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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Handle/Connection.hpp"
#include "Account.hpp"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ConnHnd::Validate() const
// Is the handle valid?
if ((m_Hnd == nullptr) || (m_Hnd->mPtr == nullptr))
STHROWF("Invalid MySQL connection reference");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(SQMOD_EXCEPTLOC)
void ConnHnd::Handle::ThrowCurrent(CCStr act, CCStr file, Int32 line)
void ConnHnd::Handle::ThrowCurrent(CCStr act)
#endif // _DEBUG
// Grab the error number and message
mErrNo = mysql_errno(mPtr);
// Throw the exception with the resulted message
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(SQMOD_EXCEPTLOC)
throw Sqrat::Exception(FmtStr("%s (%u) : %s =>[%s:%d]", act,
mErrNo, mErrStr.c_str(), file, line));
throw Sqrat::Exception(FmtStr("%s (%u) : %s", act,
mErrNo, mErrStr.c_str()));
#endif // _DEBUG
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ConnHnd::Handle::Handle(const Account & acc)
: mPtr(mysql_init(NULL))
, mRef(0)
, mErrNo(0)
, mErrStr(_SC(""))
, mPort(acc.GetPortNum())
, mHost(acc.GetHost())
, mUser(acc.GetUser())
, mPass(acc.GetPass())
, mName(acc.GetName())
, mSocket(acc.GetSocket())
, mFlags(acc.GetFlags())
, mSSL_Key(acc.GetSSL_Key())
, mSSL_Cert(acc.GetSSL_Cert())
, mSSL_CA(acc.GetSSL_CA())
, mSSL_CA_Path(acc.GetSSL_CA_Path())
, mSSL_Cipher(acc.GetSSL_Cipher())
, mCharset()
, mAutoCommit(acc.GetAutoCommit())
, mInTransaction(false)
// See if a connection handle could be initialized
if (!mPtr)
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Cannot create MYSQL object");
// Attempt to configure SSL if specified
else if (!mSSL_Key.empty() && mysql_ssl_set(mPtr, mSSL_Key.c_str(), mSSL_Cert.c_str(), mSSL_CA.c_str(),
mSSL_CA_Path.c_str(), mSSL_Cipher.c_str()) != 0)
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Cannot configure SSL");
// Attempt to connect to the specified server
else if (!mysql_real_connect(mPtr, mHost.c_str(), mUser.c_str(), mPass.c_str(),
mName.empty() ? nullptr : mName.c_str(), mPort,
mSocket.empty() ? nullptr : mSocket.c_str(), mFlags))
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Cannot connect to database");
// Attempt configure the auto-commit option
else if (mysql_autocommit(mPtr, mAutoCommit) != 0)
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Cannot configure auto-commit");
// Get iterators to the options container
Account::Options::const_iterator itr = acc.GetOptions().cbegin();
Account::Options::const_iterator end = acc.GetOptions().cend();
// Process each option in the container
for (String sql(128, 0); itr != end; ++itr)
// Prepare the SQL query that applies the option
sql.assign("SET OPTION ");
// Execute the resulted query
if (Execute(sql.c_str(), static_cast< Ulong >(sql.size())) != 1)
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Unable to apply option");
MY_CHARSET_INFO charsetinfo;
// Grab the information about the current character set
mysql_get_character_set_info(mPtr, &charsetinfo);
// We only need the character set name
if (charsetinfo.name != nullptr)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ConnHnd::Handle::Disconnect()
if (mPtr != nullptr)
// mysql_init() called mysql_thread_init() therefore it needs to clear memory
// when the MYSQL handle is closed
// Prevent further use of this handle
mPtr = nullptr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uint64 ConnHnd::Handle::Execute(CSStr query, Ulong size)
// Make sure that we are connected
if (!mPtr)
STHROWF("Invalid MySQL connection");
// Make sure the specified query is valid
else if (!query || *query == '\0')
STHROWF("Invalid or empty MySQL query");
// Are we supposed to compute the size?
else if (!size)
size = std::strlen(query);
// Attempt to execute the specified query
2016-06-05 05:36:33 +03:00
else if (mysql_query(mPtr, query) != 0)
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Unable to execute query");
// Where the number of affected rows will be stored
Uint64 affected = 0UL;
// Count the number of affected rows by any "upsert" statement
while (true)
// Attempt to retrieve a buffered result set from the executed query
ResType * result = mysql_store_result(mPtr);
// If we have a result, then this was a SELECT statement and we should not count it
// because it returns the number of selected rows and not modified/affected
if (result)
// Just, free the memory associated with the obtained result set
// Non SELCT queries should have a field count of 0
else if (mysql_field_count(mPtr) == 0)
// Sum the number of affected rows by this statement
affected += mysql_affected_rows(mPtr);
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Unable to count affected rows");
// Prepare the next result from the executed query
// If return code is 0 then we have a result ready to process
const Int32 status = mysql_next_result(mPtr);
// If return code is higher than 0 then an error occurred
if (status > 0)
THROW_CURRENT_HND((*this), "Unable to prepare next result");
// If return code is less than 0 then there are no results left
else if (status < 0)
// Return the number of affected rows
return affected;
} // Namespace:: SqMod