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// SQLExecutor.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2015, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "CppUnit/TestCase.h"
#include "SQLExecutor.h"
#include "Poco/String.h"
#include "Poco/ByteOrder.h"
#include "Poco/Format.h"
#include "Poco/Tuple.h"
#include "Poco/Types.h"
#include "Poco/DateTime.h"
#include "Poco/Any.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include "Poco/Data/LOB.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Date.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Time.h"
#include "Poco/Data/StatementImpl.h"
#include "Poco/Data/RecordSet.h"
#include "Poco/Data/Transaction.h"
#include "Poco/Data/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQLException.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace Poco::Data;
using namespace Poco::Data::Keywords;
using Poco::Data::PostgreSQL::PostgreSQLException;
using Poco::Data::PostgreSQL::ConnectionException;
using Poco::Data::PostgreSQL::StatementException;
using Poco::format;
using Poco::ByteOrder;
using Poco::Tuple;
using Poco::DateTime;
using Poco::Any;
using Poco::AnyCast;
using Poco::NotFoundException;
using Poco::InvalidAccessException;
using Poco::BadCastException;
using Poco::RangeException;
struct Person
std::string lastName;
std::string firstName;
std::string address;
int age;
Person(){age = 0;}
Person(const std::string& ln, const std::string& fn, const std::string& adr, int a):lastName(ln), firstName(fn), address(adr), age(a)
bool operator==(const Person& other) const
return lastName == other.lastName && firstName == other.firstName && address == other.address && age == other.age;
bool operator < (const Person& p) const
if (age < p.age)
return true;
if (lastName < p.lastName)
return true;
if (firstName < p.firstName)
return true;
return (address < p.address);
const std::string& operator () () const
/// This method is required so we can extract data to a map!
// we choose the lastName as examplary key
return lastName;
namespace Poco {
namespace Data {
template <>
class TypeHandler<Person>
static void bind(std::size_t pos, const Person& obj, AbstractBinder::Ptr pBinder, AbstractBinder::Direction dir)
// the table is defined as Person (LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR, Address VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3))
poco_assert_dbg (!pBinder.isNull());
pBinder->bind(pos++, obj.lastName, dir);
pBinder->bind(pos++, obj.firstName, dir);
pBinder->bind(pos++, obj.address, dir);
pBinder->bind(pos++, obj.age, dir);
static void prepare(std::size_t pos, const Person& obj, AbstractPreparator::Ptr pPrepare)
// the table is defined as Person (LastName VARCHAR(30), FirstName VARCHAR, Address VARCHAR, Age INTEGER(3))
poco_assert_dbg (!pPrepare.isNull());
pPrepare->prepare(pos++, obj.lastName);
pPrepare->prepare(pos++, obj.firstName);
pPrepare->prepare(pos++, obj.address);
pPrepare->prepare(pos++, obj.age);
static std::size_t size()
return 4;
static void extract(std::size_t pos, Person& obj, const Person& defVal, AbstractExtractor::Ptr pExt)
poco_assert_dbg (!pExt.isNull());
if (!pExt->extract(pos++, obj.lastName))
obj.lastName = defVal.lastName;
if (!pExt->extract(pos++, obj.firstName))
obj.firstName = defVal.firstName;
if (!pExt->extract(pos++, obj.address))
obj.address = defVal.address;
if (!pExt->extract(pos++, obj.age))
obj.age = defVal.age;
TypeHandler(const TypeHandler&);
TypeHandler& operator=(const TypeHandler&);
} } // namespace Poco::Data
SQLExecutor::SQLExecutor(const std::string& name, Poco::Data::Session* pSession):
void SQLExecutor::oidPostgreSQLTest(std::string host, std::string user, std::string pwd, std::string db, std::string port, const char* tableCreateString, const Oid anOIDArray[])
std::string connectionString;
connectionString.append(" ");
connectionString.append(" ");
connectionString.append(" ");
connectionString.append(" ");
PGconn * pConnection = 0;
pConnection = PQconnectdb(connectionString.c_str());
assertTrue (PQstatus(pConnection) == CONNECTION_OK);
PGresult * pResult = 0;
std::string sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Test";
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
std::cout << "Drop Table Test Result: " << PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(pResult)) << std::endl;
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK
|| PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR);
sql = tableCreateString;
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
std::cout << "Create Table Test Result: " << PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(pResult)) << std::endl;
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
sql = "SELECT * FROM Test";
std::string selectStatementName = "SELECT Statement";
pResult = PQprepare(pConnection, selectStatementName.c_str(), sql.c_str(), 0, 0);
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
pResult = PQdescribePrepared(pConnection, selectStatementName.c_str());
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
int fieldCount = PQnfields(pResult);
assertTrue (fieldCount >= 0);
bool wasErrorEncountered = false;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i)
//char* columnFieldName = PQfname(pResult, i);
Oid columnFieldType = PQftype(pResult, i);
//int columnLength = PQfsize(pResult, i); // TODO: Verify this is correct for all the returned types
//int columnPrecision = PQfmod(pResult, i);
if (columnFieldType != anOIDArray[i])
// the binary API has changed - sadness!
