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// RecordSet.cpp
// Library: Data
// Package: DataCore
// Module: RecordSet
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "Poco/Data/RecordSet.h"
#include "Poco/Data/RowFilter.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Date.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Time.h"
#include "Poco/Data/DataException.h"
#include "Poco/DateTime.h"
#include "Poco/UTFString.h"
using namespace Poco::Data::Keywords;
using Poco::DateTime;
using Poco::UTF16String;
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
const std::size_t RecordSet::UNKNOWN_TOTAL_ROW_COUNT = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
RecordSet::RecordSet(const Statement& rStatement,
RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter):
_pBegin(new RowIterator(this, 0 == rowsExtracted())),
_pEnd(new RowIterator(this, true)),
if (pRowFormatter) setRowFormatter(pRowFormatter);
RecordSet::RecordSet(Session& rSession,
const std::string& query,
RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter):
Statement((rSession << query, now)),
_pBegin(new RowIterator(this, 0 == rowsExtracted())),
_pEnd(new RowIterator(this, true)),
if (pRowFormatter) setRowFormatter(pRowFormatter);
RecordSet::RecordSet(const RecordSet& other):
_pBegin(new RowIterator(this, 0 == rowsExtracted())),
_pEnd(new RowIterator(this, true)),
RecordSet::RecordSet(RecordSet&& other) noexcept:
delete _pBegin;
delete _pEnd;
RowMap::iterator it = _rowMap.begin();
RowMap::iterator end = _rowMap.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) delete it->second;
catch (...)
RecordSet& RecordSet::operator = (RecordSet&& other) noexcept
Statement::operator = (std::move(other));
_currentRow = std::move(other._currentRow);
_pBegin = std::move(other._pBegin);
_pEnd = std::move(other._pEnd);
_pFilter = std::move(other._pFilter);
_totalRowCount = std::move(other._totalRowCount);
return *this;
void RecordSet::reset(const Statement& stmt)
delete _pBegin;
_pBegin = 0;
delete _pEnd;
_pEnd = 0;
_currentRow = 0;
RowMap::iterator it = _rowMap.begin();
RowMap::iterator end = _rowMap.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) delete it->second;
Statement::operator = (stmt);
_pBegin = new RowIterator(this, 0 == rowsExtracted());
_pEnd = new RowIterator(this, true);
Poco::Dynamic::Var RecordSet::value(std::size_t col, std::size_t row, bool useFilter) const
if (useFilter && isFiltered() && !isAllowed(row))
throw InvalidAccessException("Row not allowed");
if (isNull(col, row)) return Poco::Dynamic::Var();
switch (columnType(col))
case MetaColumn::FDT_BOOL: return value<bool>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT8: return value<Int8>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT8: return value<UInt8>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT16: return value<Int16>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT16: return value<UInt16>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT32: return value<Int32>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT32: return value<UInt32>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT64: return value<Int64>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT64: return value<UInt64>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_FLOAT: return value<float>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_DOUBLE: return value<double>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_STRING: return value<std::string>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_WSTRING: return value<UTF16String>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_BLOB: return value<BLOB>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_CLOB: return value<CLOB>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_DATE: return value<Date>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_TIME: return value<Time>(col, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_TIMESTAMP: return value<DateTime>(col, row);
throw UnknownTypeException("Data type not supported.");
Poco::Dynamic::Var RecordSet::value(const std::string& name, std::size_t row, bool useFilter) const
if (useFilter && isFiltered() && !isAllowed(row))
throw InvalidAccessException("Row not allowed");
if (isNull(metaColumn(name).position(), row)) return Poco::Dynamic::Var();
switch (columnType(name))
