount != 4");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_limit");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test simple set-variable prepare */
static int test_set_variable(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt, *stmt1;
int rc;
int set_count, def_count, get_count;
ulong length;
char var[NAME_LEN+1];
MYSQL_BIND set_bind[1], get_bind[2];
mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
stmt1= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt1, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt1, SL("show variables like 'max_error_count'"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
memset(get_bind, '\0', sizeof(get_bind));
get_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
get_bind[0].buffer= (void *)var;
get_bind[0].length= &length;
get_bind[0].buffer_length= (int)NAME_LEN;
length= NAME_LEN;
get_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
get_bind[1].buffer= (void *)&get_count;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt1, get_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
def_count= get_count;
FAIL_UNLESS(strcmp(var, "max_error_count") == 0, "var != max_error_count");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt1);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("set max_error_count=?"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(set_bind, '\0', sizeof(set_bind));
set_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
set_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&set_count;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, set_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
set_count= 31;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
FAIL_UNLESS(get_count == set_count, "get_count != set_count");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt1);
/* restore back to default */
set_count= def_count;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt1);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
FAIL_UNLESS(get_count == set_count, "get_count != set_count");
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt1);
return OK;
/* Test SQLmode */
static int test_sqlmode(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[2];
char c1[5], c2[5];
int rc;
int ignore_space= 0;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_piping");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_piping(name varchar(10))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "SET SQL_MODE= \"PIPES_AS_CONCAT\"");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, query);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_piping VALUES(?||?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)c1;
my_bind[0].buffer_length= 2;
my_bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
my_bind[1].buffer= (void *)c2;
my_bind[1].buffer_length= 3;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
strcpy(c1, "My"); strcpy(c2, "SQL");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_piping", "name", "MySQL"))
return FAIL;
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DELETE FROM test_piping");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "SELECT connection_id ()");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* ANSI */
strcpy(query, "SET SQL_MODE= \"ANSI\"");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, query);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_piping VALUES(?||?)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
strcpy(c1, "My"); strcpy(c2, "SQL");
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
if (verify_col_data(mysql, "test_piping", "name", "MySQL"))
return FAIL;
/* ANSI mode spaces ...
skip, if ignore_space was set
query_int_variable(mysql, "@@sql_mode LIKE '%IGNORE_SPACE%'", &ignore_space);
if (!ignore_space)
strcpy(query, "SELECT connection_id ()");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
strcpy(query, "SET SQL_MODE= \"IGNORE_SPACE\"");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, query);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "SELECT connection_id ()");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_piping");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
/* Test mysql_stmt_close for open stmts */
static int test_stmt_close(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt1, *stmt2, *stmt3, *stmt_x;
MYSQL_BIND my_bind[1];
MYSQL_RES *result;
unsigned int count;
int rc;
my_bool reconnect= 1;
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
/* set AUTOCOMMIT to ON*/
mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_stmt_close");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_stmt_close(id int)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "DO \"nothing\"");
stmt1= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt1, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt1, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt1);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt1), "param_count != 0");
strcpy(query, "INSERT INTO test_stmt_close(id) VALUES(?)");
stmt_x= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt_x, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt_x, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_x);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt_x) != 1, "param_count != 1");
strcpy(query, "UPDATE test_stmt_close SET id= ? WHERE id= ?");
stmt3= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt3, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt3, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt3);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt3) != 2, "param_count != 2");
strcpy(query, "SELECT * FROM test_stmt_close WHERE id= ?");
stmt2= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt2, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt2, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt2);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt2) != 1, "param_count != 1");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt1);
Originally we were going to close all statements automatically in
mysql_close(). This proved to not work well - users weren't able to
close statements by hand once mysql_close() had been called.
Now mysql_close() doesn't free any statements, so this test doesn't
serve its original designation any more.
Here we free stmt2 and stmt3 by hand to avoid memory leaks.