wasErrorEncountered = true;
sql = "DROP TABLE Test";
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
if (wasErrorEncountered) {
throw PostgreSQLException("PostgreSQL binary Data type values have changed in this release. Major breakage!");
void SQLExecutor::barebonePostgreSQLTest(std::string host, std::string user, std::string pwd, std::string db, std::string port, const char* tableCreateString)
std::string connectionString;
connectionString.append(" ");
connectionString.append(" ");
connectionString.append(" ");
connectionString.append(" ");
PGconn * pConnection = 0;
pConnection = PQconnectdb(connectionString.c_str());
assertTrue (PQstatus(pConnection) == CONNECTION_OK);
PGresult * pResult = 0;
std::string sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Test";
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
std::cout << "Drop Table Test Result: " << PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(pResult)) << " statement: "<< sql.c_str() << std::endl;
assertTrue ( PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK
|| PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR);
sql = tableCreateString;
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
std::cout << "create Table Test Result: " << PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(pResult)) << " statement: "<< sql.c_str() << std::endl;
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
sql = "INSERT INTO Test VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4::int4,$5::float)";
std::string insertStatementName = "Insert Statement";
pResult = PQprepare(pConnection,
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
std::string str[3] = { "111", "222", "333" };
int fourth = ByteOrder::toNetwork((Poco::UInt32) 4);
float fifth = 1.5;
const char *paramValues[5] = { 0 };
int paramLengths[5] = { 0 };
int paramFormats[5] = { 0 };
paramValues[0] = const_cast<char*>(str[0].c_str());
paramLengths[0] = static_cast<int>(str[0].length());
paramFormats[0] = 0; // text
paramValues[1] = const_cast<char*>(str[1].c_str());
paramLengths[1] = static_cast<int>(str[1].length());
paramFormats[1] = 0; // text
paramValues[2] = const_cast<char*>(str[2].c_str());
paramLengths[2] = static_cast<int>(str[2].length());
paramFormats[2] = 0; // text
paramValues[3] = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fourth);
paramLengths[3] = sizeof(fourth);
paramFormats[3] = 1; // binary
paramValues[4] = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fifth);
paramLengths[4] = sizeof(fifth);
paramLengths[4] = 1; // binary
pResult = PQexecPrepared(pConnection,
1 // ask for binary resilts
std::cout << "exec prepared Test Result: " << PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(pResult)) << " statement: "<< sql.c_str() << std::endl;
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
sql = "SELECT * FROM Test";
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
std::cout << "select * Test Result: " << PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(pResult)) << " statement: "<< sql.c_str() << std::endl;
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK);
assertTrue (PQntuples(pResult) == 1);
char* pSelectResult[5] = { 0 };
int pResultLengths[5] = { 0 };
// column 0
pSelectResult[ 0 ] = PQgetvalue(pResult,
pResultLengths[ 0 ] = PQgetlength(pResult,
assertTrue (pSelectResult[ 0 ] != 0);
assertTrue (pResultLengths[ 0 ] != 0);
// column 1
pSelectResult[ 1 ] = PQgetvalue(pResult,
pResultLengths[ 1 ] = PQgetlength(pResult,
assertTrue (pSelectResult[ 1 ] != 0);
assertTrue (pResultLengths[ 1 ] != 0);
// column 2
pSelectResult[ 2 ] = PQgetvalue(pResult,
pResultLengths[ 2 ] = PQgetlength(pResult,
assertTrue (pSelectResult[ 2 ] != 0);
assertTrue (pResultLengths[ 2 ] != 0);
// column 3
pSelectResult[ 3 ] = PQgetvalue(pResult,
pResultLengths[ 3 ] = PQgetlength(pResult,
assertTrue (pSelectResult[ 3 ] != 0);
assertTrue (pResultLengths[ 3 ] != 0);
// column 4
pSelectResult[ 4 ] = PQgetvalue(pResult,
pResultLengths[ 4 ] = PQgetlength(pResult,
assertTrue (pSelectResult[ 4 ] != 0);
assertTrue (pResultLengths[ 4 ] != 0);
* The binary representation of INT4 is in network byte order, which
* we'd better coerce to the local byte order.