case MetaColumn::FDT_BOOL: return value<bool>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT8: return value<Int8>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT8: return value<UInt8>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT16: return value<Int16>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT16: return value<UInt16>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT32: return value<Int32>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT32: return value<UInt32>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_INT64: return value<Int64>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_UINT64: return value<UInt64>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_FLOAT: return value<float>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_DOUBLE: return value<double>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_STRING: return value<std::string>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_WSTRING: return value<UTF16String>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_BLOB: return value<BLOB>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_DATE: return value<Date>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_TIME: return value<Time>(name, row, useFilter);
case MetaColumn::FDT_TIMESTAMP: return value<DateTime>(name, row, useFilter);
throw UnknownTypeException("Data type not supported.");
Row& RecordSet::row(std::size_t pos)
std::size_t rowCnt = rowCount();
if (0 == rowCnt || pos > rowCnt - 1)
throw RangeException("Invalid recordset row requested.");
RowMap::const_iterator it = _rowMap.find(pos);
Row* pRow = 0;
std::size_t columns = columnCount();
if (it == _rowMap.end())
if (_rowMap.size())
//reuse first row column names and sorting fields to save some memory
pRow = new Row(_rowMap.begin()->second->names(),
for (std::size_t col = 0; col < columns; ++col)
pRow->set(col, value(col, pos));
pRow = new Row;
for (std::size_t col = 0; col < columns; ++col)
pRow->append(metaColumn(static_cast<UInt32>(col)).name(), value(col, pos));
_rowMap.insert(RowMap::value_type(pos, pRow));
pRow = it->second;
poco_check_ptr (pRow);
return *pRow;
std::size_t RecordSet::rowCount() const
poco_assert (extractions().size());
std::size_t rc = subTotalRowCount();
if (!isFiltered()) return rc;
std::size_t counter = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < rc; ++row)
if (isAllowed(row)) ++counter;
return counter;
bool RecordSet::isAllowed(std::size_t row) const
if (!isFiltered()) return true;
return _pFilter->isAllowed(row);
bool RecordSet::moveFirst()
if (subTotalRowCount() > 0)
if (!isFiltered())
_currentRow = 0;
return true;
std::size_t currentRow = 0;
while (!isAllowed(currentRow))
if (currentRow >= subTotalRowCount() - 1) return false;
_currentRow = currentRow;
return true;
else return false;
bool RecordSet::moveNext()
std::size_t currentRow = _currentRow;
if (currentRow >= subTotalRowCount() - 1) return false;
} while (isFiltered() && !isAllowed(currentRow));
_currentRow = currentRow;
return true;
bool RecordSet::movePrevious()
std::size_t currentRow = _currentRow;
if (currentRow <= 0) return false;
} while (isFiltered() && !isAllowed(currentRow));
_currentRow = currentRow;
return true;
bool RecordSet::moveLast()
if (subTotalRowCount() > 0)
std::size_t currentRow = subTotalRowCount() - 1;
if (!isFiltered())
_currentRow = currentRow;
return true;
while (!isAllowed(currentRow))
if (currentRow <= 0) return false;
_currentRow = currentRow;
return true;
else return false;
void RecordSet::setRowFormatter(RowFormatter::Ptr pRowFormatter)
RowMap::iterator it = _rowMap.begin();
RowMap::iterator end = _rowMap.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) it->second->setFormatter(getRowFormatter());
std::ostream& RecordSet::copyNames(std::ostream& os) const
std::string names = (*_pBegin)->namesToString();
if (!names.empty()) os << names;
return os;
std::ostream& RecordSet::copyValues(std::ostream& os, std::size_t offset, std::size_t length) const
RowIterator it = *_pBegin + offset;
RowIterator end = (RowIterator::POSITION_END != length) ? it + length : *_pEnd;
std::copy(it, end, std::ostream_iterator<Row>(os));
return os;
void RecordSet::formatValues(std::size_t offset, std::size_t length) const
RowIterator it = *_pBegin + offset;
RowIterator end = (RowIterator::POSITION_END != length) ? it + length : *_pEnd;
std::string val;
for (; it != end; ++it) it->formatValues();
std::ostream& RecordSet::copy(std::ostream& os, std::size_t offset, std::size_t length) const
RowFormatter& rf = const_cast<RowFormatter&>((*_pBegin)->getFormatter());
if (RowFormatter::FORMAT_PROGRESSIVE == rf.getMode())
os << rf.prefix();
copyValues(os, offset, length);
os << rf.postfix();
formatValues(offset, length);
os << rf.toString();
return os;
void RecordSet::filter(const Poco::AutoPtr<RowFilter>& pFilter)
_pFilter = pFilter;
bool RecordSet::isFiltered() const
return _pFilter && !_pFilter->isEmpty();
void RecordSet::setTotalRowCount(const std::string& sql)
session() << sql, into(_totalRowCount), now;
} } // namespace Poco::Data