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// EVPTest.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2008, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include "EVPTest.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/RSAKey.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/ECKey.h"
#include "Poco/Crypto/EVPPKey.h"
#include "Poco/TemporaryFile.h"
#include "Poco/StreamCopier.h"
#include "CppUnit/TestCaller.h"
#include "CppUnit/TestSuite.h"
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace Poco::Crypto;
using Poco::TemporaryFile;
using Poco::StreamCopier;
EVPTest::EVPTest(const std::string& name): CppUnit::TestCase(name)
void EVPTest::testRSAEVPPKey()
std::unique_ptr<RSAKey> key(new RSAKey(RSAKey::KL_1024, RSAKey::EXP_SMALL));
assertTrue(key->type() == Poco::Crypto::KeyPair::KT_RSA);
// construct EVPPKey from RSAKey*
EVPPKey* pKey = new EVPPKey(key.get());
// EVPPKey increments reference count, so freeing the original must be ok
assertTrue (!pKey->isSupported(0));
assertTrue (!pKey->isSupported(-1));
assertTrue (pKey->isSupported(pKey->type()));
assertTrue (pKey->type() == EVP_PKEY_RSA);
// construct RSAKey from const EVPPKey&
key.reset(new RSAKey(*pKey));
delete pKey;
assertTrue(key->type() == Poco::Crypto::KeyPair::KT_RSA);
// construct EVPPKey from RSAKey*
pKey = new EVPPKey(key.get());
assertTrue (pKey->type() == EVP_PKEY_RSA);
BIO* bioPriv1 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO* bioPub1 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv1, *pKey, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub1, *pKey));
char* pPrivData1;
long sizePriv1 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv1, &pPrivData1);
char* pPubData1;
long sizePub1 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub1, &pPubData1);
// construct EVPPKey from EVP_PKEY*
EVPPKey evpPKey(pKey->operator EVP_PKEY*());
// EVPPKey makes duplicate, so freeing the original must be ok
delete pKey;
assertTrue (evpPKey.type() == EVP_PKEY_RSA);
BIO* bioPriv2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO* bioPub2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv2, evpPKey, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub2, evpPKey));
char* pPrivData2;
long sizePriv2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv2, &pPrivData2);
char* pPubData2;
long sizePub2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub2, &pPubData2);
assertTrue (sizePriv1 && (sizePriv1 == sizePriv2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPrivData1, pPrivData2, sizePriv1));
assertTrue (sizePub1 && (sizePub1 == sizePub2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPubData1, pPubData2, sizePub1));
// copy
EVPPKey evpPKey2(evpPKey);
assertTrue (evpPKey2.type() == EVP_PKEY_RSA);
bioPriv2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
bioPub2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv2, evpPKey2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub2, evpPKey2));
sizePriv2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv2, &pPrivData2);
sizePub2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub2, &pPubData2);
assertTrue (sizePriv1 && (sizePriv1 == sizePriv2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPrivData1, pPrivData2, sizePriv1));
assertTrue (sizePub1 && (sizePub1 == sizePub2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPubData1, pPubData2, sizePub1));
// move
EVPPKey evpPKey3(std::move(evpPKey2));
assertTrue (evpPKey3.type() == EVP_PKEY_RSA);
bioPriv2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
bioPub2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv2, evpPKey3, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub2, evpPKey3));
sizePriv2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv2, &pPrivData2);
sizePub2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub2, &pPubData2);
assertTrue (sizePriv1 && (sizePriv1 == sizePriv2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPrivData1, pPrivData2, sizePriv1));
assertTrue (sizePub1 && (sizePub1 == sizePub2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPubData1, pPubData2, sizePub1));
catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
void EVPTest::testRSAEVPSaveLoadStream()
RSAKey rsaKey(RSAKey::KL_1024, RSAKey::EXP_SMALL);
EVPPKey key(&rsaKey);
std::ostringstream strPub;
std::ostringstream strPriv;
key.save(&strPub, &strPriv, "testpwd");
std::string pubKey = strPub.str();
std::string privKey = strPriv.str();
// now do the round trip
std::istringstream iPub(pubKey);
std::istringstream iPriv(privKey);
EVPPKey key2(&iPub, &iPriv, "testpwd");
assertTrue (key == key2);
assertTrue (!(key != key2));
RSAKey rsaKeyNE(RSAKey::KL_1024, RSAKey::EXP_LARGE);
EVPPKey keyNE(&rsaKeyNE);
assertTrue (key != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key == keyNE));
assertTrue (key2 != keyNE);;
assertTrue (!(key2 == keyNE));
std::ostringstream strPub2;
std::ostringstream strPriv2;