fourth = ByteOrder::fromNetwork(*((Poco::UInt32 *) pSelectResult[ 3 ]));
fifth = *((float *) pSelectResult[ 4 ]);
assertTrue (0 == std::strncmp("111", pSelectResult[0], 3));
assertTrue (0 == std::strncmp("222", pSelectResult[1], 3));
assertTrue (0 == std::strncmp("333", pSelectResult[2], 3));
assertTrue (4 == fourth);
assertTrue (1.5 == fifth);
sql = "DROP TABLE Test";
pResult = PQexec(pConnection, sql.c_str());
assertTrue (PQresultStatus(pResult) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK);
void SQLExecutor::simpleAccess()
std::string funct = "simpleAccess()";
std::string lastName = "lastName";
std::string firstName("firstName");
std::string address("Address");
int age = 133132;
int count = 0;
std::string result;
count = 0;
Statement stmt(*_pSession);
stmt << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(age);//, now;
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT LastName FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (lastName == result);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT Age FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == age);
void SQLExecutor::complexType()
std::string funct = "complexType()";
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(p1), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(p2), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person c1;
Person c2;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE LastName = 'LN1'", into(c1), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (c1 == p1);
void SQLExecutor::simpleAccessVector()
std::string funct = "simpleAccessVector()";
std::vector<std::string> lastNames;
std::vector<std::string> firstNames;
std::vector<std::string> addresses;
std::vector<int> ages;
std::string tableName("Person");
int count = 0;
std::string result;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::vector<std::string> lastNamesR;
std::vector<std::string> firstNamesR;
std::vector<std::string> addressesR;
std::vector<int> agesR;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(lastNamesR), into(firstNamesR), into(addressesR), into(agesR), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ages == agesR);
assertTrue (lastNames == lastNamesR);
assertTrue (firstNames == firstNamesR);
assertTrue (addresses == addressesR);
void SQLExecutor::complexTypeVector()
std::string funct = "complexTypeVector()";
std::vector<Person> people;
people.push_back(Person("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1));
people.push_back(Person("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::vector<Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result == people);
void SQLExecutor::insertVector()
std::string funct = "insertVector()";
std::vector<std::string> str;
int count = 100;
Statement stmt((*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(str)));
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 0);
try { stmt.execute(); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 4);
count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 4);
void SQLExecutor::insertEmptyVector()
std::string funct = "insertEmptyVector()";
std::vector<std::string> str;
*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(str), now;
fail("empty collections should not work");
catch (Poco::Exception&)
void SQLExecutor::insertSingleBulk()
std::string funct = "insertSingleBulk()";
int x = 0;
Statement stmt((*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(x)));
for (x = 0; x < 100; ++x)
std::size_t i = stmt.execute();
assertTrue (i == 1);
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 100);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT SUM(str) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == ((0+99)*100/2));
void SQLExecutor::unsignedInts()
std::string funct = "unsignedInts()";
Poco::UInt32 data = std::numeric_limits<Poco::UInt32>::max();
Poco::UInt32 ret = 0;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT str FROM Strings", into(ret), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ret == data);
void SQLExecutor::floats()
std::string funct = "floats()";
float data = 1.5f;
float ret = 0.0f;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT str FROM Strings", into(ret), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ret == data);
2021-08-22 18:07:06 +03:00
void SQLExecutor::uuids()
std::string funct = "uuids()";
Poco::UUID data("264a1c6f-7af5-43a5-a593-377aff3d2d7d");
Poco::UUID ret;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT str FROM Strings", into(ret), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ret == data);
void SQLExecutor::doubles()
std::string funct = "floats()";
double data = 1.5;
double ret = 0.0;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT str FROM Strings", into(ret), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ret == data);
void SQLExecutor::insertSingleBulkVec()
std::string funct = "insertSingleBulkVec()";
std::vector<int> data;
for (int x = 0; x < 100; ++x)
Statement stmt((*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data)));