We need to bzero bind structure because mysql_stmt_bind_param checks all
its members.
memset(my_bind, '\0', sizeof(my_bind));
my_bind[0].buffer= (void *)&count;
my_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
count= 100;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt_x, my_bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_x);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt_x);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_x);
FAIL_IF(mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt_x) != 1, "affected_rows != 1");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt_x);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt_x);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT id FROM test_stmt_close");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!result, "Invalid result set");
rc= 0;
while (mysql_fetch_row(result))
FAIL_UNLESS(rc == 1, "rwcount != 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_stmt_close");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_new_date(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND bind[1];
int rc;
char buffer[50];
my_bool reconnect= 1;
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);
/* set AUTOCOMMIT to ON*/
mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a date, b date)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (now(), now() + INTERVAL 1 day)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, "SELECT if(1, a, b) FROM t1", 26);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind[0].buffer_length= 50;
bind[0].buffer= (void *)buffer;
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
FAIL_IF(rc != MYSQL_NO_DATA, "NO DATA expected");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_long_data1(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
MYSQL_BIND bind[1];
const char *data= "12345";
rc= mysql_autocommit(mysql, TRUE);
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tld");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE tld (col1 int, "
"col2 long varbinary)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO tld VALUES (1,'test')");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
strcpy(query, "UPDATE tld SET col2=? WHERE col1=1");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
FAIL_IF(!stmt, mysql_error(mysql));
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 0, data, 6);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tld");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
int test_blob_9000(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND bind[1];
int rc;
char buffer[9200];
const char *query= "INSERT INTO tb9000 VALUES (?)";
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tb9000");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE tb9000 (a blob)");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
memset(buffer, 'C', 9200);
bind[0].buffer= buffer;
bind[0].buffer_length= 9200;
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tb9000");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
int test_fracseconds(MYSQL *mysql)
int rc;
const char *str= "SELECT NOW(6)";
char buffer[60], buffer1[60];
MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(str));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind[0].buffer= buffer;
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(strlen(buffer) != 26, "Expected timestamp with length of 26");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a timestamp(6), b time(6))");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2012-04-25 10:20:49.0194','10:20:49.0194' )");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, "SELECT a,b FROM t1", 18);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(bind, 0, 2 * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind[0].buffer= buffer;
bind[1].buffer= buffer1;
bind[0].buffer_length= bind[1].buffer_length= 60;
bind[0].buffer_type= bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(strcmp(buffer, "2012-04-25 10:20:49.019400") != 0, "Wrong result");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(buffer1, "10:20:49.019400") != 0, "Wrong result");
rc= mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
return OK;
int test_notrunc(MYSQL *mysql)
my_bool trunc= 1;
MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
char buffer[5], buffer2[5];
int rc;
my_bool error= 0;
unsigned long len= 1;
const char *query= "SELECT '1234567890', 'foo' FROM DUAL";
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, &trunc);
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
strcpy(buffer, "bar");
memset(bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND) * 2);
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
bind[0].buffer= buffer;
bind[0].buffer_length= 1;
bind[0].length= &len;
bind[0].flags|= MADB_BIND_DUMMY;
bind[0].error= &error;
bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[1].buffer= buffer2;
bind[1].buffer_length= 5;
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt);
FAIL_IF(rc!= 0, "expected rc= 0");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(buffer, "bar"), "Bind dummy failed");
FAIL_IF(strcmp(buffer2, "foo"), "Invalid second buffer");
return OK;
static int test_bit2tiny(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
char data[11];
unsigned long length[2];
my_bool is_null[2], error[2];
const char *query = "SELECT val FROM justbit";
int rc;
mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS justbit");
mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE justbit(val bit(1) not null)");
mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO justbit values (1)");
stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL(query));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
memset(bind, '\0', sizeof(bind));
bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
bind[0].buffer= &data[0];
bind[0].buffer_length= 1;
bind[0].is_null= &is_null[0];
bind[0].length= &length[0];
bind[0].error= &error[0];
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
FAIL_IF(data[0] != 1, "Value should be 1");
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS justbit");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_reexecute(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_BIND ps_params[3]; /* input parameter buffers */
int int_data[3]; /* input/output values */
int rc;
if (!mariadb_connection(mysql))
return SKIP;
/* set up stored procedure */
rc = mysql_query(mysql, "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
rc = mysql_query(mysql,
" IN p_in INT, "
" OUT p_out INT, "
" INOUT p_inout INT) "
" SELECT p_in, p_out, p_inout; "
" SET p_in = 100, p_out = 200, p_inout = 300; "
" SELECT p_in, p_out, p_inout; "
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
/* initialize and prepare CALL statement with parameter placeholders */
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
diag("Could not initialize statement");
rc = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, "CALL p1(?, ?, ?)", 16);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* initialize parameters: p_in, p_out, p_inout (all INT) */
memset(ps_params, 0, sizeof (ps_params));
ps_params[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
ps_params[0].buffer = (char *) &int_data[0];
ps_params[0].length = 0;
ps_params[0].is_null = 0;
ps_params[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
ps_params[1].buffer = (char *) &int_data[1];
ps_params[1].length = 0;
ps_params[1].is_null = 0;
ps_params[2].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
ps_params[2].buffer = (char *) &int_data[2];
ps_params[2].length = 0;
ps_params[2].is_null = 0;
/* bind parameters */