key2.save(&strPub2, &strPriv2, "testpwd");
assertTrue (strPub2.str() == pubKey);
std::istringstream iPriv2(strPriv2.str());
EVPPKey key3(0, &iPriv2, "testpwd");
std::ostringstream strPub3;
assertTrue (strPub3.str() == pubKey);
void EVPTest::testRSAEVPSaveLoadStreamNoPass()
RSAKey rsaKey(RSAKey::KL_1024, RSAKey::EXP_SMALL);
EVPPKey key(&rsaKey);
std::ostringstream strPub;
std::ostringstream strPriv;
key.save(&strPub, &strPriv);
std::string pubKey = strPub.str();
std::string privKey = strPriv.str();
// now do the round trip
std::istringstream iPub(pubKey);
std::istringstream iPriv(privKey);
EVPPKey key2(&iPub, &iPriv);
assertTrue (key == key2);
assertTrue (!(key != key2));
RSAKey rsaKeyNE(RSAKey::KL_1024, RSAKey::EXP_LARGE);
EVPPKey keyNE(&rsaKeyNE);
assertTrue (key != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key == keyNE));
assertTrue (key2 != keyNE);;
assertTrue (!(key2 == keyNE));
std::istringstream iPriv2(privKey);
EVPPKey key3(0, &iPriv2);
std::ostringstream strPub3;
std::string pubFromPrivate = strPub3.str();
assertTrue (pubFromPrivate == pubKey);
void EVPTest::testECEVPPKey()
std::string curveName = ECKey::getCurveName();
if (!curveName.empty())
EVPPKey* pKey = new EVPPKey(curveName);
assertTrue (pKey != 0);
assertTrue (!pKey->isSupported(0));
assertTrue (!pKey->isSupported(-1));
assertTrue (pKey->isSupported(pKey->type()));
assertTrue (pKey->type() == EVP_PKEY_EC);
BIO* bioPriv1 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO* bioPub1 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv1, *pKey, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub1, *pKey));
char* pPrivData1;
long sizePriv1 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv1, &pPrivData1);
char* pPubData1;
long sizePub1 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub1, &pPubData1);
// construct EVPPKey from EVP_PKEY*
EVPPKey evpPKey(pKey->operator EVP_PKEY*());
assertTrue (evpPKey.type() == EVP_PKEY_EC);
// EVPPKey makes duplicate, so freeing the original must be ok
delete pKey;
BIO* bioPriv2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO* bioPub2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv2, evpPKey, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub2, evpPKey));
char* pPrivData2;
long sizePriv2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv2, &pPrivData2);
char* pPubData2;
long sizePub2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub2, &pPubData2);
assertTrue (sizePriv1 && (sizePriv1 == sizePriv2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPrivData1, pPrivData2, sizePriv1));
assertTrue (sizePub1 && (sizePub1 == sizePub2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPubData1, pPubData2, sizePub1));
// copy
EVPPKey evpPKey2(evpPKey);
assertTrue (evpPKey2.type() == EVP_PKEY_EC);
bioPriv2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
bioPub2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv2, evpPKey2, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub2, evpPKey2));
sizePriv2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv2, &pPrivData2);
sizePub2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub2, &pPubData2);
assertTrue (sizePriv1 && (sizePriv1 == sizePriv2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPrivData1, pPrivData2, sizePriv1));
assertTrue (sizePub1 && (sizePub1 == sizePub2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPubData1, pPubData2, sizePub1));
// move
EVPPKey evpPKey3(std::move(evpPKey2));
assertTrue (evpPKey3.type() == EVP_PKEY_EC);
bioPriv2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
bioPub2 = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bioPriv2, evpPKey3, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL));
assertTrue (0 != PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bioPub2, evpPKey3));
sizePriv2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPriv2, &pPrivData2);
sizePub2 = BIO_get_mem_data(bioPub2, &pPubData2);
assertTrue (sizePriv1 && (sizePriv1 == sizePriv2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPrivData1, pPrivData2, sizePriv1));
assertTrue (sizePub1 && (sizePub1 == sizePub2));
assertTrue (0 == memcmp(pPubData1, pPubData2, sizePub1));
std::cerr << "No elliptic curves found!" << std::endl;
catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
void EVPTest::testECEVPSaveLoadStream()
std::string curveName = ECKey::getCurveName();
if (!curveName.empty())
EVPPKey key(curveName);
std::ostringstream strPub;
std::ostringstream strPriv;
key.save(&strPub, &strPriv, "testpwd");
std::string pubKey = strPub.str();
std::string privKey = strPriv.str();
// now do the round trip
std::istringstream iPub(pubKey);
std::istringstream iPriv(privKey);
EVPPKey key2(&iPub, &iPriv, "testpwd");
std::ostringstream strPubE;
std::ostringstream strPrivE;
key2.save(&strPubE, &strPrivE, "testpwd");
assertTrue (strPubE.str() == pubKey);
assertTrue (key == key2);
assertTrue (!(key != key2));
ECKey ecKeyNE(curveName);