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 100);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT SUM(str) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == ((0+99)*100/2));
void SQLExecutor::limits()
std::string funct = "limit()";
std::vector<int> data;
for (int x = 0; x < 100; ++x)
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
std::vector<int> retData;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Strings", into(retData), limit(50), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (retData.size() == 50);
for (int x = 0; x < 50; ++x)
assertTrue (data[x] == retData[x]);
void SQLExecutor::limitZero()
std::string funct = "limitZero()";
std::vector<int> data;
for (int x = 0; x < 100; ++x)
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
std::vector<int> retData;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Strings", into(retData), limit(0), now; }// stupid test, but at least we shouldn't crash
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (retData.size() == 0);
void SQLExecutor::limitOnce()
std::string funct = "limitOnce()";
std::vector<int> data;
for (int x = 0; x < 101; ++x)
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
std::vector<int> retData;
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Strings", into(retData), limit(50), now);
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
assertTrue (retData.size() == 50);
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
assertTrue (retData.size() == 100);
assertTrue (stmt.done());
assertTrue (retData.size() == 101);
for (int x = 0; x < 101; ++x)
assertTrue (data[x] == retData[x]);
void SQLExecutor::limitPrepare()
std::string funct = "limitPrepare()";
std::vector<int> data;
for (int x = 0; x < 100; ++x)
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
std::vector<int> retData;
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Strings", into(retData), limit(50));
assertTrue (retData.size() == 0);
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
try { stmt.execute(); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
assertTrue (retData.size() == 50);
try { stmt.execute(); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (stmt.done());
assertTrue (retData.size() == 100);
try { stmt.execute(); }// will restart execution!
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
assertTrue (retData.size() == 150);
for (int x = 0; x < 150; ++x)
assertTrue (data[x%100] == retData[x]);
void SQLExecutor::prepare()
std::string funct = "prepare()";
std::vector<int> data;
for (int x = 0; x < 100; x += 2)
Statement stmt((*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Strings VALUES ($1)", use(data)));
// stmt should not have been executed when destroyed
int count = 100;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Strings", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 0);
void SQLExecutor::setSimple()
std::string funct = "setSimple()";
std::set<std::string> lastNames;
std::set<std::string> firstNames;
std::set<std::string> addresses;
std::set<int> ages;
std::string tableName("Person");
int count = 0;
std::string result;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::set<std::string> lastNamesR;
std::set<std::string> firstNamesR;
std::set<std::string> addressesR;
std::set<int> agesR;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(lastNamesR), into(firstNamesR), into(addressesR), into(agesR), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ages == agesR);
assertTrue (lastNames == lastNamesR);
assertTrue (firstNames == firstNamesR);
assertTrue (addresses == addressesR);
void SQLExecutor::setComplex()
std::string funct = "setComplex()";
std::set<Person> people;
people.insert(Person("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1));
people.insert(Person("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::set<Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result == people);
void SQLExecutor::setComplexUnique()
std::string funct = "setComplexUnique()";
std::vector<Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 5);
std::set<Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result.size() == 2);
assertTrue (*result.begin() == p1);
assertTrue (*++result.begin() == p2);
void SQLExecutor::multiSetSimple()
std::string funct = "multiSetSimple()";
std::multiset<std::string> lastNames;
std::multiset<std::string> firstNames;
std::multiset<std::string> addresses;
std::multiset<int> ages;
std::string tableName("Person");
int count = 0;
std::string result;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::multiset<std::string> lastNamesR;
std::multiset<std::string> firstNamesR;
std::multiset<std::string> addressesR;
std::multiset<int> agesR;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(lastNamesR), into(firstNamesR), into(addressesR), into(agesR), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ages.size() == agesR.size());
assertTrue (lastNames.size() == lastNamesR.size());
assertTrue (firstNames.size() == firstNamesR.size());
assertTrue (addresses.size() == addressesR.size());