rc = mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, ps_params);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
/* assign values to parameters and execute statement */
int_data[0]= 10; /* p_in */
int_data[1]= 20; /* p_out */
int_data[2]= 30; /* p_inout */
rc = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc = mysql_query(mysql, "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1");
check_mysql_rc(rc, mysql);
return OK;
static int test_prepare_error(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
int rc;
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT 1 FROM tbl_not_exists"));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Expected error");
rc= mysql_stmt_reset(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SELECT 1 FROM tbl_not_exists"));
FAIL_IF(!rc, "Expected error");
rc= mysql_stmt_reset(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SET @a:=1"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
return OK;
static int test_conc349(MYSQL *mysql)
MYSQL_STMT *stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
int rc;
enum mysql_stmt_state state;
rc= mysql_stmt_attr_get(stmt, STMT_ATTR_STATE, &state);
rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SL("SET @a:=1"));
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_attr_get(stmt, STMT_ATTR_STATE, &state);
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_stmt_rc(rc, stmt);
rc= mysql_stmt_attr_get(stmt, STMT_ATTR_STATE, &state);
return OK;
struct my_tests_st my_tests[] = {
{"test_conc349", test_conc349, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_prepare_error", test_prepare_error, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_reexecute", test_reexecute, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_bit2tiny", test_bit2tiny, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc97", test_conc97, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc83", test_conc83, TEST_CONNECTION_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_conc60", test_conc60, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_notrunc", test_notrunc, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_fracseconds", test_fracseconds, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
{"test_blob_9000", test_blob_9000, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_long_data1", test_long_data1, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_insert_update", test_prepare_insert_update, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_simple", test_prepare_simple, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_syntax", test_prepare_syntax, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_field_result", test_prepare_field_result, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare", test_prepare, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_ext", test_prepare_ext, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_multi_statements", test_prepare_multi_statements, TEST_CONNECTION_NEW, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_alter", test_prepare_alter, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_resultset", test_prepare_resultset, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_open_direct", test_open_direct, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_select_show", test_select_show, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_select", test_select, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_long_data", test_long_data, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_long_data_str", test_long_data_str, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_long_data_str1", test_long_data_str1, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_long_data_bin", test_long_data_bin, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_simple_update", test_simple_update, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_simple_delete", test_simple_delete, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_update", test_update, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_prepare_noparam", test_prepare_noparam, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_bind_result", test_bind_result, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_bind_result_ext", test_bind_result_ext, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_bind_result_ext1", test_bind_result_ext1, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_bind_negative", test_bind_negative, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_buffers", test_buffers, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_xjoin", test_xjoin, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_union", test_union, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_union2", test_union2, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_union_param", test_union_param, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_pure_coverage", test_pure_coverage, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_insert_select", test_insert_select, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_insert", test_insert, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_join", test_join, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_left_join_view", test_left_join_view, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_manual_sample", test_manual_sample, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_create_drop", test_create_drop, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_date", test_date, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_date_ts", test_date_ts, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_date_dt", test_date_dt, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_date_date", test_date_date, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_date_time", test_date_time, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_datetime_ranges", test_datetime_ranges, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_derived", test_derived, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_distinct", test_distinct, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_do_set", test_do_set, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_double_compare", test_double_compare, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_multi", test_multi, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_multi_stmt", test_multi_stmt, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_nstmts", test_nstmts, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_null", test_null, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_order_param", test_order_param, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_rename", test_rename, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_rewind", test_rewind, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_select_prepare", test_select_prepare, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_select_show_table", test_select_show_table, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_select_version", test_select_version, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_selecttmp", test_selecttmp, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_set_option", test_set_option, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_set_variable", test_set_variable, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_sqlmode", test_sqlmode, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_stmt_close", test_stmt_close, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL , NULL},
{"test_new_date", test_new_date, TEST_CONNECTION_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL},
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
get_options(argc, argv);