EVPPKey keyNE(&ecKeyNE);
assertTrue (key != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key == keyNE));
assertTrue (key2 != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key2 == keyNE));
std::ostringstream strPub2;
std::ostringstream strPriv2;
key2.save(&strPub2, &strPriv2, "testpwd");
assertTrue (strPub2.str() == pubKey);
std::istringstream iPriv2(strPriv2.str());
EVPPKey key3(0, &iPriv2, "testpwd");
std::ostringstream strPub3;
std::string pubFromPrivate = strPub3.str();
assertTrue (pubFromPrivate == pubKey);
std::cerr << "No elliptic curves found!" << std::endl;
catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
void EVPTest::testECEVPSaveLoadStreamNoPass()
std::string curveName = ECKey::getCurveName();
if (!curveName.empty())
EVPPKey key(curveName);
std::ostringstream strPub;
std::ostringstream strPriv;
key.save(&strPub, &strPriv);
std::string pubKey = strPub.str();
std::string privKey = strPriv.str();
// now do the round trip
std::istringstream iPub(pubKey);
std::istringstream iPriv(privKey);
EVPPKey key2(&iPub, &iPriv);
std::ostringstream strPubE;
std::ostringstream strPrivE;
key2.save(&strPubE, &strPrivE);
assertTrue (strPubE.str() == pubKey);
assertTrue (key == key2);
assertTrue (!(key != key2));
ECKey ecKeyNE(curveName);
EVPPKey keyNE(&ecKeyNE);
assertTrue (key != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key == keyNE));
assertTrue (key2 != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key2 == keyNE));
std::ostringstream strPub2;
std::ostringstream strPriv2;
key2.save(&strPub2, &strPriv2);
assertTrue (strPub2.str() == pubKey);
assertTrue (strPriv2.str() == privKey);
std::istringstream iPriv2(privKey);
EVPPKey key3(0, &iPriv2);
std::ostringstream strPub3;
std::string pubFromPrivate = strPub3.str();
assertTrue (pubFromPrivate == pubKey);
std::cerr << "No elliptic curves found!" << std::endl;
catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
void EVPTest::testECEVPSaveLoadFile()
std::string curveName = ECKey::getCurveName();
if (!curveName.empty())
EVPPKey key(curveName);
TemporaryFile filePub;
TemporaryFile filePriv;
key.save(filePub.path(), filePriv.path(), "testpwd");
std::ifstream ifPub(filePub.path().c_str());
std::ifstream ifPriv(filePriv.path().c_str());
std::string pubKey;
std::string privKey;
StreamCopier::copyToString(ifPub, pubKey);
StreamCopier::copyToString(ifPriv, privKey);
EVPPKey key2(filePub.path(), filePriv.path(), "testpwd");
std::ostringstream strPubE;
std::ostringstream strPrivE;
key2.save(&strPubE, &strPrivE, "testpwd");
assertTrue (strPubE.str() == pubKey);
assertTrue (key == key2);
assertTrue (!(key != key2));
ECKey ecKeyNE(curveName);
EVPPKey keyNE(&ecKeyNE);
assertTrue (key != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key == keyNE));
assertTrue (key2 != keyNE);
assertTrue (!(key2 == keyNE));
std::ostringstream strPub2;
std::ostringstream strPriv2;
key2.save(&strPub2, &strPriv2, "testpwd");
assertTrue (strPub2.str() == pubKey);
EVPPKey key3("", filePriv.path(), "testpwd");
std::ostringstream strPub3;
std::string pubFromPrivate = strPub3.str();
assertTrue (pubFromPrivate == pubKey);
std::cerr << "No elliptic curves found!" << std::endl;
catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
void EVPTest::testECEVPSaveLoadFileNoPass()
std::string curveName = ECKey::getCurveName();
if (!curveName.empty())
EVPPKey key(curveName);
TemporaryFile filePub;
TemporaryFile filePriv;
key.save(filePub.path(), filePriv.path());
std::ifstream ifPub(filePub.path().c_str());
std::ifstream ifPriv(filePriv.path().c_str());
std::string pubKey;
std::string privKey;
StreamCopier::copyToString(ifPub, pubKey);
StreamCopier::copyToString(ifPriv, privKey);
EVPPKey key2(filePub.path(), filePriv.path());
std::ostringstream strPub2;
std::ostringstream strPriv2;
key2.save(&strPub2, &strPriv2);
assertTrue (strPub2.str() == pubKey);
EVPPKey key3("", filePriv.path());
std::ostringstream strPub3;
std::string pubFromPrivate = strPub3.str();
assertTrue (pubFromPrivate == pubKey);
std::cerr << "No elliptic curves found!" << std::endl;
catch (Poco::Exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.displayText() << std::endl;
void EVPTest::setUp()
void EVPTest::tearDown()
CppUnit::Test* EVPTest::suite()
CppUnit::TestSuite* pSuite = new CppUnit::TestSuite("EVPTest");
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testRSAEVPPKey);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testRSAEVPSaveLoadStream);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testRSAEVPSaveLoadStreamNoPass);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testECEVPPKey);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testECEVPSaveLoadStream);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testECEVPSaveLoadStreamNoPass);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testECEVPSaveLoadFile);
CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, EVPTest, testECEVPSaveLoadFileNoPass);
return pSuite;