void SQLExecutor::multiSetComplex()
std::string funct = "multiSetComplex()";
std::multiset<Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 5);
std::multiset<Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result.size() == people.size());
void SQLExecutor::mapComplex()
std::string funct = "mapComplex()";
std::map<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN2", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::map<std::string, Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result == people);
void SQLExecutor::mapComplexUnique()
std::string funct = "mapComplexUnique()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN2", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 5);
std::map<std::string, Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result.size() == 2);
void SQLExecutor::multiMapComplex()
std::string funct = "multiMapComplex()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN2", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 5);
std::multimap<std::string, Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result.size() == people.size());
void SQLExecutor::selectIntoSingle()
std::string funct = "selectIntoSingle()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), limit(1), now; }// will return 1 object into one single result
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result == p1);
void SQLExecutor::selectIntoSingleStep()
std::string funct = "selectIntoSingleStep()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), limit(1));
assertTrue (result == p1);
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
assertTrue (result == p2);
assertTrue (stmt.done());
void SQLExecutor::selectIntoSingleFail()
std::string funct = "selectIntoSingleFail()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), limit(2, true), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), limit(1, true), now; // will fail now
fail("hardLimit is set: must fail");
void SQLExecutor::lowerLimitOk()
std::string funct = "lowerLimitOk()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), lowerLimit(2), now; // will return 2 objects into one single result but only room for one!
fail("Not enough space for results");
void SQLExecutor::singleSelect()
std::string funct = "singleSelect()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), limit(1));
assertTrue (result == p1);
assertTrue (!stmt.done());
assertTrue (result == p2);
assertTrue (stmt.done());
void SQLExecutor::lowerLimitFail()
std::string funct = "lowerLimitFail()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), lowerLimit(3), now; // will fail
fail("should fail. not enough data");
void SQLExecutor::combinedLimits()
std::string funct = "combinedLimits()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::vector <Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), lowerLimit(2), upperLimit(2), now; }// will return 2 objects
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result.size() == 2);
assertTrue (result[0] == p1);
assertTrue (result[1] == p2);
void SQLExecutor::ranges()
std::string funct = "range()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
std::vector <Person> result;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), range(2, 2), now; }// will return 2 objects
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (result.size() == 2);
assertTrue (result[0] == p1);
assertTrue (result[1] == p2);
void SQLExecutor::combinedIllegalLimits()
std::string funct = "combinedIllegalLimits()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), lowerLimit(3), upperLimit(2), now;
fail("lower > upper is not allowed");
void SQLExecutor::illegalRange()
std::string funct = "illegalRange()";
std::multimap<std::string, Person> people;
Person p1("LN1", "FN1", "ADDR1", 1);
Person p2("LN2", "FN2", "ADDR2", 2);
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p1));
people.insert(std::make_pair("LN1", p2));
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(people), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 2);
Person result;
*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), range(3, 2), now;
fail("lower > upper is not allowed");
void SQLExecutor::emptyDB()
std::string funct = "emptyDB()";
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 0);
Person result;
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Person", into(result), limit(1));
assertTrue (result.firstName.empty());
assertTrue (stmt.done());
void SQLExecutor::dateTime()
std::string funct = "dateTime()";
std::string lastName("Bart");
std::string firstName("Simpson");
std::string address("Springfield");
DateTime birthday(1980, 4, 1, 5, 45, 12);
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(birthday), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
DateTime bd;
assertTrue (bd != birthday);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT Birthday FROM Person", into(bd), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (bd == birthday);
std::cout << std::endl << RecordSet(*_pSession, "SELECT * FROM Person");
void SQLExecutor::date()
std::string funct = "date()";
std::string lastName("Bart");
std::string firstName("Simpson");
std::string address("Springfield");
Date birthday(1980, 4, 1);
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(birthday), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
Date bd;
assertTrue (bd != birthday);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT Birthday FROM Person", into(bd), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (bd == birthday);
std::cout << std::endl << RecordSet(*_pSession, "SELECT * FROM Person");
void SQLExecutor::time()
std::string funct = "date()";
std::string lastName("Bart");
std::string firstName("Simpson");
std::string address("Springfield");
Time birthday(1, 2, 3);
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(birthday), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
Time bd;
assertTrue (bd != birthday);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT Birthday FROM Person", into(bd), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (bd == birthday);
std::cout << std::endl << RecordSet(*_pSession, "SELECT * FROM Person");
void SQLExecutor::blob(unsigned int bigSize)
std::string funct = "blob()";
std::string lastName("lastname");
std::string firstName("firstname");
std::string address("Address");
// Poco::Data::BLOB img("0123456789", 10);
unsigned char BLOBData[ 10 ] = { 254,253,252,251,4,5,6,7,14,15 };
Poco::Data::BLOB img(BLOBData, 10);
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(img), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
Poco::Data::BLOB res;
assertTrue (res.size() == 0);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT Image FROM Person", into(res), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (res == img);
Poco::Data::BLOB big;
std::vector<unsigned char> v(bigSize, 250);
big.assignRaw(&v[0], (std::size_t) v.size());
assertTrue (big.size() == (std::size_t) bigSize);
try { *_pSession << "DELETE FROM Person", now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(big), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
try { *_pSession << "SELECT Image FROM Person", into(res), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
// assertTrue (res == big);
void SQLExecutor::clobStmt()
std::string funct = "blobStmt()";
std::string lastName("lastname");
std::string firstName("firstname");
std::string address("Address");
Poco::Data::CLOB clob("0123456789", 10);
int count = 0;
Statement ins = (*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(clob));
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
Poco::Data::CLOB res;
poco_assert (res.size() == 0);
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT Story FROM Person", into(res));
try { stmt.execute(); }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
poco_assert (res == clob);
void SQLExecutor::blobStmt()
std::string funct = "blobStmt()";
std::string lastName("lastname");
std::string firstName("firstname");
std::string address("Address");
2021-08-22 18:07:06 +03:00
unsigned char BLOBData[ 10 ] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,15 };
Poco::Data::BLOB blob(BLOBData, 10);
int count = 0;
Statement ins = (*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(blob));
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
Poco::Data::BLOB res;
poco_assert (res.size() == 0);
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT Image FROM Person", into(res));
try { stmt.execute(); }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
poco_assert (res == blob);
void SQLExecutor::tuples()
typedef Tuple<int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int> TupleType;
std::string funct = "tuples()";
TupleType t(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19);
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Tuples VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20)", use(t), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
TupleType ret(-10,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,-19);
assertTrue (ret != t);
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Tuples", into(ret), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ret == t);
void SQLExecutor::tupleVector()
typedef Tuple<int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int> TupleType;
std::string funct = "tupleVector()";
TupleType t(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19);
TupleType t100(100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119);
std::vector<TupleType> v;
try { *_pSession << "INSERT INTO Tuples VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20)", use(v), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tuples", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (v.size() == (std::size_t) count);
std::vector<Tuple<int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int> > ret;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Tuples", into(ret), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (ret == v);
void SQLExecutor::internalExtraction()
typedef Poco::Int32 IntType;
std::string funct = "internalExtraction()";
*_pSession << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Vectors", now;
*_pSession << "CREATE TABLE Vectors (int0 INTEGER, flt0 REAL, str0 VARCHAR)", now;
std::vector<Tuple<int, double, std::string> > v;
v.push_back(Tuple<int, double, std::string>(1, 1.5, "3"));
v.push_back(Tuple<int, double, std::string>(2, 2.5, "4"));
v.push_back(Tuple<int, double, std::string>(3, 3.5, "5"));
v.push_back(Tuple<int, double, std::string>(4, 4.5, "6"));
*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Vectors VALUES ($1,$2,$3)", use(v), now;
Statement stmt = (*_pSession << "SELECT * FROM Vectors", now);
RecordSet rset(stmt);
assertTrue (3 == rset.columnCount());
assertTrue (4 == rset.rowCount());
RecordSet rset2(rset);
assertTrue (3 == rset2.columnCount());
assertTrue (4 == rset2.rowCount());
IntType a = 0;
try { a = rset.value<IntType>(0, 2); }
catch (Poco::BadCastException& bce) { std::cout << bce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (3 == a);
int c = rset2.value(0);
assertTrue (1 == c);
IntType b = rset2.value<IntType>("int0", 2);
assertTrue (3 == b);
double d = 0.;
try { d = rset.value<double>(1, 0); }
catch (Poco::BadCastException& bce) { std::cout << bce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (1.5 == d);
std::string s;
try { s = rset.value<std::string>(2, 1); }
catch (Poco::BadCastException& bce) { std::cout << bce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue ("4" == s);
typedef std::deque<IntType> IntDeq;
const Column<IntDeq>& col = rset.column<IntDeq>(0);
assertTrue (col[0] == 1);
try { rset.column<IntDeq>(100); fail("must fail"); }
catch (Poco::RangeException&) {}
const Column<IntDeq>& col1 = rset.column<IntDeq>(0);
assertTrue ("int0" == col1.name());
Column<IntDeq>::Iterator it = col1.begin();
Column<IntDeq>::Iterator itEnd = col1.end();
int counter = 1;
for (; it != itEnd; ++it, ++counter)
assertTrue (counter == *it);
rset = (*_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM Vectors", now);
Poco::Int64 big = 0;
try { big = rset.value<Poco::Int64>(0,0);}
catch (Poco::BadCastException& bce) { std::cout << bce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (4 == big);
s = rset.value("cnt", 0).convert<std::string>();
assertTrue ("4" == s);
stmt = (*_pSession << "DELETE FROM Vectors", now);
rset = stmt;
try { rset.column<IntDeq>(0); fail("must fail"); }
catch (RangeException&) {}
void SQLExecutor::doNull()
std::string funct = "null()";
*_pSession << "INSERT INTO Vectors VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
use(Poco::Data::Keywords::null), now;
int count = 0;
try { *_pSession << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Vectors", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
int i0 = 0;
Statement stmt1 = (*_pSession << "SELECT i0 FROM Vectors", into(i0, Poco::Data::Position(0), -1));
try { stmt1.execute(); }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
poco_assert (i0 == -1);
float flt0 = 0;
Statement stmt2 = (*_pSession << "SELECT flt0 FROM Vectors", into(flt0, Poco::Data::Position(0), 3.25f));
try { stmt2.execute(); }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
poco_assert (flt0 == 3.25);
std::string str0("string");
Statement stmt3 = (*_pSession << "SELECT str0 FROM Vectors", into(str0, Poco::Data::Position(0), std::string("DEFAULT")));
try { stmt3.execute(); }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
poco_assert (str0 == "DEFAULT");
void SQLExecutor::setTransactionIsolation(Session& session, Poco::UInt32 ti)
if (session.hasTransactionIsolation(ti))
std::string funct = "setTransactionIsolation()";
Transaction t(session, false);
assertTrue (ti == t.getIsolation());
assertTrue (t.isIsolation(ti));
assertTrue (ti == session.getTransactionIsolation());
assertTrue (session.isTransactionIsolation(ti));
catch(Poco::Exception& e){ std::cout << funct << ':' << e.displayText() << std::endl;}
std::cout << "Transaction isolation not supported: ";
switch (ti)
std::cout << "READ COMMITTED"; break;
std::cout << "READ UNCOMMITTED"; break;
std::cout << "REPEATABLE READ"; break;
std::cout << "SERIALIZABLE"; break;
std::cout << "UNKNOWN"; break;
std::cout << std::endl;
void SQLExecutor::sessionTransaction(const std::string& connect)
if (!_pSession->canTransact())
std::cout << "Session not capable of transactions." << std::endl;
Session local("postgresql", connect);
local.setFeature("autoCommit", true);
std::string funct = "transaction()";
std::vector<std::string> lastNames;
std::vector<std::string> firstNames;
std::vector<std::string> addresses;
std::vector<int> ages;
std::string tableName("Person");
int count = 0, locCount = 0;
std::string result;
bool autoCommit = _pSession->getFeature("autoCommit");
// Next four lines inverted as autoCommit set to true is the normal mode
// autocommit set to false is the same as issuing a "begin" statement
_pSession->setFeature("autoCommit", false);
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
_pSession->setFeature("autoCommit", true);
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
setTransactionIsolation((*_pSession), Session::TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED);
setTransactionIsolation((*_pSession), Session::TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ);
setTransactionIsolation((*_pSession), Session::TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
setTransactionIsolation((*_pSession), Session::TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
try { (*_pSession) << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (2 == count);
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (0 == count);
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
try { (*_pSession) << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (2 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (2 == count);
_pSession->setFeature("autoCommit", autoCommit); // redundant but ok
void SQLExecutor::transaction(const std::string& connect)
if (!_pSession->canTransact())
std::cout << "Session not transaction-capable." << std::endl;
Session local("postgresql", connect);
local.setFeature("autoCommit", true);
setTransactionIsolation((*_pSession), Session::TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
setTransactionIsolation(local, Session::TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
std::string funct = "transaction()";
std::vector<std::string> lastNames;
std::vector<std::string> firstNames;
std::vector<std::string> addresses;
std::vector<int> ages;
std::string tableName("Person");
int count = 0, locCount = 0;
std::string result;
bool autoCommit = _pSession->getFeature("autoCommit");
_pSession->setFeature("autoCommit", false);
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
_pSession->setFeature("autoCommit", true);
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
Transaction trans((*_pSession));
assertTrue (trans.isActive());
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
try { (*_pSession) << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
assertTrue (trans.isActive());
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (2 == count);
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
assertTrue (trans.isActive());
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (0 == count);
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
Transaction trans((*_pSession));
try { (*_pSession) << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastNames), use(firstNames), use(addresses), use(ages), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
assertTrue (_pSession->isTransaction());
assertTrue (trans.isActive());
assertTrue (!_pSession->isTransaction());
assertTrue (!trans.isActive());
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (2 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (2 == count);
try { (*_pSession) << "DELETE FROM Person", now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (2 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (0 == count);
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
std::string sql1 = format("INSERT INTO Person VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',%d)", lastNames[0], firstNames[0], addresses[0], ages[0]);
std::string sql2 = format("INSERT INTO Person VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',%d)", lastNames[1], firstNames[1], addresses[1], ages[1]);
std::vector<std::string> sql;
Transaction trans((*_pSession));
trans.execute(sql1, false);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (1 == count);
trans.execute(sql2, false);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (2 == count);
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (0 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (0 == count);
local << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(locCount), now;
assertTrue (2 == locCount);
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT count(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (2 == count);
_pSession->setFeature("autoCommit", autoCommit);
void SQLExecutor::reconnect()
std::string funct = "reconnect()";
std::string lastName = "lastName";
std::string firstName("firstName");
std::string address("Address");
int age = 133132;
int count = 0;
std::string result;
try { (*_pSession) << "INSERT INTO Person VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)", use(lastName), use(firstName), use(address), use(age), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
count = 0;
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == 1);
assertTrue (_pSession->isConnected());
assertTrue (!_pSession->isConnected());
(*_pSession) << "SELECT LastName FROM Person", into(result), now;
fail ("must fail");
catch(NotConnectedException&){ }
assertTrue (!_pSession->isConnected());
assertTrue (_pSession->isConnected());
try { (*_pSession) << "SELECT Age FROM Person", into(count), now; }
catch(ConnectionException& ce){ std::cout << ce.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
catch(StatementException& se){ std::cout << se.displayText() << std::endl; fail (funct); }
assertTrue (count == age);
assertTrue (_pSession->isConnected());